Documents tagged
Technology 3 portalpitches

1. MADS branding proposal 2. Branding core values Think of branding as the yin and yang. - On the left are the core ideologies which includes core values (3 unique qualities…

Technology Branding Menorcatech

1. Branding proposal for 2. Branding proposal for MenorcaTechwww.joanponsmoll.comMenorcaTech 3. Branding proposal for MenorcaTechwww.joanponsmoll.comMenorcaTech…

Documents Sparxoo Creative Portfolio

1. Branding Proposal to Creative PortfolioSummer 2011 2. Visualizing the Sparxoo ethos We are strategic leaders that spark creative insight. We energize clients to explore…

Presentations & Public Speaking How to #MakeNews and Lead Your Industry

Branding Proposal for Global Innovation Institute how to #makenews and lead your industry tested PR strategies for early stage companies Anna Ruth Williams, Founder + CEO…

Design Deborah Stapel Portfolio

1. Work SamplesDeborah G. Stapel 2. Advertisement 3. Brochure 4. Regulatory Guide 5. Newsletter 6. Sell Sheet 7. Customer Profile 8. Event Invitation 9. Branding Proposal…