Documents Roman Echoes

âWith your help men and women will come to know God our Father and his Son Jesus Christ.â âRite of the Ministry of Lector InsIde thIs Issue: ⢠Canonization ⢠Immaculate…

Documents NAC Magazine: Winter 2011

M A G A Z I N E Wi n t e r 2 0 1 1 “May Mary IMMaculate be our teacher on the Path of evangelIcal love” EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Andrew Hart ‘12 Diocese of Little Rock…

Documents NAC Magazine: Summer 2012

M A G A Z I N E Su m m e r 2 0 1 2 CleriCus Cup Champions! EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Rev. Mr. Charles Samson â13 Archdiocese of Saint Louis Layout and Design Manager John Mitchell…

Documents NAC Magazine: Fall 2009

M A G A Z I N E FA L L 2 0 0 9 RECEIVE THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST WHOSE HERALD YOU HAVE BECOME 18909_Fall_2009 Magazine-R2.indd1 1 11/12/09 10:41:47 AM EDITORIAL STAFF Editorial…

Documents NAC Magazine: Spring 2012

M A G A Z I N E SPRING 2 0 1 2 âTo Serve The ChurCh WiTh Love and vigorâ PoPe BenediCT Xvi EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Charles Samson â13 Archdiocese of Saint Louis Layout…

Documents NAC Magazine: Fall 2010

M A G A Z I N E Fa l l 2 0 1 0 âFather, as you sent Me into the world, so i have sent theM into the world.â John 17:18 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Andrew Hart â12 Diocese of…

Documents NAC Magazine: Winter 2012

M A G A Z I N E Wi n t e r 2 0 1 2 To The Thresholds of The AposTles Ad LiminA Visits 2011-2012 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Charles Samson â13 Archdiocese of Saint Louis Layout…

Documents Roman Echoes Magazine - 2012/13 Issue 1

“Always Be Faithful Heralds Of The Gospel And Generous Witnesses To The Love Of Christ!” —Pope Benedict XVI to the 2013 Ordination Class INSIDE THIS ISSUE: t� Welcome…

Documents NAC Magazine: Fall 2011

M A G A Z I N E Fa l l 2 0 1 1 I AppoInted You A prophet to the nAtIons JeremIAh 1:5 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Charles Samson â13 Archdiocese of Saint Louis Layout and Design…

Documents NAC Magazine: Spring 2011

M A G A Z I N E Sp r i n g 2 0 1 1 Come, Creator Spirit BleSt, and in our HeartS take up Your reSt EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Andrew Hart â12 Diocese of Little Rock Assistant…