Health & Medicine Aortic Disssection. Dr Nikrish Hegde.

1. AORTIC DISSECTION! Dr. Nikrish S Hegde 2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES!  Identify the two types of aortic dissection and list the indications for treatment.

Health & Medicine Intravenous urography

1.  Indications 1) Persistent or frank hematuria. 2) Renal & ureteric calculi. (Especially prior to endourological procedures) 3) Ureteric fistulas & strictures.…

Health & Medicine Cardiac MR and viability

1. Case 2. 80 yo F with PMH of HTN, HLD, DM, CVA with a history of continuous chest pain x 2 weeks.Patient was found to have a LBBB on unknown duration.Cardiac enzymes were…

Documents The Radiography Student at The Johns Hopkins Hospital

PowerPoint Presentation 1 The Radiography Student at The Johns Hopkins Hospital 1 Goals of this Presentation Educate the prospective applicant about radiography Inform the…

Documents A woman with a bifrontal headache and confusion

A woman with a bifrontal headache and confusion 2013 July-August Featured Case DR M Haghighi MD History of Present Illness A woman in her thirties developed a progressive…

Documents Sunday 40 Images for August 9 Exam

@ Medicine Shown below is the excretory urography image . The most likely case history of this patient is a) A 65 year…