Documents tagged
Software Gluecon 2014 - Bringing Node.js to the JVM

1.Jeremy Whitlock (@whitlockjc) Gluecon 2014 Bringing Node.js to the JVM 2. Why bring Node.js to the JVM? Use Case: Node.js API for Managing API Proxies Use Case: Writing…

Technology Call Control Power Tools with Adhearsion

1. Call Control Power ToolswithBen KlangFounder, Mojo [email protected]/Github: @bklang 2. What is Adhearsion? 3. What is Adhearsion?• Adhesion you can hear…

Technology Fault tolerance - look, it's simple!

1. Fault Tolerance look, it’s simple! 2. ● just baked father ● SA at EPAM Systems ● primary skill is Java ● hands-on-coding with Groovy, Ruby ● trying to get…

Documents Locality in Concurrent Data Structures Hagit Attiya Technion.

Slide 1 Locality in Concurrent Data Structures Hagit Attiya Technion Slide 2 May 13, 2008 Locality @ BGU 2 data Abstract Data Types (ADT) Abstract representation of data…

Documents Accessing files with NLTK Regular Expressions

Accessing files with NLTK Regular Expressions Accessing files with NLTK Regular Expressions Accessing additional files Python has tools for accessing files from the local…