Documents tagged
Education Pita reading

1. Making a Difference in Reading – Evidence-Based Practices PITA  2013   October  24   Faye  Brownlie   2. Learning Intentions…

Education Sunshine coast.reading.sept.2013

1. Quality Reading Instruction: Evidence-Based Practice Sunshine  Coast   Pro  D  a0ernoon   Sept  23,  2013   Faye  Brownlie   2. Learning…

Documents Textuallineage

What is your textual lineage?* Identifying books that help us make meaning of our world Textual + Lineage having to do with books or writing those people/things that came…

Government & Nonprofit Gamefication delivered at Computers and Libraries in 2014

1. Or how I stopped worrying and learned to love video games 2. lack ale mergent eader 3. Identified enabling texts that could influence African American Boys Dr. Alfred…

Documents What is writing to learn? Why use writing to learn? What are some writing to learn instructional.....

Slide 1 Slide 2  What is writing to learn?  Why use writing to learn?  What are some writing to learn instructional tools and strategies?  What can writing to…

Documents Partnering for Success Presented by: Eric Schmitt, Scholastic, Inc Literacy Partners.

Slide 1 Partnering for Success Presented by: Eric Schmitt, Scholastic, Inc Literacy Partners Slide 2 Scholastic Literacy Partners We have a National Literacy Crisis: Every…