Documents tagged
Documents Pour aller en Ville…? Saying what there is in your town. Asking and giving directions in the town....

Slide 1Pour aller en Ville…? Saying what there is in your town. Asking and giving directions in the town Saying where things are in the town. Slide 2 Look at the following…

Documents Unité 5: Leçon 15 Pages 218 - 223. NEW Verb time!!!!

Page 1 Unité 5: Leçon 15 Pages 218 - 223 Page 2 NEW Verb time!!!! Page 3 JeNous TuVous Il Elle Ils/Elles viens vient venez viennent venons Venir = to come NOTES To ask…

Documents Unité 5 Leçon 14 Pages 204 – 213 Youll need a paper to do activities on and turn in (not part of...

Page 1 Unité 5 Leçon 14 Pages 204 – 213 Youll need a paper to do activities on and turn in (not part of notes) Page 2 Time for a new IRREGULAR verb!!! Remember, irregular…