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Page 1: Zoonoses and You

Zoonoses and You

Julia M. Murphy, DVM, MS, DACVPM


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An infection or infestation shared in nature by humans and other animalsStedman’s Medical Dictionary,

27th Edition

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Zoonotic Skew

1709 Human Pathogens 49% zoonotic

156 emerging human pathogens 73% zoonotic

Emerging pathogens 3 times more likely to be zoonotic. Taylor & Woodhouse, ICEID 2000

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Zoonotic Agents of Concern

CDC has categorized biological agents of concern

All but one Class A agent is zoonotic:Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

Plague Tularemia AnthraxSmallpox Botulism

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Zoonotic transmission

Possible routes: Fecal Oral – bacterial, parasiticInhalationDirect ContactVector Borne – mosquitoes and ticksPenetrating Wounds

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Fecal-oral transmission

Salmonella Ancylostoma Campylobacter Toxoplasma E. coli O157:H7 Listeria Giardia Trichinella Cryptosporidia Toxocara

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Bacteria Frequently reported in Virginia

(>1000 cases/year) ~30,000 reported to CDC/year Over 1 million cases suspected ~2000 serotypes cause disease

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Commonly associated w/meat, poultry, and dairy

Wide reservoir in animals and environment

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Incubation 6-72 hours Vomiting, stomach cramps,

diarrhea 15-20 bacteria to infect Mostly self limiting

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o Avoid temperature abuse and cross contamination

Avoid consumption of raw meats and raw dairy

Wash produce thoroughly Hand washing

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E. Coli O157:H7

Reportable in VA since 1999 ~70 cases reported/year in VA CDC estimates 73,000 cases/year

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E. Coli O157:H7

E. coli found in intestines of all animals and humans

O157:H7 found in cattle and maybe deer

produces a toxin

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E. Coli O157:H7

Thought that 10 bacteria can infect

Incubation 3-4 days Bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps Potential kidney failure

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E. Coli-Prevention

Avoid cross contamination Thoroughly cooking all foods Avoid consumption of raw meats

and raw dairy Wash produce thoroughly Hand washing

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Protozoan parasite ~400 cases reported in VA/year ~20,000 cases reported in US/year most common intestinal parasite

IDed by PH labs in the US

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Found in soil, food, water, or surfaces that have been contaminated with infected feces

1 organism can cause disease Can be found in a wide variety of


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7-10 day incubation Variety of symptoms or may be

asymptomaticFrequent episodes of diarrheaBloatingCramps

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Carefully dispose of sewage wastes so as not to contaminate surface or groundwater

Avoid drinking improperly treated water

Hand washing

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Protozoan parasite ~40 cases reported in VA/year ~3000 cases reported in US/year

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Young cattle, pigs, horses and sheep can manifest clinical signs

Immunosuppressed animals Hardy in the environment Not species specific

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Incubation about 7 days Clinical symptoms:

DiarrheaAbdominal cramps

Asymptomatic carriers are common

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Persons with diarrhea should not use public swimming facilities

Avoid water or food that may be contaminated

Hand washing

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Inhalation Transmission

Psittacosis Histoplasmosis Hantavirus Coxiella burnetii (Q Fever) Tuberculosis

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Caused by Chlamydophila psittaci

Rarely reported in VA

<50 cases reported/year in US

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Birds shed intermittently in feces and respiratory secretions

Often no signs in infected birds Stress initiates shedding/illness

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Inhaled from desiccated droppings/secretions, dust from feathers

Incubation 1-4 weeks Fever, headache, rash, chills Only rare instances of person to

person spread

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Diagnose and treat sick birds Clean bird cages regularly Use of protective clothing and

equipment when working with birds

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A total of 396 cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome have been reported in the United States

Over 50% of cases from the Four Corners area

VA has reported 2 cases

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Infect rodents worldwide Deer mouse is 1° reservoir in US Aerosol transmission from rodent

excreta Person to person

spread not beenseen in US

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Early symptoms usually nonspecific:Fever, chills, muscle aches

Within 24 hours most cases develop hypotension and pulmonary edema

36% of reported cases have died

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Rodent control in and around the home remains the primary strategy

Cleaning using a bleach solution or household disinfectant when cleaning rodent infestations

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Direct Contact Transmission

Leptospirosis Tularemia Brucellosis Monkeypox

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Bacteria that affects various species including sheep, goats, cattle, deer, elk, pigs, dogs

100-200 cases per year in US ~1 case/year in VA

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Incubation variable (1-2 mo. common)

Irregular fever, headache, sweats, chills

No evidence of person to person spread

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People become infected via direct contact with infected tissues, blood, urine, vaginal discharges, aborted material

Can cause infection if inhaled Can cause infection if consumed

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Higher risk occupations for exposureVeterinariansAbattoir workersLaboratory workers

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Avoid raw dairy products, especially in foreign countries

Vaccinate livestock; test and slaughter

Use gloves and other personal protective equipment around afterbirth, aborted fetuses

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Virus related to smallpox Mostly in west and central Africa Isolated from monkeys and other

species Introduced into US and eliminated

in 2003

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Introduced into US by prairie dogs infected by imported African rodents, most likely African Gambian rats.

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Transmitted by the bite of or contact with infected animal

Possible person to person transmission

Incubation period 7-14 days

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Rash, fever, chills/sweats, headache, back ache, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath.

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Importation rules and interstate transport and sale/trading of such animals not very stringent

79 humans in 6 states infected by prairie dogs

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In 6/2003, the CDC and FDA issued a legal order to stop the import of all rodents from Africa into the United States

In 10/2003, the order was replaced by an interim final rule which continues to enforce the order

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Vector Borne Transmission

Arboviral encephalitisExamples: West Nile virus

(WNV) Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE)

Rocky Mountain spotted fever Lyme disease Ehrlichiosis

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West Nile Virus

Mosquito borne 1999- First identified in US 2002- First identified in VA Number of cases in US have

ranged from 62-~3800/year Number of cases in VA have

ranged from 0-29

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West Nile Virus

West Nilevirus

West Nilevirus

Mosquito vectorIncidental infections

Bird reservoir hosts

Incidental infections

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West Nile Virus

Non-Neuroinvasive DiseaseMild, flu-like, self limitingResolves in ~1 week

Neuroinvasive Disease~1/150 peopleMeningitis, encephalitis

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West Nile Virus “Iceberg”


~20%“West Nile Fever”


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Long, loose, light clothing Repellants - DEET (<50% adults;

<30% children) Screens on windows Avoid environments/times of day

when mosquitoes biting

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Mosquito ControlEliminate breeding sites

proper drainageremove or turn over water containerschange bird baths weekly

LarvicideAdulticide – aerial spraying after

Hurricane Isabel

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Lyme disease

First discovered in 1975Lyme, Connecticut

Tick borne disease ~20,000 cases/year in US ~200 cases/year in VA Dogs considered good sentinels

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Lyme disease

Erythema migrans (EM)3 to 32 days after tick exposure

Headache, fever, stiff neck Muscle aches and joint pain Swollen lymph nodes Chronic complications if not treated


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EM Lesion

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Adult female

Adult male Nymph Larvae

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Lyme disease-Prevention

Avoid tick-infested areas such as tall grass and dense vegetation.

Keep grass cut and underbrush thinned in yards.

Wear light-colored clothing. Tuck pant legs into socks and

boots. Wear long sleeved shirts buttoned at the wrist.

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Lyme disease-Prevention

Conduct tick checks on yourself, your children and your pets every four to six hours.

Apply tick repellent to areas of the body and clothing that may come in contact with grass and brush.

Tick control for pets.

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Wound Transmission


Cat Scratch disease


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