Documents tagged
Documents BEARS CAVE Chişcău Village, Bihor County, Romania.

Slide 1 BEARS CAVE Chişcău Village, Bihor County, Romania Slide 2 Location: Chişcău Village, Bihor County, Romania Length:1.5 km (4,900 ft) Discovery: 1975 Geology: limestone…

Documents Crab cavities – cryogenic circuit and heat loads

Slide 1 Crab cavities – cryogenic circuit and heat loads LHC crab cavity engineering meeting – Fermilab, USA 13-14 December 2012 K. Brodzinski on behalf of cryogenic…

Documents CNGS operation and environmental issues

CNGS operational an environmental issues CNGS operation and environmental issues F. Malacrida, T. Schmittler, P. Vojtyla, H. Vincke 1 H. Vincke et al. NBI 2012, CERN Outline…

Documents ptv

LeaderPreston WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2009 $1 Incl. GST ED : P TP U B: P TV D A TE : 2 8 /7 /0 9 PA G E: 1 C O LO U R: C M Y K Look inside for your FREE…