Documents ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. Endocrine system maintains homeostasis: –Growth, maturation, reproduction,...

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Endocrine system maintains homeostasis: Growth, maturation, reproduction, energy, metabolism (physical and chemical changes that takes place…

Documents Functions of the Nervous System Functions of the Nervous System Sensory input – gathering...

Functions of the Nervous System Sensory input â gathering information To monitor changes occurring inside and outside the body Changes = stimuli Integration To process and…

Documents Nerves System Part 2. Nerves are like telephone lines. They send messages all over your body. These....

Nerves System Part 2 Nerves are like telephone lines. They send messages all over your body. These messages move through your body faster than you can blink your eyes. Motor…

Documents Peripheral Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System What do you see? CNS AND PNS 2 Nerves that branch out from brain, spinal column Not covered w/ meninges No CSF Divided…