Documents tagged
Education Yoeri Meessen

1. Manifesta 8BiennialsArt Mediation 2. sustainability dynamicdiscours    involvementcollonial development artistsChamber of Public Secrets (CPS)2 October…

Education Week1 Art or Not

1. Art(?) What are we appreciating? 2. Art is made up of: Form:Media, Style, Composition Content: Subject matter, Message, Iconography Context: Knowledge of artist, time…

Documents Text in art

1. Text in art 2. "It _is_ a long tail, certainly," said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouses tail; "but why do you call it sad?" And she kept…

Documents Communicating Science with the Creative and Performing Arts Siân Owen Science Communication Unit.

Slide 1 Communicating Science with the Creative and Performing Arts Siân Owen Science Communication Unit Slide 2 Communicating Science with the Creative and Performing Arts…

Documents Conceptual Art John Baldessari, (US b. 1931) I will not make any more boring art, lithograph, 1971,....

Slide 1 Conceptual Art John Baldessari, (US b. 1931) I will not make any more boring art, lithograph, 1971, 57 x 76cm Slide 2 Key features: *The use of language within works,…

Documents BandWagon Magazine - June 2011

BandWagon Magazine Greeleyâs live music and entertainment magazine JUNE 2011 Joe Lee Parker BandWagon Magazine Since returning from a trip to Berlin last year, I fell in…