Documents tagged
Business 5 Media Relations Trends to Watch in 2013

1.Media Relations Trends 5 ways to increase your reach andmedia coverage in 20132. Rebecca Lieb Digital Advertising & MediaAnalyst, The Altimeter Group Author of…

Business Blogging 101

1.09/27/09 Copyright @2009 23 Kazoos LLC.All Rights Reserved2. “ Your website is your house, but your blog is your front porch.” This cartoon is byDave Walker .…

Technology Social Networking - Musings

1.T oo ls / T ip s/ Res ou rcesSocial Networ king 08Mx16, II MCA2. Agenda The Buzz That is Social Networking Statistics Never Lie Measuring RoI- Making Billions Out of Thin…

Technology Cadca Blog Webinar

1. Blogs Finding Your Coalition Voice Expanding Your Coalition Channel June 19, 2008 2. Sue Stine Sr. Manager of Dissemination & Coalition Relations CADCA [email_address]…

Technology Vanguard Technology - The Blog Factor: Why Starting A Blog Today Is More Important Than Ever

1. Management Conference Week July 2009Chris BonneyVP of Business [email protected] 2.  Blog basics: What is a blog, really?  Determine why you should (or…

Documents It's a Mad, Mad, Fun Web 2.0 World

1. One person’s opinion after dabbling with Blogs, Wikis, RSS, Twitter, flickr, Facebook, Mashups, tagging and more… It’s a mad, mad, mad Web 2.0 world Hidden treasure…

Business Blogging 101

1. 09/27/09 Copyright @2009 23 Kazoos LLC.All Rights Reserved 2. “ Your website is your house, but your blog is your front porch.” This cartoon is byDave Walker .…

Economy & Finance Kentucky Nonprofits

1. Mixing SocialMedia and FundraisingBeth Kanter, Beth’s Blog 2. Beth Kanter: OfflinePhoto by Steve Goodman 3. Beth Kanter: Online Profiles & Content in Presencemany…

Technology 05 blogging

1. Blogging For Irish Businesses 2. BrightsparkBlog“The ups and downs of running an internet business in Dublin” Typepad ->Blogger ->WordpressLaunched in June 2003.…

Technology Final Toledo Blade Social Media Pro Session Three Sept8

1. Social Media Pro September 8, 2011 Presented by Patrick W. Giammarco Presented toCollege of Business and Innovation, Executive Center for Global Competitiveness Sponsored…