Documents tagged
Technology Helicopter With Gps

1. ACCURACY ENHANCEMENT OF UNMANNED HELICOPTER POSITIONINGWITH LOW COST SYSTEM U. Coppa a, A. Guarnieri b, F. Pirotti b, A. Vettore b a Vesuvius Observatory – National…

Documents Tekever.afcea.20131015.Shortardfxcv

Ricardo Mendes Sintra, 15 de Outubro de 2013 Encontro Técnico-Profissional sobre RPAS - Da Estratégia à Acção - AR4 LIGHT RAY Technology group with core competencies…

Documents Copyright Critical Software S.A. 1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. Defence and Security as Drivers for....

Contents Critical Software Innovation in D&S and Technology transfer Our Strategy MISSION To provide dependable and innovative technologies and engineering solutions…

Documents Autonomous Guidance Navigation and Control

Slide 1 Autonomous Guidance Navigation and Control Michael Gillham University of Kent SYSIASS Meeting University of Essex 21.04.11 Problems Localisation and global goals.…