Education Avapraneur: Resource-based view analysis of PhotoLife

1. Photography in Second Life- A resource-based analysisof PhotoLife© Group 12 Kim Norlander (KimmikKimono) Sofie Karlsson (Sofie Aumenie) Vanessa Meyer (Vinny Hubbenfluff)…

Software Oscon 2014 def core review

1. How the Board’s DefCore Committee is Crowdsoucing Core Redefining OpenStack Core with Community, Tests & Code DefCore Co-Chair Rob Hirschfeld 2. DefCore = Commercial…

Software What is OpenStack DefCore, Altanta Conference

1. DefCore’s Tempest in a Docker Container (“tcup”) Core via Crowd Sourcing DefCore Co-Chairs Rob Hirschfeld Joshua McKenty 2. What is DefCore? DefCore sets base requirements…

Business Strategic management

1. Internal & Resource Analysis SWOT Analysis Resource Analysis- OrganizationalCapabilities & CompetitiveAdvantage, Value Chain analysis Concept of synergy – Core…

Documents Internal analysis

1. The Internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities and Core Competence 2. Defining the Business Who is being satisfied? Break down into specific customer groups What needs…

Documents "Mobile operating system security "

1. Mobile OS Security Rashad Maqbool Jillani [email_address] 2. Background 1.5 billion mobile phone users (ITU) Mobile device capabilities are significantly advanced than…

Documents ® © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. OGC Catalog CEOS WGISS-22 12 September 2006 Chuck Heazel...

Slide 1® © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. OGC Catalog CEOS WGISS-22 12 September 2006 Chuck Heazel [email protected] Slide 2 OGC ® © 2006 Open Geospatial…

Documents Open Wonderland: A Tool for Collaborative Software Development

1.A Tool for Collaborative Software DevelopmentNicole YankelovichOpen Wonderland FoundationWonderBuilders, [email protected]. What is Open Wonderland (OWL)?…

Education Clemens Mader

1.Regional perspectives on Higher Education and Sustainable Development EUROPE Prof. Dr. Clemens Mader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg IAU 2014 International Conference,…

Technology Principles of Developing Emergency Response Plans

1. Principles ofEmergency Response PlanningJae S. Brown,MPAEmergency Response CoordinatorCDC 2. Principles of an Emergency Response Plan How to develop a good Emergency…