Education The t and_the_d_sounds_in_english

1. The /t/ and /d/Sounds in English     A Pronunciation Lesson compiled by Rita Simons Santiago 2. The /t/ and /d/ Sounds in English The mouth position is the same for…

Education Word stress and vowel reduction part 1

1. Facultad de Educación Curso: Tecnología Educativa Estudiante: Indiana Tejeda de Wycherley 2. What is stress?  Stress in English involves making vowels longer and…

Documents Ingles 5 Clase 1 Reductions Part 1 (1)

Diapositiva 1 Clase: English V Lesson 1 Welcome to your English virtual class English Reductions Part 1 What is a reduction? Reductions are short, commonly used phrases that…