Documents tagged
Documents Charmed Meson Spectroscopy Robert K. Kutschke Fermilab HQL04 June 4, 2004.

Charmed Meson Spectroscopy Robert K. Kutschke Fermilab HQL04 June 4, 2004 Heavy Quarks and Leptons. 2004 Heavy-Light Mesons: Coupling Angular Mommenta Sq Heavy Quark Symmetry…

Documents X. C. Lou, Snowmass 20011 Charm Physics Potentials at B-factories XinChou Lou, University of Texas.....

Charm Physics Potentials at B-factories XinChou Lou, University of Texas at Dallas Introduction Physics Topics: branching fractions, leptonic decays, mixing Extrapolations…

Documents Semileptonic D Decays from CLEO and BELLE

Semileptonic D Decays from CLEO and BELLE Yongsheng Gao Southern Methodist University (CLEO Collaboration) ICHEP04, Beijing, Aug. 16 ─ 23, 2004 Yongsheng Gao ICHEP Abstract/Paper…

Documents Charmed Meson Spectroscopy

Charmed Meson Spectroscopy Robert K. Kutschke Fermilab HQL04 June 4, 2004 Heavy Quarks and Leptons. 2004 Heavy-Light Mesons: Coupling Angular Mommenta Sq Heavy Quark Symmetry…

Documents Recent Charm from CLEO Yongsheng Gao Southern Methodist University (CLEO Collaboration) HEP2003...

Recent Charm from CLEO Yongsheng Gao Southern Methodist University (CLEO Collaboration) HEP2003 Europhysics Conference Aachen, Germany July 17 ─ 23, 2003 Yongsheng Gao…