Documents tagged
Data & Analytics Shard-Query, an MPP database for the cloud using the LAMP stack

This combined #SFMySQL and #SFPHP meetup talked about Shard-Query. You can find the video to accompany this set of slides here:

Documents Mock_V1

1. Assume a table which contains the following columns Emp_id,Emop_name,Phone,Email,Salary Which of the following is the simplest way to restrict user from viewing salary…

Education Sql server 2005 memory internal

"Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand.“ Putt's Law…

Documents 6.830 Lab 1: SimpleDB

6.830 Lab 1: SimpleDB Assigned: Wednesday, September 21 Due: Friday, October 1 11:59 PM EDT Version History: September 17: First revision. In the lab assignments in 6.830…

Documents DB2 Key Performance Metric Descriptions

DB2 OBJECTS & PERFORMANCE Buffer Pool: Allocated memory for DB2; the main memory allocated to DB Manager to cahce table and index data pages as they are read from disk…

Documents DB2-302-Gamma

IBM … (Test – 000-302) DB2 9 Database and Application Fundamentals - Academic Initiative V9.7 BB/SL/CSE/REC-2 Test 000-302: DB2 9 Database and Application Fundamentals…

Documents Analysing Oracle AWR2

Analysing Oracle AWR Reports Author Owner: Document Reference: Version: Issue Date: Authoriser Shailendra S. Hirlekar BCM-STAR, Infosys 0.1 09-Mar-2011 Analysing Oracle AWR…

Documents DB2BP Physical Design OLTP 0412

IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Best Practices Physical Database Design for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) environments Authors The Physical Database Design for…

Documents Understanding DB2 Bufferpool Tuning 2005 Final

Understanding Buffer Pool Performance and Tuning in DB2 UDB v8.2 Jeff Brokaw Product Manager Quest Central® for DB2 November 2, 2005 You Can Expect More Agenda • • •…

Documents Innodb 1.1 en.a4

InnoDB 1.1 for MySQL 5.5 User’s Guide InnoDB 1.1 for MySQL 5.5 User’s Guide This is the User’s Guide for the InnoDB storage engine 1.1 for MySQL 5.5, generated on 2012-05-30…