Documents tagged
Entertainment & Humor Hollyoaks Trailor "The Wedding" Evaluation

1. Immediately the audience can see... A-semetric shot of the twobridesmaids, with light that isreflected on there face toThe opening sequence, starts with a darkrepresent…

Education Plumbobs chapter 8

1. The Plumbobs – an OWBCChapter 8 2. Hey there readers! Since you last saw us the triplets have had a birthday, although as you can see Rhys, Lainey and Pip are still…

Entertainment & Humor Bw05

1. Mean Green MotherFrom Outer SpaceCh 5A Black Widow Challenge 2. Laitus, “I’m only going to ask you once: why are you out of your grave mid-day?”Abhijeet, “You…

Entertainment & Humor Fashionista 3.2

1. First off, no, I am not dead! I just took a really long time torebuild my game which didn’t work since my computer wasmessed up, so I had to rebuild the laptop and then…

Documents The Wrongway Legacy: 4.4

1. Welcome to the Wrongway Legacy, generation four, part four! As youcan see, Ive gone of a bit of a different look with the cover. I prefer itto the old style.Anyway! Last…

Self Improvement Night Legacy Chapter 3

1. Welcome back to the Night Legacy! Last time, Luna had just aged into a teenager. So, I sent her off for a night Downtown. 2. She went to Crypt O’ Night Club and went…

Education A Piratical Legacy Chapter 10 - A Season of Romance

1.Chapter 10 – A Season of RomanceWelcome, dear readers, to Chapter Ten of A Piratical Legacy. When "We are not amused with your attempt at humour."we last left…

Documents Pitch Document

1. ZestPitch Document 2. Indication of style/attitudeR&B/HipHop- Artists involved such asRihanna, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kanye West ect.I am using these artists because I know…

Self Improvement Ottomas Family Values: One

1. Ottomas Family Values One: “No strings?” 2. “I cant believe you cheated on me while I was pregnant with yourtwins!” Samantha Ottomas yelled in disgust.“What…

Art & Photos Research log (sophie)

1. Eric Myer http://www.ericmyer.c om/  Stereotype photographer  This photographer’s work is focused on stereotypes within society. Eric Myer’s work is very interesting…