Documents tagged
Data & Analytics Oracle vs NoSQL – The good, the bad and the ugly

A good understanding of NoSQL database technologies that can be used to support a Big Data implementation is essential for today’s Oracle professional. This was discussed…

Documents google을 지탱하는 기술

1. 2. 3. 4. GFS – 분산 파일 시스템 Bigtable – 분산 스토리지 시스템 Chubby – 분산 잠금 서비스 HDD vs SSD GFS What is GFS? Distributed File System?…

Documents PostgreSQL and NoSQL

Perspectives on NoSQL PGCon 2010 Gavin M. Roy Thursday, May 20, 2010 What is NoSQL? “NoSQL is a movement promoting a loosely defined class of nonrelational data stores…

Technology Kafka 0.8.0 Presentation to Atlanta Java User's Group March 2013

1. Introduction to Apache KafkaChris CurtinHead of Technical ResearchAtlanta Java Users Group March 2013 2. About Me• 20+ years in technology• Head of Technical Research…

Documents Storage Infrastructure Behind Facebook Messages

1. Storage Infrastructure Behind Facebook Messages Using HBase at Scale Jianfeng Zhang 2. • HBase is an open source, non-relational, distributed database modeled after…

Technology Big Data and its emergence

1.  Kalpesh Pradhan (@kalpeshpradhan)  Sr. Developer, Hungama Digital Media Pvt Ltd.  Designed solution for migrating SQL database to NoSQL  Contributed skills…

Technology Cassandra presentation

1. Cassandra How Stuff Works Sergey Enin ([email protected]) 2. AGENDAAgendaIntroduction ArchitecturePartitioning & Replication Data management Data model 2 3. Introduction3…

Technology Apache Cassandra 2.0

1. Apache Cassandra 2.0 Joe Stein 2. About me  Tweets @allthingshadoop  All Things Hadoop Blog & Podcast –…

Technology Security approaches in BigTable-like storage systems

1. Security approaches in BigTable-likestorage systems22951 Research Seminar: Information Security and PrivacyJuly 2014Open University of IsraelGrisha Weintraub 2. Abstract•…

Technology Bulk Loading Data into Cassandra

1. Planet Cassandra 2014Bulk-Loading Data into Cassandra Patricia Gorla@patriciagorlaCassandra 2. About Us •Work with clients to deliver…