Documents 19250407_Minutes.pdf

A meetinp: of the Federal deserve Board was held in the office of the Federal deserve Board on Tuesday, April 7, 1925 at 10:30 a.m. Pd73=7: Governor Crissinser Mr. Platt…

Documents 19260727_Minutes.pdf

4.9 A /meting of the Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve Board was held, in the office of the Governor on Tuesday, July 27, 1926, at 11:00 a.m. PRESE:T: Governor Crissinger…

Documents 19370315_Minutes.pdf

401 teal was A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys- held in Washington on Monday, March 15, 1937, at 10:00 a. in. PRESENT: Mr. Eccles, Chairman Mr.…