Documents tagged
Technology jQuery: The World's Most Popular JavaScript Library Comes to XPages

1. jQuery comes to XPagesTweet about this event: #xpagesand mention us: @teamstudio @TLCCLTD @markyrodenJune 20, 2013 2.…

Technology The Autobahn Has No Speed Limit - Your XPages Shouldn't Either!

1.The Autobahn Has no Speed Limit – Your XPages Shouldn’t Either Tweet about this event: #xpages and mention us: @teamstudio @TLCCLTD @eknori October 17, 20132. Taline…

Technology Communications-Enabling Web and Mobile Apps

1. Communications-Enabling Web and MobileApplicationsmoderator: martin steinmannparticipants: cristi starasciuc, mircea carasel, mike picherMarch 11, 2013 / Bentley University…

Presentations & Public Speaking SIPfoundry CoLab 2013 - Communications-enabling Web and Mobile Applications

1. Communications-Enabling Web and MobileApplicationsmoderator: martin steinmannparticipants: cristi starasciuc, mircea carasel, mike picherMarch 11, 2013 / Bentley University…

Documents 5th European Space Weather Week Brussels, 17-21 November 2008 European Resources for Space Weather.....

Slide 1 5th European Space Weather Week Brussels, 17-21 November 2008 European Resources for Space Weather Applications An Overview of Existing and Planned Data, Tools and…

Documents Ronald Van der Linden

SWB is a quick-look solar data browser It’s an answer to a challenge regarding science data access: Solar data & metadata are spread over the Internet New observatories…


PowerPoint-presentatie OUTDOOR HEATING ROAD ADD ONâs INFRA RED Outdoor heating Lamp posts Speed control Road pricing Traffic guidance Road signs Dynamic traffic management…

Documents jQuery Comes to XPages

1.jQuery comes to XPages Tweet about this event: #xpagesand mention us: @teamstudio @TLCCLTD @markyrodenApril 23, 20132. @teamstudioTaline Badrikian teamstudio.comMarketing…

Documents Quic Tools Presentation

1. INTRODUCINGQUICToolsThe essential toolkit for QuantelsQ ownersKenny MunroRadioware Limited 2. What is QUICTools?QUICTools was conceived as a ‘Swiss Army Knife’ for…

Documents OUTDOOR HEATING. ROAD ADD ON’s INFRA RED Outdoor heating Lamp postsSpeed control Road pricing...

PowerPoint-presentatie OUTDOOR HEATING ROAD ADD ONâs INFRA RED Outdoor heating Lamp posts Speed control Road pricing Traffic guidance Road signs Dynamic traffic management…