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Page 1: Zeba media work - Analysis of title sequence

An effective title sequence of my choice that successfully introduced the plot, characters, genre and enigmas to the

audience is “Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events”

Page 2: Zeba media work - Analysis of title sequence
Page 3: Zeba media work - Analysis of title sequence

At the very beginning, the title sequence starts off with a black screen, then a spooky face emerges from the black screen and is

brought to life . This gives a lot of information to the viewers. Information

about the genre is recognised , audiences can tell that the film is of a spooky horror

genre and they can concede the target audience for the film . The target audience identified for the film is for children above the ages of 5 from this very first scene as they are more likely to be scared of such

characters like this one.

A close up is shown here to identify the villain character. Audiences see the out line of the villain clearly because of the contrasts of light and dark.

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The main characters of the film are then set out in the title sequence. The three

children of different ages are out at sea, and because of the flower patterns in the sea they seem to be very comfortable and content with themselves. The title sequence has a lot of

symbolic images. The background being dark and

gloomy supports the fact that the film is of a gloomy thriller

genre. Everything starts to become

uneasy and the same spooky, witch type man lifts the boat up with the palm of his hand.

At this point the main characters are distinguished to the audience and they can see that a clear binary opposition

is formed of good and evil. Enigmas are also created with this image as audiences start

to question what relation does the villain have with the

children ? And what does he want to do with them ?

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This image in the title sequences symbolises

another genre type to the film. Adventure is also put forward to the audience as they see the first of

their events take place. The three kids being on a

hot air balloon unsupervised backs up

the adventure the genre of adventure. Although

they are not with an adult the flower eyes tells audiences that the

children are always being watched. Bravery in

children is seen as they are not crying or

misbehaving with each other, the children almost see this as the norm and are not at all surprised with the situation that

they are in. A long shot is shown here in order for

the audiences to identify the change in location

and atmosphere.

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Going past a graveyard on the bicycle on there venture, gives

out information about the plot. Graveyards symbolise

death, audiences are told that deaths are involved in the film

and the children just simply riding past it gives out the

message that the children are strong and have to get through

tough times by themselves.

Again the outline of the villain is shown with the big

eye, watching them. The plot is once more set out to the audiences that the children

are trying to escape this man, but do not realise that they are being watched by him constantly and kept an

eye on.

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This image of the children running on the discs shows audiences that a game is being played and

the children are being toyed around with, having to be quick on there feet all the time. This gives more

material towards the plot of the film.

The evil man looking over the children shows dominancy and him being taller and much

bigger compared to the children shows that he is a very powerful character, and for the children to escape him is going to be very

hard. The information we get from the children is that they are very tactful and

skilled as they are continuously being toyed and controlled by this man and are able to

keep up with him.

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The genre of an adventure film is further indicated when they are running. The audience see that they are in near to death experiences

because of the special effects. Having the brown slowly slide down on them, implies that their whole world is coming down on them and

everything around them is against them.

We see a change of scene here which tells audiences that the children have to face different scary and daunting locations.

Having holding the kids in cages separate to each other shows that the evil man has

everything under controlled. Audiences feel pity for the kids and enigmas are created again about why the villain is cruel to the kids? and what he wants with the kids or from them ?

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This image shows the facial expression of the kids, which gives out key information about them as

characters. If it was any normal kid put into the same situation as these ones they would have not have survived so far in escaping from the evil man. An enigma is

again created when audiences see this image, Who’s car are they in?

Did they get caught ?

In this image the weather is looking brighter and the audiences can see greenery, this inclines that

they are in a safe place. Information about the plot is

portrayed with this image, audiences can see that the

children are always on the move and that they do not have a

permanent place to live with parental l guidance.

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Information about the characters:This image symbolises an act of

freedom. The background is not so dark which implies a happier and less of a

horrid happening. There are no eyes or any other spooky symbols that are

creeping up from the sides although the children still look very cautious. The baby flying the umbrella by herself

shows that she has adapted to survive the tricky situations that they have faced

and realises times of difficulty much quicker than normal babies who are less

aware of the dangers around them.

The fact they have a black cloud now following them symbolises that, they are in trouble and wherever they are going in the car will lead to disaster. This also gives out more information about the plot, it tells audiences that

there lives are not easy going and relaxing like ordinary children.

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This image of the eyes provides material about the

plot and the genre. The typical conventions of a

horror genre are shown by this image, having it in a dark background with more than

one pair of eyes watching gives a chilling feel to the

audience. Information about the plot is given because the

children have escaped and this image shows that the man is still out to look for

them. Information about the children: the children

climbing down the ropes shows audiences that they are very brave, the children gain sympathy votes from the audiences as they risk

their life's to escape. Audiences feel uneasy

about the children hanging from a cliff, although they feel good at the same time as they are away from the

villain character and on the way to freedom.

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This last image shows the children back in the boat from the first clip. This gives the viewers a sense of relief as they know that the film ends well and the children are not hurt The sea is calm and the swirls give a diminished feeling to the audiences. Although Enigmas are yet again created on the characters. Where does he go ? Does he get killed? Do the children end up somewhere safe ? Has the unfortunate events

ended? The clip ends with a long shot of the kids climbing down the ropes and into the boat. This enables the audience to witness the escape from the evil villain which also tells the audience that the villain is defeated and that the children get away, even though they are lost at sea,

not in a normal childhood surrounding. This implies to the audience that the film is unique and original.

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