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Page 1: Zespol  Szkol Uzdrowiskowych  in  Rabka

Zespol Szkol Uzdrowiskowych in Rabka

Page 2: Zespol  Szkol Uzdrowiskowych  in  Rabka

The school is situated on the southern slope of the hill Bania.

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Our students come from different parts of Poland. Those children are sick or after diseases such as: cardiology, respiratory tracts, allergy, diabetes, obesity. They come to the health resort “Uzdrowisko Rabka” S.A. in order to improve their health. They stay here 27 days.

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We ensure the friendly atmosphere through which children can easily adapt to new environment.Due to children’s frequent illnesses and absences at their school, they have a backlog of science.Our teachers quickly recognize their educational problems, adjust the pace of work and requirements to children’s individual abilities.

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The access to the Internet is available in two computer classrooms, also in a language classroom and library.

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Laboratories and classrooms are well-equipped with different modern teaching resources, for example an interactive board.

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English and German languages are taught at our school.

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Within the programme “The Cheerful School” we have received interesting teaching resources which facilitate pupils’ comprehensive development.

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We take action in order to improve the safety of children realizing programmes and projects: School Without Violence Secure Club of the Pooh Intergrated Policy of the Safety

Our school prides itself on having the certificate “ School promoting the safety”.

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An educator and a psychologist render assistance for children and teenagers with adaptation, emotional, educational difficulties and also with problems of adolescence.

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Students prepare artistic performances connected with important events under teachers’ control and present them on the school stage.

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Children take part in numerous competitions and sports events.

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Various forms of occupational therapy, such as art therapy and music therapy, are led by teachers from Extracurricular Team. Their actions support the process of children’s treatment, rehabilitation and individual development.

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Activities like walking, hiking, sports games and bus trips are organized for children.Teachers familiarize students with the tradition and culture of our region.

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Before returning home, students receive awards, diplomas and certificates with grades obtained during the lessons.

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