Health & Medicine Hypertension - Biology project

1. HYPERTENSION 2. HYPERTENSION (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries…

Documents Hypertension 1

Hypertension An Overview Dr. Devendra Khandke MD HeadHead- Medical Services Alembic Limited What Is Blood Pressure ? Blood pressure is the amount of force on the walls of…

Health & Medicine Hypertension

1. Name: (78) Zainab Aleid 2014 Jan 30 2.  A 55 year old male is visiting his family physician for blood pressurecontrol. His medical history reveals type 2 diabetes for…

Health & Medicine Chap6 water and electrolytes.ppt; hypertension

1.Electrolytes and Hypertension Chapter 62. WaterIs a vital nutrient crucial to every bodily function and second only to oxygen in importance to the body. The body’s major…