Education Diversity of Life

1. Diversity of Modern Life 2. Kingdom Monera (“Monerans”) • Smallest and simplest lifeforms • Unicellular (one-celled) • no nucleus • Bacteria and cyanobacteria…

Documents Diversity of Modern Life Kingdom Monera (Monerans) Smallest and simplest lifeforms Unicellular...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Diversity of Modern Life Slide 3 Kingdom Monera (Monerans) Smallest and simplest lifeforms Unicellular (one-celled) no nucleus Bacteria and cyanobacteria…

Documents Chapter Contents – page ix Chapter 20 FungiFungi 20.1: What is a fungus?What is a fungus? 20.1:...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Chapter Contents – page ix Chapter 20 FungiFungi 20.1: What is a fungus?What is a fungus? 20.1: Section CheckSection Check 20.2: The Diversity of…

Documents Kingdom Fungi. The Characteristics of Fungi Eukaryotes - true nucleus and other organelles present.....

Slide 1Kingdom Fungi Slide 2 The Characteristics of Fungi Slide 3 Eukaryotes - true nucleus and other organelles present. Non-Photosynthetic organisms Most fungi are multicellular…

Technology Protist animal like

1. By Nia Widyastuti 2. Basic Competency Describing the characteristics of phyla in Protists and their role in life Indicator  Describing the characteristics of Protists…

Documents 5. fungi

Morphology Most of fungi are multicellular with hyphae divided into cells by cross-walls, or septa (singular septum). The septa generally have pores large enough to allow…

Documents Fungi & Systemic Mycoses Alfred Lewin References Schaechter et al. Mechanisms of Microbial Disease....

Slide 1Fungi & Systemic Mycoses Alfred Lewin References Schaechter et al. Mechanisms of Microbial Disease Kobayashi et al. Medical Microbiology…

Documents U I. FUNGI (Mycology) u Diverse group of heterotrophs. u Many are ecologically important saprophytes...

Slide 1u I. FUNGI (Mycology) u Diverse group of heterotrophs. u Many are ecologically important saprophytes (consume dead and decaying matter) u Others are parasites. u Most…

Documents FUNGI 22-1 Characteristics of Fungi 22-2 Fungal Diversity 22-3 Fungal Associations.

Slide 1FUNGI 22-1 Characteristics of Fungi 22-2 Fungal Diversity 22-3 Fungal Associations Slide 2 Fungi Kingdom Fungi are heterotrophic – the stalk and the cap of a mushroom…

Documents Chapter 14 Fungi. Importance of Fungi Together with Heterotrophic bacteria Ecological decomposers.

Slide 1Chapter 14 Fungi Slide 2 Importance of Fungi Together with Heterotrophic bacteria Ecological decomposers Slide 3 Decomposing fruit- Rhizopus Slide 4 Root-rot fungus-…