Documents tagged
Technology BHL and Social Media

1. Biodiversity Heritage Library:Biodiversity Heritage Library:The Value of Social MediaThe Value of Social MediaBy: Grace Costantino, Program Manager 2. Beyond the Silo:…

Technology 3D ICONS: World Heritage Sites for Europeana

1. World Heritage Sites for EuropeanaFranco Niccolucci, AndreaD’Andrea, Kate Fernie andSheena BassettThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s…

Education The Biodiversity Heritage Library Mass Digitizing Project: A Grandeur in this View of Digital...

1. A Grandeur in this View of Digital Libraries Martin R. Kalfatovic Suzanne C. Pilsk Smithsonian Institution Libraries LITA Forum 6 October 2007 Denver, Colorado 2. There…

Technology Agassiz 1863

1.List of the echinoderms sent to different institutions in exchange for other specimens, with annotations A Agassiz Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard…

Self Improvement Building EOL species pages

1.Building and aggregating species pagesCynthia Parr, PhD@cydparrSpecies Pages Group@eolChief Scientist2. Goals1. To provide some practical information about tools for capturing…

Documents Setting the Scene for ViBRANT – Strategy, Philosophy and Communication

1.The Future of Scientific Publishing Donat Agosti(Plazi, Bern) 21 January 2011 Paris2. I don‘t know the future,but I have a dream… 3. Immersing in the knowledge 4. I…

Technology Bibliographic References in BHL

1.Bibliographic references in BHLCoordination and routes forcooperation across organizations,projects and e-infrastructures23rd of May 2013William Ulate R., Missouri Botanical…

Education 20090921 Art Databanken Agosti Final

1.Literature and XML: or How to Have More Time to Think Donat Agosti Plazi ArtDataBanken Stockholm, Sept 21, 20092. Who is this? What do I know about her? Where does she…

Technology 2014 BHL Program Director's Report

1. The Biodiversity Heritage Library: 2006 "Yet another physical difficulty is the task of assembling the library…" J.M. Aldrich (1927) 2. Members … University…

Documents Smithsonian Libraries & The Biodiversity Heritage Library: 2003 - 2012

1. Smithsonian Libraries &The Biodiversity Heritage Library: 2003 - 2012Martin R. Kalfatovic | Smithsonian Libraries Town Hall | 19 September 2012National Zoo | Washington,…