Documents Samurai-WTF Course Slides v8.2 - Abu Dhabi 2011

Assessing and Exploiting Web Applications with! Samurai-WTF Justin Searle – [email protected] - @meeas Copyright 2009-2011 Justin Searle / Raul Siles - This work is licensed…

Technology Creative commons georgiadou m (2)

1. eTwinning is based on collaboration through ICT tools. 2. Before sharing our personal work and/or before using others work, there are some general rules we must always…

Education Global agenda - copyright exceptions in education

1.Global agenda -education Delia Browne National Copyright DirectorStanding Council on Education and Early Childhood…

Documents Copyright and the Use of Music in Schools- HICES Heads of Music

1.Copyright and use of Music inSchoolsHICES Heads of Music 26 October 2012 Emanuel School Jessica Smith National Copyright OfficerNational Copyright…

Education Global Agenda - Education

1.Global agenda -education Delia Browne National Copyright DirectorStanding Council on Education and Early Childhood…

Education OER (Open Education Resources)

1.Delia BrowneNational Copyright Director Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs…

Education 131204 oer - cape town global congress

PowerPoint Presentation O E R Cape Town Global Congress December 2013 Delia Browne National Copyright Director National Copyright Unit !…

Documents Samurai-WTF Course Slides v8.2 - AbuDhabi2011

Copyright 2009-2011 Justin Searle / Raul Siles - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License ! Assessing and Exploiting Web Applications…

Documents Samurai-WTF Course Slides

Copyright 2009-2012 Justin Searle / Raul Siles - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License ! Assessing and Exploiting Web Applications…

Documents Creative Commons, Copyright and Education Part 4. Finding OER Rowan Wilson OUCS November 2009.

Slide 1 Creative Commons, Copyright and Education Part 4. Finding OER Rowan Wilson OUCS November 2009 Slide 2 Some general tips Double check licensing conditions where possible…