Documents tagged
Documents LOGO Association Rule Lecturer: Dr. Bo Yuan E-mail: [email protected].

Slide 1LOGO Association Rule Lecturer: Dr. Bo Yuan E-mail: [email protected] Slide 2 Overview  Frequent Itemsets  Association Rules  Sequential Patterns 2…

Documents Linking Cognitive Science to Education: Generation and Interleaving Effects XXVII Annual Conference....

Slide 1 Linking Cognitive Science to Education: Generation and Interleaving Effects XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Stresa, Italy July 23, 2005 Lindsey…

Documents The science of learning and the learning of science: Introducing desirable difficulties SYMPOSIUM ON...

Slide 1 The science of learning and the learning of science: Introducing desirable difficulties SYMPOSIUM ON BRINGING COGNITIVE SCIENCE INTO THE CLASSROOM Meetings of the…