Documents tagged
Documents Gerald B. Winrod The Hidden Hand: The Protocols & The ComingSuperman(1934)

The Hidden Hand The Protocols and The Coming Superman By G E R A L D B. WINROD Author of "Three Modern Evils," "Science, Christ and the Bible," "The…

Documents Syria in Bible Prophecy

The Syria Situation in Bible Prophecy Tags: Syria, Assad, Civil war, Bible, war, Prophecy, Bible Prophecy, Christian, Christadelphian, Carelinks, predictions, Syrian, ‫ערב‬,…

Spiritual The nativity ppt

1. The Nativity Story Includes:• The Bible prophecy of the Nativity• The events that surrounded the Nativity• How the Nativity effects mankind 2. The Bible prophecy…

Documents Seventh Day Adventist Church P P New Design

Seventh-day Adventist Church 1 Part I 1 Over 16 Million Members in 230 countries 25 million including non-baptized children 16,000 active ordained ministers 201,000 employees…

Documents Behold, He Cometh!. What is the Most Important Part?

Slide 1Behold, He Cometh! Slide 2 What is the Most Important Part? Slide 3 What if the Bible was compared to a wheel? What is the most important part? The hub. Without the…

Documents The role of israel

1.The Role of IsraelDoes the Modern State of Israel Fulfill Bible Prophecy?(some articles on the subject as it relates tofuturist-dispensationalist views)Contained Topics“God’s…

Spiritual The Creed - I Believe In Christs Return

1.I BELIEVE in Godthe Father Almighty, Maker The Creed of heaven and earth: And in JesusChrist his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, bornof the virgin…

Spiritual Raptured Saints

1. Raptured Saints Good News Witness 2. Instant Glorification 1 Cor. 15:51-52, “Listen, I tell you amystery ; we will not all sleep, but we will be changed- ina flash ,…

Spiritual The Mark Of The Beast

1. The Mark Of The Beast By Gary Coggins 2. Table Of ContentsThe Antichrist 1The Coming Mark Of The Beast 10End Time Signs 12Charts (Seventy Weeks Of Daniel) 16,17Tribulation…

Spiritual 0004 Revelation Ch. 6

1. Revelation 6The Judgment Begins, Part 1: Rider on the White Horse 2. The Four Horsemen www . davidmiles . net / 3. The First Seal Rev6:1I watched as the lamb opened the…