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Documents The Clerestory Fall 2013

Fall 2013 âI am strongly attracted to thIs abbey.â âDorothy Day FA LL 2 01 3 ⢠v o L. 8 /N o . 3 St. Pro c oPi u S A bbe y 5601 College Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4463…

Documents The Clerestory Summer 2014

Summer 2014 SU M M ER 2 01 4 ⢠V O L. 9 /N O . 1 S T . P R O C O P I U S A B B E Y 5601 College Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4463 (630) 969-6410 W W W . P R O C O P I U…

Documents The Clerestory, Summer, 2013

Summer 2013 SU M M ER 2 01 3 • v o l. 8 /N o . 2 S t . P R o c o P i U S A b b E y 5601 College Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4463 (630) 969-6410 WWW.PRocoPiUS.oRG t h E E…