Documents tagged
Documents Thesis Vijaya

Supply Chain Partnerships - Collaborative Planning and Collaborative Replenishment for the Malaysian Construction Industry Chapter 1 1.1 Construction Industry and Supply…

Documents Strength and Durability of Mortar and Concrete

World Applied Sciences Journal 32 (5): 752-765, 2014 ISSN 1818-4952 © IDOSI Publications, 2014 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.32.05.984 Corresponding Author: M.N.N. Khana,…

Documents Cognitive Elements

D Neuropsychotherapist.com2 The Cognitive Elements of Neural Plasticity Professor Reuven Feuerstein Professor Louis H. Falik Rabbi Refael S. Feuerstein The Feuerstein Institute…

Documents Cognitive Elements

D Neuropsychotherapist.com2 The Cognitive Elements of Neural Plasticity Professor Reuven Feuerstein Professor Louis H. Falik Rabbi Refael S. Feuerstein The Feuerstein Institute…

Documents MOHD NAZALI MOHD NOOR SUKULPAT KHUMPAISAL Liverpool John Moores University.

Slide 1 MOHD NAZALI MOHD NOOR SUKULPAT KHUMPAISAL Liverpool John Moores University Slide 2 What is this paper about? FM and SCM? Why Chen and Paulraj (2004) SCM theoretical…

Documents Conference 2009

MOHD NAZALI MOHD NOOR SUKULPAT KHUMPAISAL Liverpool John Moores University MOHD NOOR & KHUMPAISAL What is this paper about? FM and SCM? Why Chen and Paulraj (2004) SCM…