Documents tagged
Documents Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world The Patients’ Role in Influencing Access to....

Slide 1Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world The Patients’ Role in Influencing Access to Health Jo Harkness, Policy & External Affairs Director, IAPO…

Healthcare Development of a Personal Health Record with a Diabetes Self-management Tool for Portuguese-speaking...

Diapositivo 1 Development of a Personal Health Record with a Diabetes self-management tool for Portuguese-speaking patients Liliana Laranjo, Ana Rita Pedro, Tiago Villanueva,…

Documents Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world IAPO, CHAIN, UNHCO and JFSCU are pleased to...

Slide 1 Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world IAPO, CHAIN, UNHCO and JFSCU are pleased to welcome you to a workshop on: Patient-Centred Healthcare: Aligning…

Documents 11 September 2015Irish Patients Association Stephen McMahon Catering Management Association of...

Slide 1 11 September 2015Irish Patients Association Stephen McMahon Catering Management Association of Ireland “Patients Perspectives” Davenport Hotel June 23rd 2011…

Documents Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world

Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world IAPO, CHAIN, UNHCO and JFSCU are pleased to welcome you to a workshop on: Patient-Centred Healthcare: Aligning Healthcare…

Documents De Fatimah - Paper Work for De Fatimah Investor - 9 Feroz Maju

1. TTHHEE PPRROOJJEECCTT && DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT PPLLAANN de’ Fatimah Healthcare Group Sdn Bhd No 9A & 11A, Jalan Nelayan 19/A 40300 Shah Alam Selangor Darul…

Documents Welcome to YOUR PATIENT CONGRESS Thursday, 19 th March 2015 9.30am – 12.00pm @HRW_CCG...

Welcome to YOUR PATIENT CONGRESS Thursday, 19th March 2015 9.30am â 12.00pm @HRW_CCG #hrwcongress HEN Representative, Richmondshire JANE RITCHIE, MBE Community update Clinical…