Documents tagged
Leadership & Management 10 Lessons for New Managers

For some new managers, the idea of giving performance reviews and being responsible for others can be intimidating. For others, there are fears about how to manage people…

Marketing The Creative Business Idea Book: Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Breakthrough Thinking

In 2000, as the advertising industry embarked on a new century of marketing communications, Havas Worldwide (then known as Euro RSCG Worldwide) made a promise to our clients:…

Self Improvement 8 ways to create a successful TEDx

Jim Stolze shares some of the learnings that TEDx-organizers all over the world have discovered in the last year of hundreds of TEDx-events. This presentation was given on…

Social Media The 2014 Social Media Marketing Guide

What does it take to succeed in 2014? Not to scare you, but this year's gonna be a doozy. From tiny consumer attention spans (they're down to 8 seconds now) to…

Spiritual Overcoming fear- Does Fear Actually Exist?

Overcoming Fear, How to Overcome Fear, Does Fear Actually Exist-

Education Break Up With FEAR and Realize Your Potential

This was delivered to Nichols College student leaders in September of 2009. It was designed to inspire those present to not let FEAR dictate their decision making process…

Business Unleash your Creative Adventure by Stepping into the Discomfort Zone!

What do you think is one of the most important indicators of great progress on any journey? Have you experienced getting into a new creative venture and remember being really…