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Internet BDV sebagai Incubator Startup (Johannes - BDV Telkom)

1. BDV Sebagai Inkubator StartupBDV Sebagai Inkubator StartupBDV Sebagai Inkubator StartupBDV Sebagai Inkubator Startup Johannes Adi Purnama PutraJohannes Adi Purnama Putra…

Marketing Footytube

1. THE REAL HIGHLIGHT a campaign 2. What people usually get when they want to watch match highlights: • Low definition videos, because it’s difficult to…

Documents INTERNATIONAL UNION OF ARCHITECTS Mar 2011 MIPIM 2011 Cannes Gaëtan Siew UIA Imm P President...

Slide 1 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF ARCHITECTS Mar 2011 MIPIM 2011 Cannes Gaëtan Siew UIA Imm P President GLOBALTRENDS GLOBAL TRENDS “It is not a matter of predicting the future,…

Documents The credential trapessium productions 2014

Communication Nowadays Advertising is not the only way to communicate. Whereas activation was born to give the real brand experience, as time goes starts to get lame. Our…