Documents tagged
Technology The Future of Big Data

1. Big Data: Experts say new forms of informationanalysis will help people be more nimble andadaptive, but worry over humans’ capacity tounderstand and use these new tools…

Documents Internet of Things - The new Paradigmn

Internet of Things The New Paradigm April 29, 2015 Internet of things is already here 60 - 100 Will be connected to the internet by 2015 ranging from cars to smart phones…

Data & Analytics Iot+big data:From Reactive to Predictive

1. 1 ©Fluturasolutions2015 2. 2Image:Mexican Oil Spill ©Fluturasolutions2015 3. 3 ©Fluturasolutions2015 4. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, some hackers designed…

Mobile Mobility as a driver of IOT

1. Internet of Things The New Paradigm 2. What is IoT? How can app developers break into and monetize on it 3. IoT connects the physical world to the internet Devices Networks…

Technology 2014 Tech Trends To Watch (Summary) - A HorizonWatching Trend Report

1. © 2014 IBM Corporation Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular…

Documents fefe7b23-0a7c-0010-82c7-eda71af511fa.pdf

SAP Statement of Direction Business Intelligence Solutions Business Intelligence Solutions from SAP: Statement of Direction © 2 0 14 S A P S E or a n SA P affi lia te…