Documents tagged
Documents She was the first African-American woman to own her own production company Also a talented actress.....

Slide 1 Slide 2 She was the first African-American woman to own her own production company Also a talented actress nominated for an Academy Award in her first movie Television's…

Documents Women s History From 1620-1920. Pre/Post Test Who is… 1. Susan B. Anthony 2. Amelia Bloomer 3....

Slide 1Women s History From 1620-1920 Slide 2 Pre/Post Test Who is… 1. Susan B. Anthony 2. Amelia Bloomer 3. Alice Paul 4. When did women get the vote? 5. How many years…

Documents Joshs Civil War Presentation

1. The Civil War 2. Summary of Life in the North Economy- The Northern economy was based on industry. The North…

Documents GEORGE WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL ADDRESS “The alternate dominion of one faction over another,...

Slide 1GEORGE WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL ADDRESS “The alternate dominion of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge…” “It serves always to distract…

Documents New England Colonies Massachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire Rhode Island.

Slide 1 Slide 2 New England Colonies  Massachusetts  Connecticut  New Hampshire  Rhode Island Slide 3 New England Colonies Massachusetts  Massachusetts Bay…

Documents American Poetry -Biographies of American poets -Ideologies/styles in American poetry.

Slide 1 American Poetry -Biographies of American poets -Ideologies/styles in American poetry Slide 2 Emily Dickinson Known for her unusual life of isolation. Had a rift with…

Documents Good Morning! Turn in Guided Reading Pick up and start working on Bell Ringer #9.

Slide 1 Good Morning! Turn in Guided Reading Pick up and start working on Bell Ringer #9 Slide 2 L ONG T ERM AND I MMEDIATE C AUSES OF THE C IVIL W AR Social Studies Solutions…

Documents P OLITICAL P ARTY Political Party - A party is a group that seeks to elect candidates to public...

Slide 1 P OLITICAL P ARTY Political Party - A party is a group that seeks to elect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label (party identification), by which…

Documents Chapter 15 Section 3 1.Republican Party A. Founded by Northern Whigs and others who were anti...

Chapter 15 Section 3 Chapter 15 Section 3 Republican Party A. Founded by Northern Whigs and others who were anti slavery B. Became strong in the North 2. Election of 1856…

Documents The American Civil War The Causes. Key question: What started the American Civil war?

The American Civil War The American Civil War The Causes Key question: What started the American Civil war? SIMPLE ANSWER: SLAVERY!!!! But of course itâs not that simple!…