Documents tagged
Automotive Evolution of a Social Media Dealer

Presentation by Adam Boalt, President and Founder of GOSO, an Automotive Social Media Management System

Technology Finding and Backgrounding Sources Using Social Media

Tools and tactics for searching social networks to find experts and investigate sources. Presented August 2013 at the Summer School for Investigative Reporting at SSE Riga,…

Technology An Introduction to OpenStack Networking

This is the slide deck I used to present on OpenStack Networking (formerly Quantum) at the OpenStack Denver meetup in late April 2013.

Education Schools and Social Media -- Manor GovFresh

This presentation was part of a session called "Social Media in Government" at manor.govfresh. manor.govfresh was a 2-day conference in Manor, TX on September 20-21,…

Documents Rothstein v. GMAC Mortgage, LLC

Case 1:12-cv-03412-AJN Document 1 Filed 04/30/12 Page 1 of 44 Case 1:12-cv-03412-AJN Document 1 Filed 04/30/12 Page 2 of 44 Case 1:12-cv-03412-AJN Document 1 Filed 04/30/12…

Technology Timing verification of automotive communication architecture using quantile estimation

Timing verification of automotive communication architecture using quantile estimation Nicolas NAVET (Uni Lu), Shehnaz LOUVART (Renault), Jose VILLANUEVA (Renault), Sergio…

Education Cloud Computing for Dummies

Going to the Cloud   Jeff Paquet CenterPoint Business Advisors, Inc. John Hamrick Hamrick Consulting May 19, 20010 Going to the Cloud   How John Hamrick Got to the…

Business 6 ways-to-use-social-media-or-business-spredfast-pocketguide-final

SOCIAL MEDIA POCKET GUIDE 6 Ways to Use Social Media for Business and Practical Guidance on Developing Full-Scale Programs Social Media Pocket Guide © 2011 Spredfast 2 AN…

Documents Shamballa Jewels v Bling Jewelry Complaint Infringement Lawsuit

Case 1:12-cv-00253-CM Document 1 Filed 01/12/12 Page 1 of 12 ww w. FA M EA PP EA L. co m tw itt er: @ fam ea p pe al Case 1:12-cv-00253-CM Document 1 Filed 01/12/12 Page…