Documents tagged
Documents Codes and conventions of a documentary

1. B Y J O R D A N S I M P S O N Codes and Conventions of Documentaries 2. The 5 Elements  John Corner said there are 5 main elements to any documentary. 1. Observation…

Education Presentation1

1. Week 2 Public SpeakingRonald Elia 2. “A Vision of Crimes in the Future” 3. Commandment II: Thou shalt Dream A Great Dream Commandment IV: Thou shalt Tell A Story Commandment…

Entertainment & Humor Draft based on drawn draft

1. Draft based on drawn draft Lauren Fitzsimons 2. Process one • This is my first stage of making a horror poster here I have added a black background and I have added…

Social Media FK8703 EVAL5

1. How did you attract/address your audience Evaluation #5Fateh Khaled 8703 2. • In order to address my target audience I shared a link of the opening title sequence draft…

Business Ch4 ppt

Chapter 4: Purpose and Topic Chapter 4: Purpose and Topic Oral Communications Ms. Malsberger PURPOSE What is the difference between a presentationâs PURPOSE and TOPIC? Which…

Marketing The 10 Components of Psychographics

The 10 Components of Psychographics The 10 Components of Psychographics What You Need to Know About Your Audience Interests What is your audience interested in? Your prospectsâ…

Technology Co creation for sustained value

Catriona Brady Good Measures October 2012 2 Contents 1. Introduction 3 1.1 The increasing need for intelligent, sustainable innovation 3 1.2 The research programme 3 2. Research…

Entertainment & Humor Question Three Evaluation Powerpoint

1. Charlotte & Charlotte 2. Survey Monkey- • We carried out a survey on the “Survey Monkey” website, asking our target audience what they think of our film trailer…

Documents Eval 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback? What have you learned from your audience feedback? Tomas Mann McLeod Introduction In order to gain audience feedback for…