Documents mis - chap009.ppt

1. Chapter 9 DevelopingBusiness/Information Technology Strategies 2. Learning Objectives Discuss the role of planning in the business use of information technology, using…

Documents S424. Soa Mainframe Practices Best And Worst

1. S424. Mainframe Service Architecture and EnablementBest and Worst Practices• Michael Erichsen,Chief Consultant, CSC• Stockholm, 8 June 2011CSC Proprietary and Confidential…

Documents PPT

1. Tackling with SOA when scaling up to integrating between Enterprises Dr. Pierfranco Ferronato Chief Architect [email_address] 2. This work is licensed under a Creative…

Technology System

1. SYSTEM & SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE Elements, Definitions, Representation 2. Requirements System Design Detailed Design Implementation Installation & Testing Maintenance…

Documents ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 14Slide 1 Chapter 14 Design with.....

Slide 1©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 14Slide 1 Chapter 14 Design with Reuse Slide 2 ©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering, 6th edition.…

Documents 1 Component-Based Development With Catalysis Daryl Winters Component Architects July 19, 2001.

Slide 11 Component-Based Development With Catalysis Daryl Winters Component Architects July 19, 2001 Slide 2 2 Why Components? A practical way to organize and package systems…

Documents Architecture-based Evolution of Software Systems José Luiz Fiadeiro Architecture-based Evolution of...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Architecture-based Evolution of Software Systems José Luiz Fiadeiro Architecture-based Evolution of Software Systems Luís Andrade João Gouveia Georgios…

Documents Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. Self-Adaptation The complexity of current...

Slide 1 Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems Slide 2 Self-Adaptation The complexity of current software-based systems has led the software engineering community…

Technology Yes, Policies Can Speed Development

1. Yes, Policies Can Speed Development Go Fast. Be Secure. The Webinar will start at 12 PM EDT Tweet your thoughts: #sonatype The Component Lifecycle Management Company 2.…

Technology Golden Repository

1. The Golden Repository of Yesterday is NOT the Answer Go Fast. Be Secure. The Webinar will start at 12 PM EDT Tweet your thoughts: #sonatype The Component Lifecycle Management…