Documents tagged
Technology A Grade Wildlife attraction

1. GCSE Resistant Materials ‘A’ Grade Task 1: Bird house for a domestic garden 2. Context and Design Brief Analysis of Context Research into Existing Products Materials…

Education Edupsych

1. Educational Psychology PBL Group Assignment Theories used: 1. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning 2. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory Ong Xuan’s part (September 2011)…

Health & Medicine Keep Your Kitties Safe from these 10 Potential Toxins

May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month Here Are The Ten Warning Signs Of Cancer In Pets June is ADOPT A CAT MONTHIn honor of our feline friends, The AMC offers tips on how to…

Documents O PERANT C ONDITIONING Year 12 Psychology Unit 4 Area of Study 1 (chapter 10, page 476)

Slide 1 O PERANT C ONDITIONING Year 12 Psychology Unit 4 Area of Study 1 (chapter 10, page 476) Slide 2 T RIAL AND E RROR L EARNING Learning by trying different possibilities…

Documents Operant Conditioning

Memory Operant Conditioning Year 12 Psychology Unit 4 Area of Study 1 (chapter 10, page 476) Trial and Error Learning Learning by trying different possibilities until the…

Documents Operant Conditioning

Chapter 13, Unit 4 Psychology While CC is useful for explaining learned behaviour, there are many other learned behaviours that CC cannot explain, such as behaviours that…