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Tel: (852) 3943 4399 / 3943 4423Fax: (852) 2994 2505E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Law6/F, Lee Shau Kee Building

The Chinese University of Hong KongShatin, New Territories

Hong Kong

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q CUHK Faculty of Law r


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q Excensis, ULS 2010 r


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cStudy Abroad


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cWorking Lawyers


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cClassy Advocates


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q Class of 2013 r


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q Class of 2013 r


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Contact:9860 2949

Happy Graduation!

Studying law is never easy to me, sometimes I really doubt if I made a right choice in choosing law. I am not a smart student and I often need extra effort to achieve the same results as the others, there are so many sleep-

less nights in these four years. But when I look back, I think it is totally worth it. The great hardship I have faced here makes me grow fast, I find myself to be a

better person after my LLB life. I have met so many tal-ented friends, we have gone through all the hard times

till this very moment to graduate. There should be more sleepless nights after my graduation, but I believe I will

never regret I chose to graduate from a law school.



Contact:5170 5860


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Contact:9308 5398

Contact:9871 4480

though we’re graduating, and we know that our lives will be different, one thing will never, ever

change - our friendship. Thank you for being with me the whole time!





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Contact:6624 6213

I can’t imagine that four years of university life is soon coming to an end. It seems like the orientation talk was held yesterday. The scenes at the first day of school are still so clear to me as I recall them from time to time. I am glad to meet all of my dear classmates in this LLB programme and my life will not be the same without

you all.

Returning to Hong Kong from the States has been a question I ask myself often whether it would be a good choice I made. To be honest, I never for a single moment doubted this correct decision. Not that I can learn the subject I love, it is the experience of being a member of this programme, of this Faculty and of this University. Time has passed so quickly and now we are about to take a step into the new stage of our lives. I do not wish to leave this comfort zone of being an undergraduate, but I also wish to explore more in the world of new adventures. These conflicting emotions, I am

sure, are in all of our hearts.

No matter where we are heading towards in the future, no matter what we are going to do in the future, no matter how we are going to live our lives in the future, we have been through a wonderful experience of being classmates. I wish we can all keep in touch closely and still be friends. God would not put us in the same place to let us know each other for no good reason. We should all treasure this gift of God. It is not easy to meet one another amongst the nearly 7 billion population on Earth. I will miss the good times that we had in these four years, but I know we will be friends of

life forever!!!


Dear all - happy graduation !!


Contact:6336 4745


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Contact:6023 6876


Contact:9571 1345

Happy Graduation!

Today is our last school day in CU… Time really flies….

My dearest lawmates, thanks for making my university life memorable. I still remember how we got to know each other in the ocamp, how we share our happiness

and tears throughout these 4 years…

We had night talks 4 times a week when we were in year 1; we had astronomy class at 8:30am but I have

learnt nothing, just remember something like the New-ton’s law?? We went to karaoke after the tort exam, but contract exam was coming in 1-week time; jongyuens

we organized loads of activities together we have really done a great job haven’t we? Remember our Gaga dance?

Xpp Tsinghua mates remember how crazy we were at that time? While someone poisoned his computer with

you-know-what, someone used towel to wrap himself up when taking shower lollllll ICL mates we went to Kung

Ming Tak Tong and stayed overnight for our surrogacy bb hahahaha….



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Contact:9532 4369





會成為人生的基礎, 確立你未來達到的高度。利益和榮耀只是霎時的快感;心中的平安及喜悅才是長久的





Thank you all for taking this journey with me. These four years have been




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Contact:9778 8506


Thank you for the memories you all have given me over the years. Let’s all be brave

and face the challenges ahead of us.

Happy graduation and best wish to you all !!!



Contact:9614 1048


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Contact:6983 8993


Happy Graduation! :)




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Best wishes

Happy Graduation!



Contact:5166 1580


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Contact:9815 3832

These four years at CU LLB passed in the blink of an eye. I have enjoyed the knowledge, friendship, stress, laughter and freedom which

have moulded us all into a more “legally competent” person. I would like to thank all the professors and teaching staff for enlightening

and supporting us. Thanks also go to all my dear friends. Without them, these four years would

not have been as memorable and fun!!

Dear my learned YEAR4 friends, uni life would be so much different without all of you. Even though I may not be really

close friends with some of you, I will still definitely miss every moment of school life together, be it a casual yum cha at 中菜廳; a random encounter in the TCW lifts; depending on each other during UGs; photocopying your ‘photocopied-

readings’ in the library; the non-awkward silence in tutorials; random laughter during lectures; gossips on facebook about professors (thinking that they won’t see the posts); hardcore

revision at school; panics for lack of preparation for tutorials; killing time at campus; rushing to class after assemblies;

‘virtual accompany online’ when we meet deadlines; jamming the printer in the common room at close to 5pm; walking downhill to KCR; and of course the CUSIS turmoil every semester. Just want to say something really lame like ‘keep

in touch’, ‘all the best’, ‘前程錦繡’ (bright future ahead), and ‘remember to pursue your dreams’.

You get my point, Love ya all!




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Contact:6604 4599

Four years of LLB has taught me lots of knowledge on law. I have once again adapted

to new culture and environment and have further gained another international

experience in Hong Kong. Thank you God for going through everything with me and I have

sensed more of your great love throughout these years. My parents and my sister who have given me so much love and support, I love you so much. Whatever I am going to do in the future I will do my best and will be a valuable asset to the community. My

professors and friends you are all great and thank you so much for being with me.

Best wishes!

Contact:9168 3439



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Contact:6134 7000

Contact:6082 2320

“Midway through the journey of our life, I found myself within a dark wood, for the right way had been


- Dante AlighieriDREYFUS KOO




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Contact:9406 8542

Being a lawyer can be stressful.

Keep calm and eat cupcakes!

In 10 years time after our graduation, we may forget the law, the principles, the authorities

and the journals we have once studied hard for, but we will never forget those people who study with us, and that’s what Matters. Love all of you who have fought every battles with me in these four years, especially my forever sweethearts

Holly, Isabella and Fergus!



Contact:9547 1311


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Contact:6192 6219

It is so great to be here for four years. Caring and supportive classmates have helped me to

overcome days and nights of “torture”. We have shared joys and tears at this lovely campus.

Wherever we will go, we belong to here, Faculty of Law, CUHK.

We have at last MADE IT THROUGH LAW SCHOOL!!! The tassel is definitely worth the hassle! I know

many think of graduation is an end to era and a big anticlimax, and to be honest I feel the same. I want to continue being in this comfort zone, where I feel safe

and protected. However, knowing how intelligent and hard-working everyone in this year is, I am

certain all of us will go on and achieve great things. I am sure in a few years time (even months!) the

nostalgia of the end-less essay writings and readings will make us reminisce about law school. I am just glad and grateful for everything these 4 years have brought me. All the ups and downs the all-nighters

that we have all pulled.



Contact:6225 4101


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Contact:5177 7223

Time flies. It has been four years since we all had the first law lecture at TCW (We know we are “oldies”

when we still have this term in our mind LOL) When looking back, it might have taken a lot of blood, sweat

and tears to go through the tedious studies, I feel glad to have studied at the CUHK Faculty of Law because I have gained or experienced a lot more than what I personally




Love, Achievements and


My beloved law-mates, it is nice to have met you all. Though we may have different plans and need to face

even greater challenges that await us after the last scraps of the university life, I am sure that we all will

not forget the good times we shared in these four years. Happy Graduation and Good Luck, everyone!!!


It’s great to have a class like that! Thanks for all the love and support

these 4 years. Wish you all every success and joy! KA YUE LAM

Contact:6482 6371


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Contact:9326 9872

Contact:6088 7053

FIVE things I absolutely LOVE about CUHK LLB Class 2013:1. I seriously think the girls in our class is the hottest in

the whole faculty, judged by how people (male and female, from the law faculty or outside) like to stalk them on facebook! And I’m amazed how four years of law school have NOT made

these gorgeous girls tired-looking but instead everyone is getting prettier every day. (Hope the guys would agree XD)

2. Em… I guess the boys in our class may be the cutest in the whole faculty (although not handsome, to be absolutely

honest), judged by the amount of junior girls who like to friends with you guys XD

3. We are always allies in the WAR against students from other faculty who take up all the seats in the law library and the common area on the 2nd floor of LSK. Although most of

the time we merely use the spot to take a nap!4. When I ‘forgot’ to prep for the tutorials, there are always someone who are willing to answer all the questions! (we know who they are XD) When I see their faces in class, I

know I’m safe that lesson. 5. When I’m getting the essays done 4am in the morning

before the deadline, I can always find comfort on facebook when I see there are always messages of encouragement

from people who are still fighting to get the essays done too. (together with pictures of late night snacks to keep me awake




Happy Graduation!


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Contact:9026 2535

Best wishes!



We are graduating! Finally it’s our turn! Yay!

I have always been proud of getting into CUHK law school and being a CUHK Law student (though personally I have

contributed little in the area of academic excellence, which I will leave the honour to you guys (and girls.)) Despite the hellish times during essays, studying law has been fun and fulfilling and I always have the great company and support

from my fellow magic circle,

Nevertheless, I do hope I have brought you all great fun and laughter during these 4 years, both in and out of lecture

halls and classrooms: delivering Krispy Kreme’s, sleeping in the front row during Criminal Law lecture, countless

random outbursts of laughter during awkward moments and last but not least, constant taking the mickey out of

not remembering some particular names and faces (who shall remain nameless… and apologies to you for my bad

memory lol)

Though I am not a particularly good drinker, guess I would still Find My Lovely Wu Liang Ye to be with me after

graduation lol, it’s difficult to change the habit ;-)

That’s about it! Keep in touch guys! All the best to our future! xx


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Contact:6107 9992

Contact:6481 8487

Thanks all for being good friends, nice classmates, caring companions and

lovely soulmates over the past years. May I wish you all a wonderful journey of life. Congratulations on graduation.

New beginning,New chapter,

New endeavors,New challenges.

All the best!Felix



They say that university life is bliss and that you’ll never enjoy happier times than this. Though there were many ups and downs

through the furious rollercoaster ride of law school, if I had to do it all over again, I don’t think I’ll do it any differently.

Too many great memories to remember – our fresh introductory tea where I was apparently… named “bin” – Year 1 Sir TL Yang Dinner – the random high court visits of overly-keen 1st year

law students – lady shaw bluebird sunny chilling - the super chill Australian winter vacation, to say the least, it was very “highly”

“happy” “herby” – the O’Camp joys that I ever so missed in year 1, probably won’t miss DEMing Beat but god was it enjoyable whilst it lasted – the start of our Hyatt / eat-siu nights – mooting fun with

the most enjoyable moot partner ever – grueling study sessions with Ms. Yu – an unforgettable Nanjing summer, an up close and personal experience of China’s judiciary, mm…. banquets – late

night tseun wan drinks – land law’s legal and equitable destruction of the brain – annual hotpot at the Pang’s – Cuppalicious birthdays

– our chur as hell pre-grad Taiwan trip…

Best of all, the building of long-lasting magic circle that can’t be found anywhere else in the world

And to everyone else, you know who you are… I do indeed love you all

Ben – (Not Bin, or Benny, or Benny Boi, or Da luk lou, or Bun zou mun)


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Contact:9617 5173

It’s glad to have been in the Law Faculty for four years with all of you. Still remember

how we were in the orientation camp, saying beats and dancing “changing partners” in

the beach at night. Four years passed so soon and we are no longer young and childish. Dressing in the gown and congratulating

each other fare-graduation makes the end of our university and the start of our next

stage. I wish all of you a good start and can walk to your own bright star.

Contact:6020 3328

Graduation- so it’s time for me to search for another career! JOKES. I don’t think what I have been through could be

explained in 300 words. The countless nights working on essays which were due the day after, studying all the materials

for one semester in one night, copying as much as possible from the textbooks during the exams…these kinda sum up my life as a law student. However, I’m so grateful that I met

a lot of great people. People who helped me, stayed with me, inspired me and went through the ups and downs with me in these four years. No one said it would be easy to do a law degree, but with all the friends and support I received, it wasn’t that bad. I would like to thank my second dad who always acts like my dad when my dad is not around. Also,

the first girl I met in this place, for always starting her essays and studying the day before the deadline or exam. This

always makes me feel better cause I know someone is on the same boat with me (sadly it is a sinking boat). Of course I

cannot leave out the person who told me the secret to pretty eyelashes, I won’t be able to stay beautiful all the time without you! Lastly, I would like to thank people who brought so much

fun and excitements into my life at CU during the past four years and those who gave me the best time of my life in CU. I believe that graduating only marks the end of a chapter but

the story of our friendship goes on. Finally congrats every one for getting the LLB degree! Hope that all the hard work will pay off when we get to bill our clients in the future! <3 Holly




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Happy Graduation!

Contact:6695 6792

Being a student is always a nice thing, regardless of the levels of study. Now that

graduation is on its way, I hope that I’ve learnt enough to cope with challenges afterwards.





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Contact:6196 3614

Contact:9731 4034

Dear my LLB mates,

It is my pleasure for me to be part of the class of 2013. I have enjoyed my time during these years. I wish you

all the Best in the coming future, no matter what career you pursue and what dream you chase for. I will always reserve all the moments we share together in a special

place in my heart.

Special thanks to those beloved ones who accept me to be their best friends in these four years. I cherish very

much the time we drink tea together, the time we pretend professors together, and the time we complete the ICL


Finally, I am glad that I could meet my true love at the LLB class. I believe I am the luckiest guy in the world! I

would definitely work hard and save money (if possible) for our future!

Wish you all the Best and Take Care!


“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted “ (Albert Einstein)

During these four years of university, I have witnessed how my brilliant and beloved classmates have all relentlessly and persistently pursue

their own dreams and goals. I am truly amazed, meanwhile, inspired by my peers’ hard work and passion. Thank you every one of you for being such excellent companions in this long conquest of LLB degree. Without your encouragement, kind help and fervent contributions in academic

discussions, I would not have achieved what I have now at this end of my university study.

Nevertheless, what can be counted does not necessarily count. Impressive academic results always sees to be the ultimate goal of a university student.

But in reality, what truly counts to make a university life meaningful will be another story. To me, valuable friendships, sharing personal life

stories, unforgettable mooting experiences, serving with 10 other Excos in Excenesis, Undergraduate Law Society... and many more experiences surely

play the most important and precious part of my 4-years CUHK university life. These are the things that can hardly be counted but counted the most

to me. Everyone in this Class of 2013 has made my life in CUHK livelier and more colourful. Thus, I must again express my gratitude to you all.

After the four years spent in CUHK, I hope everyone will feel confident to say that they have gained things that counted to them most. More

importantly, I wish every one can find the “right” thing to count on, and forget about things that does not really matter!

I would like to end by quoting another Einstein’s words of wisdom:- “Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to

embrace living creatures and the whole of nature of its beauty”.




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Contact:6489 5606

Nothing much to say here except congratulations for graduating !

Happy Graduation!



Contact:9034 1441


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Time flies, really. Without realizing it, I am graduating soon. Here at CUHK, I have played a lot, learnt a lot, and enjoyed a lot. Life in LLB is intensive, but at the

same time, it is fruitful and productive. Looking back, it was all worth it. I have experienced what I would

like to achieve when I came here. I feel so lucky that I made the right choice four years before, which gives

me the chance to meet these wonderful professors and awesome friends. Now I am graduating. It’s exciting

because one stage of my life has ended and a fresh new exposure is waiting for me. But meanwhile, it is sad. From now on, I have to leave this beautiful campus. I will definitely miss the campus and the days we have

spent together.


Contact:6029 5677

We finally get there.

At the beginning of law school, I was overwhelmed by the sense of insecurity. Law school was

a terrifying place to many others with the workload we have, people we face and the style we

work. I have never imagined that at the end of my university life, I would miss the time here that

much. Many here are just unexpectedly nice and helpful. It is my true pleasure to finish my law

degree with you all. Leaving another greenhouse, we finally enter the society. There will be more

uncertainties and insecurities as to our futures. Yet life must go on and I am sure that we will have

our unique path to the success.



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Wowowoowowowow it’s been four years already !!! Thanks everyone for being great LLB-mates esp those bosom friends of mine! U know who u are la! All the best to everyone, the world

is our oyster ! Don’t forget me when u’re all successful and famous haha. *hugssss* ISABELLA MA

Contact:6579 9327

Happy Graduation!

Contact:6223 3363



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Contact:9516 9405

Contact:6531 4668


EVENTUALLY! Four years isn’t that long but the four years in CUHK will definitely be an unforgettable memory in my life.

Thanks for all the love and laughter!


Happy graduation


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It finally comes to the moment for me to write a graduation message. I seriously don’t know what to say now. Forgive me for my messy

words. This message is no easier than the thesis!First, CUHK LLB is the best law school among all This may sound

subjective, but anyways, that is what many of us truly thinks haha. We have good good professors and good good law-yaus. We have had

many good good times!Second, about myself and law. I like the subject I am studying -

complicated but kinda interesting. I am glad to have chosen this subject and I think I have learnt a lot. I can see my own improvement

- very obvious if I am to review my essays done in year 1 and 2. XDThird, about my best mates in the faculty.

EXCENESIS Jongyuens, the decision to join you was a wise one I like having meetings in Hostel 2, like those sleepless nights, like our

dance, like our jokes. I like you all (heehee)O-mates, jo-lo-pors jo-lo-gongs, you are great >3<! And our beats,

sweats and laughter... You certainly made unforgettable memories for me. Actually I think ocamp makes it a legitimate excuse to do crazy silly things. I so much wish we can join the coming ocamp. I wanna

be a spy!!!My best friends and my d(^_^)b, thanks for always staying with me You are seriously whom I trust for and share my feelings

with. Without you life here would not have been the same >v<. (I particularly enjoy the gossips we have - hahaha) More beyond words.

Love you all Thanks the class of brilliance! You all bright guys highlight my

university life! I think I do have learnt a lot from you all. Hope to meet more even we are parted in the future

Best Wishes, and Happy Graduation.

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I first joined my own O camp and started my journey at the CUHK law

school. I’m blessed to have known you all here my dear friends and shared all the tough times and joy of law school together, especially during our ICL time! And

now that we’re finally graduating, I can’t help feel a bit sad that my university life is about to end but also feel

so proud at the same time. I will never forget the days in LLB with you all! And hope we will keep in touch for the

years to come! :D




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Thanks to all my lovely classmates! We have only become classmates for 2 years but it is a great time studying with you all! In our bright future, may we have love that never ends and

lots of friends. Health be ours, whatever we do, may God send many blessings us!


Had a pretty awesome 4-year llb journey with the people. Lots of fun, some hardwork and bit of horrible times. Good luck to all and keep in



Contact:9207 9749


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Contact:9700 5948





We’ve known the rules since.


Congratulations! We worked hard and we did it! And it’s time to celebrate! Yayyyyyyyy! While we are reaping the fruits of our labour, celebrating and partying and devising plans for our future, may we all keep in mind our dear professors’ valuable pieces of advice - ‘Make sure you get married! Ladies, do not trust men, they lie!’

(Prof G, 2013) and ‘Bailment is not what you pay for your freedom. Divorce is.’ (Prof R, 2012) xd

Keep working hard and thrive to success. Happy graduation!


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Contact:9513 3489

Best wishes!

Contact:9538 7779

“一天一天的我在期待放學,一轉眼卻要告別校園,一張一張的快樂同學笑臉, 粉筆似的消失不再遇見…”

It‘s very nice to meet you all in LLB and I can never imagine how my life will be if I have chosen another

degree to do in CU.

THANK YOU my dearest TAND <3 and Epic group, law school will NEVER be the same without all the laughter,

joy and happiness that you guys have bought me.;))

keep in touch and friendship forever^^



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Contact:6121 1524

To my dearest fellow lawmates!!!!

HOOOORAY and congrats for finishing law schoooool!!! Now that’s quite an achievement, you should give

yourself and each other a big hand and a pat on the shoulder.

It is amazing for us to cross paths and meet each other at CU LLB, where friendships blossomed and grew. Our

year would not be the same without you. There were sweat, stress and tears in these 4 years, but the support,

friendships, and satisfaction from achieving our goals are truly worthwhile.

Now you have fought the good fight, finished the race, and have kept the faith. Yet there is still one thing: forget what is behind and strain towards what is ahead. Let us all press on towards the goal to win the prize prepared

for each and every one of us. May the Lord God bless and keep you!



Contact:6149 5309

My dear LLB buddies, it’s just awesome to have all of you in my undergraduate life:)

The moments when we pretended to be the teachers, laughed at jokes in class, supported

one another on Facebook and shared our notes will always stay on my mind! We

are a unique class because of the warmth and support we had no matter what. Best

endeavours to your future!




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Contact:6595 2800

Contact:9412 3408

I am so happy that I have had so many classmates in law faculty that truly cares about me. Who would sacrafice their study time, their rest time, even their

dating time just because I asked them to do me a favour. I mean. it’s not about the quantity or measurement or length of time. It’s about trusting, and caring and

loving somebody like me. I am so loved. I am so grateful. What a life I am living. Was blind but now I see. I have decided to write a novel about my whole thing now as it is still fresh. If you want to be a part of it, tell me. If

you want you to be a character of my creation, tell me. I will surely skip the dark and keep the bright side of it on


The only regret I have is that I won’t be graduating with you guys. But As a PCLL DQ-ed person, I have faith that I

will eventually be a lawyer, if I truly want.

Mark my final words : Don’t hide your scars, wear them as proof that ‘your loved one’ heals.


If there is one thing that I have learnt in my four years here, it is this:

Whatever path you may choose to walk, you can ultimately fail. Paths bend, roads end and light fades. But if you can keep your head up, you have already

found success. Just keep walking. ALEX YAU


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Contact:6020 2943

Contact:9583 3001

Best wishes!




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Contact:9276 0215

Contact:9658 4230

Happy graduation everyone!!!

Happy Graduation!



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Contact:6706 5901

Contact:6239 4066

Happy Graduation!

Happy Graduation!We have finally made it to the end:)

Class ‘13 has the most amazing people and I’m so glad to have you guys as my classmates through law school.Graduation is turning a new page of our lives, and I wish everyone all the success and happiness in the




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Contact:6373 5831

Contact:9851 8787

Time really flies. I can still remember vividly the orientation camp back in the summer of 2009. The City-Hunt, the Campfire

Dance, the night chatting, everything. And now 4 years have passed and we will be proud LLB graduates in a few months’


Being a law student is no easy task. The endless readings, research essays and the exams (which always seem to be too

difficult) can make the most optimistic person miserable, and turn the most out-going person into a frequenter of hiding behind

reference books in the law library.

But then there are definitely upsides of doing LLB in CUHK. The campus is unbeatable. And the people I have met in these four years are so friendly and down-to-earth. Professors are never

annoyed by questions and are always there to offer help. As for my classmates, they are the best. I have never dreamt of making

so much life-long friends in the faculty. It is my buddies who have made the past 4 years of legal studies interesting and warm.

The past 4 years are full of fond moments that I will cherish. A few years from now, I might struggle to recall the “Double-

Actionability Rule” or the “Ghosh Test”. But the joy and laughter of being a law student in CUHK will be forever imprinted on my


All the best to all LLB graduates of 2013!


Happy graduation! May you be blessed with love, joy and peace in your life.



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Z Photo Day Y


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Z Photo Day Y


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Z Photo Day Y


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Z Photo Day Y


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From George Lam:I’ve decided NOT to use formal English to leave my messages, coz I never speak formal English to you guys. So I’m going to speak in informal English or chinglish. After 4 years what I have obtained/gained from cuhk geh ng wui hai legal knowledge lollll I’ve almost forgotten all stuff that we have learnt. But our frdship hai wui last forever geh im sure. And here are some words for the ones I LOVE. Haha=D


Emmm is the microphone on? Is it on? Oh yeah…Emmm kung hei fat choi…emmm today I’m going to deal with yearbk message. Emmm I’m not sure what to say but I will try…haha ho lah ng play lah. Well to be honest it’s really my honour to know you four in my uni life loh…without u four my uni life would not be the same. We have become closer n closer since yr3 and because of icl. Lol. We have shared our moments tgt…we really tgt happy tgt sad lol…im sure we will never forget the days we imitate professors and we go to reserve lib to photocopy books and we drink tea at chung choi ten and chur icl and the afternoon/night/midnight/morning we spent at wlc’s home for icl blah blah blah…we have had quarrels but they didn’t/couldn’t challenge our frdship. We hv ups and downs but at the end of the day the downs do not exist…pakpakpakpakpak…4 years jau gum jau pass jor lah and I really hope that we can be classmates for one more year so that we can chur tgt and hv fun tgt and share our joy n our happiness tgt. You all will have very bright geh future but don’t forget to take care of urself lolllll esp the medicine bo and the one who always hv insomnia and the one who always has “stomach gas” lollllll

Emmmm anything else anyone?

Have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy your life. And I look forward to seeing you………


From Connie Law:

Thanks for being my friends. All of you are articulated, talented and brilliant. I have truly learnt a lot from you. Our friendship has made me a better person.

Thanks for being my friends. You have been my comrades in arms in the university, and I believe that you will be my companions in my lifetime. I will always remember the good times that we shared and the silly fight that we had. I am con-fident that with time our bond will grow stronger.

I promise to always stand by your side, just the way you will do. Together we will cross every hurdle of life with support, bravery and ease.


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From Carmen Sin: The Hobbits (Cynthia, Heman , Tiffany Cheung Tsz Ying, Sally, Melinda, Angie):We are such a random group but it is really nice to have u all as a group. It is real pleasure to bake inception cookies and watch movies together! Look forward to next fun gathering with you!

Refugee buddies (Rose and Carmen)The program is really chur but rewarding! It’s great to get closer with u two through this program. Carmen, you are a perfect working partner. I will miss our lunch time and tea time at the one lol! Rose, you have grown tougher and stronger after the program! You are now a tough lady

Law cell buddies (Ivan, Rachel, Tiffany Chueng Hiu Ying, Slyvia):We are family~ I feel warm to have you all to go through all those ups and downs with me. Thanks for always being there for me! We share our laughter and tears and walk with Jesus as a team. Graduation will not pose an end to our bonding. Meet soon in PCLL cell group hahah

From Erica Chan:To all LLB 2013 graduates,You are all smart, pretty, gorgeous, energetic, vibrant. It’s great to havespentI truly believe that every one of LLB 2013 graduates will rock in their future,no matter which path they take. I wish all of you the best.Stay in touch!

To Execenesis,The jong life was an “inalienable” part of my LLB life, and also the memories Itreasured much. I am amazed at how incredibly capable all of you are and I didlearn lots from every one of you. And you are all so funny!

From Alex Lau:Dearest Magic Circle, I have always thought we have known each other for so so so long. It’s crazy!We are all just so talented in our own way and keep bringing in the fun and the jokes. (I am actually proud of being the common sense king, now that is sad.) Let’s keep the list of annual event traditions! And sometime in the future, we might well have our own co, with all of us in our roles, who knows? xoxo

Yo Lawrence, Putting up with me for such a long time is not an easy thing I know. ;-) But seriously, I think I haven’t really like thank you properly before, thanks for every-thing throughout this decade (!): helping me academi-cally and personally and during good and bad times. Couldn’t imagine how my life would be like without you after graduation! (Awwww) Cheers mate!


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From Jaime Lam:To my dear awesome 8:

In a few months time, we are all going to go our separate ways and lead the live we have always wanted to have, and be the person we want to be. In fact, I still can’t believe we are graduating in a few months. It is weird to think back where I first met all of you, and I will forever remember the way Ben introduced himself ‘Hi, I am BIN!’… I am pretty sure none of us can ever forget that. Looking back, we have all grown up so much, especially Carmen who seems to get more and more beautiful everyday. You all mean the world to me, and I will always have a special lit-tle place in my heart for you all. (I know it’s cheesy!) I will never forget all of our time spent together, especially the time spent in Lawrence’s room, watching Sai Lo dancing to ‘Smack That’ and singing along.

In the past 4 years, I have learnt a lot from you all. Espe-cially from Astrid, who is a strong, independent, beauti-ful girl who stops at nothing to achieve her goals, I truly admire that about you; and Lawrence, who has a calm personality that seems to de-stress everyone by simply existing.

Never have I ever come across a bunch of people with such

vibrant personalities: Kammy, who handles every-thing with grace and poise; Alex Lau who is loud and funny, but has a kind heart, and would go on a limb to give anyone a helping hand; Alex Yau, the Year-1-eyecandy, that is simply buff and sexy; Carmen, who is kind-hearted, beautiful, help-ful, intelligent, conscientious, hard-working and everything that a girl like me would want to be; and Ben, well, he is just the best Oralist, and we all love him to bits.

I love you all and if you ever need a friend, you know who to call!

Love always, Jaime xoxo

From Fergus Chau:My Wine Team members, Holly and Yau, and the other wine teams and the society, I am so glad to be with you all to experience all the goodness of wine. We have been to many places and done so much that not just built upon our knowledge in wine but also our friendship. I do not like the idea when Raymond said I founded the Soc because without you all, this soci-ety would not come into reality and would just be in Raymond’s dream. I treasure our friendship very much and would even sacrifice all my 1982 Lafitte for it! (If I have any LOL) I propose we shall have regular wine dinner in the future so to keep us all together, good??

Lawrence, Yau, A.Lau, Ben, Kammy, Carmen, Jamie, and Astrid, thanks for everything you guys and gals have shared and done for me. I really enjoy the mo-ments when we have hotpot or just went to TinTin bar. I really like being around with you all and I wish we can all keep this close knit in the future. This bonding will never go WLY!!!

Rawrers and Whatsup, you all know that I treasure the O-Camp moments very much as I can truly go crazy when playing games and have fun. Either as Jojainuis

or Jobamas, I like our groups very much and I wish this bonding can keep for good.

My friends, at last, I just wish to say I am sorry to whom I may have offended for my words or my ac-tions throughout the years. I know my words often get very harsh and closed-minded and those were never meant to be like that. I am not very good at communicating my emotions and thoughts. If there are any bad feelings or misunderstanding, I wish by this message you can understand me better and forgive me. As I said before, we are blessed to be classmates and please treasure it together. You are all my good friends.


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From Tracey Ho:Shout outs to TANDE, thank you best buddies for being around. Like sunshine in the morning, stars at night; flowers during spring, colours during autumn; chocolate in my fridge, milktea on my desk; pillars of buildings and partition walls as shelters. You get my point <3 Shout outs to Mel, have already forgotten how we started to become good friends (introduction to psychology?), just remember our gossips, dates, failed-macaroons, Fancy quotes, marie fever, slacking togeth-er when Felix isn’t around, and of course our private talks. Thanks for always listening to my unreasonable ‘addiction’ and worries and to bear my emo. Really like you as friend, we need to catch up more. You get my point <3 Shout outs to CK, just really glad to have met you BiG-O-MATE, you always speak random kai stuff, which I do not know why I find them hilarious. Chatting, joking, sharing burdens, present ideas for Elaine... just really hope you can pursue your dreams and be a great lawyer someday! Hope we can both stick to our prin-ciples in life, be a great person, and enjoy whatever we become of in the future. You get my point! J Shout outs to Kaman, my ‘psychology-battle’ compan-ion. We always took turns to attend lectures, did last

minute revision for exams, chur projects together, experience the statistic turmoil together... just so glad to have a law-mate who has the same interests with me! You get my point <3 Shout outs to Tsinghua mates, had a really memorable exchange experience with you all! Just loved cycling to school every day, tasting cheap yet tasty food in Beijing together and to travel around together for a month! You get my point! Shout outs to EPIC group, too epic. You get my point...

From Ryan Lau:Dear all,

Wish you all every success in your future lives.

Good Luck!!!

Yours ever, Ryan Lau

From Astrid Yeung:To My dearest jongyuenssssssss,

Together we had lots of unforgettable memories: from the freezing consultation to the massive inauguration, from the restless meetings to the fun photodays …

I do think we had some kind of secret chemistry – and that made Excensis so outstanding. You are all remark-able : )

Always yours, Lovely EVP

PS. Muah Muah haha


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From Lawrence Pang:

Astrid: Passionate and Enthusiastic (2009 - 2013)

Alex Lau: Jokes Provider as always, who could forget the time when you burnt down

UC lawnKammy: The one and only rider and baker

in law faculty!Yau: - His full name is Yau-the-man, enough

said.Jaime: Best friend since day 1 - love you sai

sai lupCarmen: Best friend number 2 since day 1 -

love you carmsBen: Ben Lau, aka Benji Boy, a very good

companion in every aspect. *cough*To magic circle: it is a great pleasure to meet

you all. Thanks guys for everything.To LLB: Every single one of you have made my LLB journey unique and enjoyable. Very

best of luck to you all. Keep in touch.

From Carmen Sin:After all these years of blood and tears, we’ve made it finally! I should express my thanks to you, you and you!

Song YY Jo jai nui (Brian, Calvin, Geroge, Joey, Lorraine, Michelle, Rachel ,Sabrina, Tiffany):Now we are classmates! Thanks for always being so caring and lovely. The ocamp with u guys is really fun. I still remember the epic drama we performed in the beach ( George stole Saidor’s underwear lol). Also, thanks for the lovely memory books you guys made for me before I left Hong Kong for Sheffield! That is one of the best gifts I have ever received. May we keep in touch after over graduation! songYY <3

Wondeful ICL (Calvin, Chris, Elaine, Michelle, Rose): Thanks Elaine for inviting me to join this lovely group! Interestingly, I find our time working on ICL enjoy-able. You guys are the best teammates! Remember the days we stayed in Pik Chau Building until 10 pm or later? Chur but memorable days in my uni life! Hopefully we have our open-sem rice for PCLL soon lol!

My old friends (Isabelle, Sally, Vinca):We are graduating finally after all 5 years! We were the old ghosts in CU and now about to become freshmen of society. Let good luck be our friend in whatever we do and trouble always be a stranger to us!

You all are the best!! <3


Dear Sponge-Bob Lover,

Keep pretty all the time! And Eat Bananas :P! Remember to be a Human-Being not Human-Going!

Thank you for being such a fabulous friend!!!!XOXO

Dear My Dearest,

Thank you for accompanying me through my ups and downs for all these years. I am extremely grateful that I get to find you as my companion. Love your letters, your small gifts (especially the Forever Friend Bear) and most importantly you heart-warming support! I will never forget about our most random but inspiring discussions and sharing. These memories will always stay in my mind forever. I look forward to having many more such precious time spent with you in the future!

All in all, thank you dear for being such an amazing friend!

From Dear

From Sabrina Lee:To my Beloved EXCENSIS lovers <3


火爆爆,火辣辣,情深深,情朗朗,眼啤啤,眼朦朦,脆卜卜,朦查查, 戇居居, 娃哈哈!


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From Astrid Yeung:To my Kammy, Carmen and Jaime

I enjoyed very much our girls’ talk. A W E S O M E. The No Fucking Rings. Even M O R E A W E S O M E. HAHA, just so you know, you are all so special to me…

Kammy – the cupcake queen. I think you are crazy because you befriended me. I think also because you hanged out with me too much, your are hitting my low haha points too. :P We think alike these days..Thank you for being there for me most of the times, especially when I am super grumpy about that GIRL. lol I don’t want to say too much to you because I am seeing you every day next year. hahah xx

Jaime – the danso cutie. You are my first friend in the entire law faculty. I still remembered how crazy we were in Ocamp. God – we went mental!!!!!!! And I think it’s because of you I got to know everyone in our magiccircle. I just want you to know that you have been doing great. I love you as a friend and as a person. You are amazing just the way you are. I hope you can stay happy with whoever you love. xxx

Carmen – the pretty nerd. I have never told you this but I think you are really pretty. (Ignore the Pilipino comment haha) At first I thought you were really quiet…and now I know that’s not the case haha : ) espe-cially after our girls’ talk. And your crush on Pudding Dog was pretty cute as well. You will be a successful sexy lawyer. I love you xxx

From Carmen Yu:Hi Magic Circle Peeps!Way too many awesome memories in the past 4 years! Really enjoyed every moment spent with you guys. Law school would not have been as much fun without you all!! I LOVE YOU ALL! :)Let’s continue to eat, play, laugh after graduation!

A big shout out to my fellow cage dwellers - a lot of work but a lot of fun... and a lot of food!Special thanks to Hangzhou group and the Sydney crew for the really amazing summer trips :)

From Hess Chan:Thanks all of my friends, especially whom I am so close with. I think you will know if I’m talking to you, sometimes we just don’t need words. I am fragile and dull, without you all I can’t stand till now. May our friendship be forever.


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From Astrid Yeung:

TO Chau J,

My dear Fergus J you are always incredibly outstanding.

Starting from the beginning of our university life, you have successfully demonstrated the passion for law and justice in our HK LEGAL SYSTEM class, especially near the end of each lecture.

Since we were all thrilled by your enthusiastic learning at-titude, we certainly would not mind listening to all of your questions and your eager discussion with our professors.

As time goes by you seemed to have shifted your interest from law to 牛腩麪. Perhaps also because of the牛腩麪, you speeded up your speaking pace and we were so delight-ed about this.

I will remember you – my jo lo gong : ) And working with you for ICL was SO MUCH fun, especially when you and Mr. Alex Lau argued (logically).

Astrid xx

To Benjamin Lau

You are xxxxing awesome! I love you. Thank you for always being there for me. Your shoulder has been very important at the right times.

You are now my favourite male friend xxx

Loads of love and kisses (although kissing you was indeed a torture),Astrid

• Andourroastedpig…gonewithin 10 sec?

I love you all. I know we say this a lot. But I really do mean this. I got so used to all of you….

Please Stay close xxxxxAstrid

Ps. already looking forward to our Graduation Trip !!!

To my Magic Circle,

You guys FTW.

I could not imagine my LLB life without any of you. You have brightened up my life in CUHK!! I am so loved and lucky to have the 7 of you.

As your social convenor from the very begin-ning, I am soooo happy that we got through these years altogether. We made law school tolerable….

• WerockedthedodgyCWBplaceon Carmen’s birthday when we were still fresh(ers)…and getting incredibly drunk. (Yes Ben you puked)• WehadacutesmallpicnicontheUClawn and Helen Yu was with us! • Establishedourlittletradition:theFTWAnnual Hotpot at LP’s place (always my favour-ite occasion around the year) • OnmybirthdayIthinkIsprayedcreamon your faces (oops)• OnLP’sbirthdaywebakedmeamemecake • OnKammy’sbirthdaywewentclubbing(I think it’s our first time)• Wedidhappyhour+taiyuenalot…..Remember the .... talk?• Speakingofthe....youcannotskipthetalk in Chungking which makes me sick

From Elaine Ng:

Cheers to all my fellow classmates! You worked hard and you did it! May all of your dreams come true! Congrats!


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From Joey Lin:Dearest CHY, LCH, LTL, WLC,

There is no better way than this one for me to call you four. I can’t describe how much I treasure you all and the time we hang around in words. Having such good friends all along my university life is not something I have always expected. Before meeting you four, I thought I was not going to meet any real friends here. The best part of my memory here is the time with you all: the time we work, we joke, we imitate someone and so on. Thanks a lot for every-thing in these years. Love ya!

LCY (Joey)

From Rose Lu:THANKS SO MUCH MY DEAR FRIENDS! Thanks very much for sharing my happiness and for making my happiness! Also, thanks very much for your accompany me to go through all the challenges. You make me a lucky girl! Without you, I cannot be who I am today. It’s so enjoyable to have my law study with you guys! Wish you all the best! =D

From Tiffany Cheung:Lots of fun, lots of memories… I got some secret messages below to you hahahaha. Please try to spot the paragraph for you xppp

Thank you so much my dear. We have been classmates since Form 3. Throughout these years, you always give me support no matter what happened…. I must say….. I love you more than I can say hahahaha <3

Thank you so much my dear. Since Year 1, we share our happiness and difficulties together. We share our experience in God, we share our worries in studies, we even share our love affairs hahahahaha xpp

Thank you so much my dear. You know, we have really done a great job in defeating all the coursework mon-sters hahahaha xpp It’s so nice to have your accompany in these 4 years… You are one of those whom I can share my everything <3

Thank you so much my dear. We have become close friends because of Excenesis =) We do not contact each other frequently but whenever we talk to each other it seems that we got loads to share. So happy for you to have such a good man to take care to you now haha =)

Thank you so much my dear. Thanks for leading me to God in Year 1. You know, this is such an important moment in my life =) treat my sister well. Or else you’d better be careful hahahaha xpp

Thank you so much my dear. Erm…… come on you know this message is for youuuuu…. You know me too well and you know my secrets hahaha xp thanks for always reminding me to be alert… you know I can easily fall into traps >< thanks for always listening to me and telling me what I should do =)

Thank you so much my dear. You always say I am like your troublesome sister. Thanks so much for always listening to me and comforting me whenever I feel lost. We cannot see each other so often next year, but that won’t weaken our bonding =) I will still be troublesome to you hahaha xpp

Thank you so much my dear. Thanks for always taking care of your daughter and sharing with me your deep-est feelings and secrets hahaha =) you know it’s really warm to call you dad haha. To be serious you deserve a good girl. I know I will have a good mum very soon =)

Forgive me for not being able to write a little message for all of you. I would like to say, I love you all <3


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From Michelle Ma:1. SongYYers (大家姐Tiffany、喜歡Elmo的Rachel、喜歡用紅筆把字寫得很大、跟我一樣饞嘴的余宏龍、做事認真但一定有上「高登」的Calvin大佬XD、靚靚PerfectP Sabrina、唱歌超級好聽的Lorraine、話很少但體貼的LCY Joey、從我第二天認識他就已經勁hyper、記憶力超好的林子龍、勁細心的組媽Chacha)、2. KOEM (靚靚清華武漢同房520 Elaine、做事極認真的最佳聽眾KKW Chris)、 3. 靚女們 (還要說更多嗎waiwaib? Ada :D、優雅大方的施大小姐施美美Daphne、經常鼓勵我, 要我多祈禱的桃花小組Emily、Cathie、Karen、人超好常常送我小禮物的Con-nie、對內地時事超熟悉的Alice、FB達人Quote Queen Tracey、「同舟共濟」的Yoyo、北京美女Rose、細細粒Emily、肥牛Claudia、厲害Hiker Vinca、Heman、TszYing、Cynthia、Theodora、Anny、Natalie、Dawn)、4. 大佬們 (Onson、Jimmy、Hess、Ivan、EM、Rocky)

From George Lam:Dear SongYY,

Really so glad that our jobamas have put us into the same group so that we have yuen fun to be frds. So happy to know u guys. I know that and we all know that songyy is the best and we will be good frds forever. I prom-ise I will organize jo juis even after graduation. You guys rmb to come woh!! Haha wish u all yau very very very very bright geh future lah!!!


Dear LoL,

I’m so happy and thankful to have you all as my jo lo gongs and jo lo pors lol. If you guys mo help me take care of the kids during ocamp and mo help me deal with other jo stuff im sure I wouldn’t have had such an awesome experience. Many many thanks to you guys and I know that we will be good frds even after many years. I sincerely hope that we all can every day dou LAUGH OUT LOUD and hope that there will be LOTS OF LOVE around us. LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!


Dear Excenesis Jongyuens

It’s my pleasure to work with you all. Ben, you are the 12th jongyuen and so you are included. Haha. Re-ally thanks a lot for teaching me and working with me and leaving such a great memory in my brain. I will never forget our jong life and our happy days. I know that after many years when we gather and talk about our interesting things everybody dou wui laugh to death haha. I will never forget our chur bao photodays preparation. Back to suk and sleep for half an hour then go to shaw to build the balloon bridge lol mud-liu. I will also NEVER forget our excenesing and our awesome and unforgettable performance. But for you guys I wouldn’t have the courage to dance ladygaga LOL. We should have more jongjuis ahhhhh!!!! Wish you all dou yau very bright geh future lah!!! Kammy n astrid wish ur cupcake business “jing jing yat sheung” hahahaha:D



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