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Lots of different colours used (e.g. blue, purple etc.) to grab the audience’s (children/teenagers) attention and bright colours are typically used in animations to engage to the audience. Because the fact there are lots of colours used, it not’s specially aimed at a certain gender. It’s aimed at everyone even if the main character is a female.

The heading “Coraline” is bright yellow which contrasts well against a dark background so it’s easily seen by the audience. The font of the heading is big and san serif & replaces the letter O in Coraline as a button which suggests that it’s informal & more suitable for an animation, also gives a hint on what the film is all about and to make the heading aesthetic.

The denotation & connotation of this poster is the main character suggesting “Coraline” (given from the title) is standing casually on the middle of the whole scene with her cat (preferably her companion) in the poster, which brings attention and obviously tells us, that’s she is the main character. Also she wears casual clothes, which suggests that she’s like a typical young girl.

the colours are different on the left and right which affects the mood (left side is more gloomy and dark so it brings a spooky atmosphere & purple is suggested to be a gloomy colour whereas the right side is more bright and clear, giving a calm, tranquil atmosphere & blue is suggested to be a calm colour). This makes the audience read/see this in a particular way because the way the colours are split up, give 2 side of their views & also gives a hint when this film is about.

The mise en scene of this poster is, there’s a big mansion that looks haunted behind the main character , which implies that she lives in the mansion & that the mystery starts in there. The tree on the left which is purposely suppose to look like fingers that are tormenting Coraline, gives the audience an idea that something bad and mysterious is waiting for her (maybe waiting for her in the mansion). You can also see different characters on the posters that are included in the film to make the film more interesting.

The audience are teenagers/children because animation genres are typically aimed specifically at them for entertainment.

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Inspiration board

Bright Colourful


Lots of detail

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Plot:A woman called Grace encounters a flashback, when she was a teenager and how she met the spirit called Lyre. When she was a teenager, Grace barely made an friends due to the fact she studied so much to achieve her ambitions but mostly because her parents didn’t have the time to support her. She hardly had the time to communicate or talk with people, she was always independent and always spend time all by her self. Until one day, she over hears people at school talking about her, behind her back and walks away in depression and tears. As she walks away from school while thinking about what those people said about her, she sees a spirit. The spirit called Lyre was just an ordinary boy that looked human except was just a living ghost & cannot be touched by humans or he will disappear. Grace and Lyre get on really well and begin to introduce a new friendship. Lyre slowly understands that Grace hasn’t got many friends because she always works and begins to help her realise that it’s not about working all the time but having fun at the same time. Grace begins to understand what Lyre means and realises how much she loves spending time with Lyre & how Lyre loves spending time with her and maybe a romance between them even though she cannot touch him or otherwise he will disappear. Grace wanted to thank Lyre for letting her have fun and realising it, so she wanted to help grant Lyre’s wish so he can go to Heaven.After walking together ,she suddenly trips over while lyre grabbed her, not realising that he’s touching a human. He begins to disappear as Grace cries because she will never see him again and never had the chance to help him grant his wish.Returning from her flashback, she decides to go back to the same place, where she would play with Lyre. She goes there as the moon beams its light clearly until she sees the same spirit that seems to be Lyre and asks him what’s his wish. He smiles and says that his wish is, to be with someone who makes him happy. As Grace realises that his wish did come true as Grace was the only person who made Lyre happy. Lyre only wanted to visit Grace one more time and tells her he loves her and disappears with a smile. Grace finally realises that Lyre didn’t disappear because he touched a human, his wish was fulfilled & went to heaven.

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