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  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    YEAR 4

    UNIT 2

    THEME: Communication, Transport andRelationships


    During Year 4, themes continued to be used to create opportunities for the children toread, write and discuss texts. At this stage of their learning, the children should have a

    firm foundation of the 44 phonemes in the English language, having consolidated themthroughout the Year 2 English programme and continue to practise them in the Year 3programme.

    n !nit 2, the theme is "ommunication, #ransport and $elationships. %ver the first wee&of this unit, teachers have the opportunit' to explore the histor' of communications andprepare children for the upcoming wor& in the unit. (rom wee& 2, children explore thethree main means of transportation, i.e. land transport, water transport and air transport.#he' then will be ta&en on a space adventure. Each wee& utilises the principles ofintegration across the four language s&ills, uses concrete experiences and furtherdevelops independent reading and writing habits. A shared read is the focus of each

    wee& from which listening, spea&ing, reading and writing tas&s are set. #he stress is onen)o'ment, communication and the needs of individual learners. #here is also a setlibrar' programme lin&ed to the unit of wor&, which will further develop children*sreading, writing, and stud' s&ills, including higher order thin&ing.

    Overarching objectives: Although each activity undertaken within the English programme has its ownspecific objective, it is important to be aware of the overarching objectives of thescheme and what we, as teachers, are aiming towards with the children.

    The first overarching objective for the programme is to use the four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing to become more familiar with te!t typesand to respond to them.

    The second overarching objective is to e!tend the children"s confidence, abilityand stamina in reading, writing, speaking and listening. #This objective comeswith the awareness that each child"s individual starting point in these areas in$ear % will differ and so we are working to e!tend them at their own level, hencethe necessity for differentiated tasks&.

    The purpose'objective of each of the specific activities of the lesson is shownbelow within the e!planation and description of each activity.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships



    + istor' of "ommunication2 -odern "ommunication

    3 4 /and transport

    0 1 ater transport Air transport5 A 6pace adventure

    +7 8 +2 !nit $evision of text t'pes and genres

    $AI%Y !ER!IE"$AY ACTI!ITIE& TIMIN'+ 8 4 6ustained 6ilent $eading +7 mins

    9ocabular' :ractice 70 mins/istening and spea&ing ;intro to shared read< +7 mins

    6hared reading +7 mins/istening and spea&ing ;response to shared read< +7 minsriting tas& ;Da' + =modelled and class dictated, Da'2 = group writing, Da' 3 4 = independent writingA wee& resources3 + small boo& for writing


    + nformation2 -ixed -ixed3 nformation nformation4 Dialogue $esponse to dialogue0 nstruction nstruction1 ?arrative letter ?arrative letter

    Expositor'@ nformation Expositor'@ nformationnformation 6>A

    5 nformation@?arrative ?arrative+7 8 +2 -ixed genre

    E(planation and description o) theacti*ities

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    !oca+ular -ractice"ords speci)ic to the .ee/0s .or/:

    #hese can be practised for homewor&, be used to ma&e a picture dictionar', be displa'ed inthe classroom with picture prompts and should be the focus of 0 minutes of each lesson inplace of speed' sounds and speed' words for those children who can access them.#eachers can use ideas from the lower primar' programmes, or their own ideas, for gamesand activities which will support the children in becoming familiar with these words and theirmeanings. 1or those needin to continue consolidatin sounds and simpler *ersions o)the .ords, please ena+le them to do so3

    !oca+ular -ractice +lendin 5)or children .ho still need this practice6-urpose to practise blendingMaterials list of words to blend ;these should come from the da'*s shared reading text orfocus word list. Dependent on the average abilit' of 'our class, 'ou ma' wish to differentiate the givenshared text so that it meets the needs of the ma)orit' of 'our readers.

    -rocedure+. #he shared reading time is preceded b' a spea&ing and listening tas& to introduce it or to

    enable the children to reflect on the previous da'*s shared reading.

    2. Displa' the large shared reading text. f 'ou have a ver' large class, 'ou ma' want to givethe children the text in front of them so that the' can see it clearl'.3. ive the children time to read either all of the shared text in their heads or an element of it

    ;e.g. 283 sentences

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    Materials differentiated texts to suit abilit' levels of children in 'our class"reate an atmosphere of uiet in order to allow the children to read independentl' withoutdistraction.

    "ritin tas/s(our different t'pes of writing tas&s are suggested -odelled writing "lass dictated writing roup writing ndependent writing

    As the wee& progresses, the children wor& from best practice writing modelled b' theirteacher towards independent writing tas&s.Modelled .ritin-urpose: to demonstrate to the children the wa' in which to construct sentences including

    writing s&ills such as editing and correction.Materials: enerall', the teacher will model the writing on a white board.:rocedure+. #he spea&ing and listening tas& prior to the modelled writing tas& often acts as an

    introduction to the writing.2. #he teacher can write alone or with the use of a puppet. here a puppet is used, the

    teacher and puppet can share the roles of writer and criti ue.3. ntroduce the purpose of 'our writing to the children e.g. am going to write a diar' as

    though were As'raf.4. 6pea& aloud 'our thought process as 'ou write, modelling to the class the wa' in which

    'ou are structuring the text as a whole and also at the sentence level.E.g. 6o, need to start with the date for the diar'. /et*s sa', B#hursda' 4 th -arch*. ?ow,because *m writing a diar' need to write about things which have alread' happened.6hall sa' B#oda' swim* or B#oda' swam*G

    0. As& the class for help in this wa' as 'ou write in order to maintain their full engagement.1. 6pelling or punctuation errors could be made and the children in the class can help to

    correct these.. hen the modelled tas& is complete, read through it encouraging the children to listen.

    :erhaps stop at times and as& the children to help 'ou to ma&e the writing better e.g. H>igis uite a good word but is there a better word could useG -a'be could sa' Benormous*instead.I

    Class dictated .ritin

    -urpose: to involve the children in a shared and guided writing experience, demonstratingvalue for the ideas the' have and supporting them in constructing sentences accuratel'Materials: enerall', the teacher will write the class dictated writing onto a white board.+. #he spea&ing and listening tas& prior to the class dictated writing tas& often acts as an

    introduction to the writing.2. As& children to contribute their ideas for the writing as&ing prompting uestions to

    encourage their ideas e.g. e*re going to wor& together to write ideas about an interestingplace to visit in 6abah. ow do start an information reportG

    3. f the ideas are not contributed in a grammatical sentence, suggest a suitable wording forthe sentence.

    4. Encourage the children to be involved in recognising where punctuation is needed.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    0. As& the children to help spell onl' one or two words in each sentence. ;#he ob)ect of thisactivit' is creating a written composition, not learning to spell.efore the telephone, messages could be sent using a telegraph. #he telegraph was

    important because it was the first invention that used wire and electricit' to send messages.

    #he telegraph was a much faster and easier wa' to send messages. t meant that people andanimals didn*t have to travel a long wa' to deliver messages.

    #he telegraph wor&ed b' sending sounds over a wire. #he sounds stood for dots and

    dashes #he dots and dashes stood for letters and numbers. hen the dots and dashes

    were changed into letters, the message could be read.

    -essages sent b' telegraph were ver' expensive so this meant that some people could not

    send messages. #he' also too& a long time to send which meant that the messages had to

    be short.

    H E % %3 3 3;33 3;33 ; ; ;,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNFLVgFl3GBGRy6ZZfHUwLpXf5uOSA&ust=1362398047632942,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNGURJVl6JoN95hZxVj9IANRdS3dWQ&ust=1362397555868025
  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    "ee/ 2 Modern CommunicationReadin and "ritin 'enre 9 Mi(ed

    1ocus .ords 5and meanin s6 this .ee/:#hese can be practised for homewor&, be used to ma&e a picture dictionar', be displa'ed inthe classroom with picture prompts and could be the focus of the first 0 minutes of each

    lesson along with games and activities which help consolidate understanding of thevocabular'. 1or those needin to continue consolidatin sounds and simpler *ersionso) the .ords, please ena+le them to do so3

    "ord:$a 7 < 2

    +. nvitation2. -essages3. 6earches4. (rustrated0. connection

    1. !nsure$a = < 4

    . "onvenient

    . Applications5. #ransfer+7. Excessive++. DiFFiness+2. armful+3. >ul&'+4. 6lee&

    Meanin :+. #o as& somebod' to come2. A written or spo&en piece of information that 'ou

    send to or leave for a person when 'ou cannotspea& to him@her.

    3. /oo&ing for something4. #o cause a person to feel impatient because he@she

    cannot get what he@she wants.0. #he lin& between the internet and a computer1. ?ot sure. !seful@eas'. !ses5. -ove+7.#oo much++. aving a sensation of whirling in 'our head+2. urtful+3./arger+4.6mooth and shin'

    $a Elements Content+ 6ustained



    /isteningandspea&ing;intro tosharedreadenF invented thefirst car. #hese first cars had small engines that ran on gas. #he'had three wheels, two seats and no roof. #he' were made out of

    wood and metal. #hese cars did not travel ver' fast and were ver'

    expensive.As& the students comprehension uestions on transport and cartse.g. hat does transport meanG ow did people first travelG hatanimals helped people travelG hat did carts loo& li&eG ould 'ouli&e to go to school in a cartG h'@notG

    6how a picture of one of the first carts. As& the students what the'remember from the shared read about carts. rite &e' words andpast tense verbs on the board. ave the students practiceformulating sentences in the past tense about the picture.Modelled8Class dictated .ritin :

    !sing the &e' words from the above activit', model writinginformation about the picture of the cart.e.g.#his is a picture of a cart. :eople used it to travel in it. #he' used it tocarr' their things. t had two wheels and no engine. #his cart waspulled b' animals. t was made out of wood.

    2 6ustainedsilent$eading


    :ractice /istening

    andspea&ing;intro tosharedreadenF invented this car. t had anengine. #he engine ran on gas. #here were three wheels on this car.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    #wo people could sit in this car. t had no roof. t was made from wood and metal. #his car was ver' expensive.

    3 6ustained6ilent$eading


    /isteningandspea&ing;intro tosharedreadrunei -uara district asthe' can. >runei -uara district is the main focus for the da'.8show different &inds of houses, and as& pupils which one is anapartment.8show the pictures of Bfl'over* and Broundabout*. ave the childrenthin& about where the' can find a Bfl'over* and Broundabout*specificall' in >runei8as& the children to list different wa's of communication. hat else

    can the' use to communicateG8as& the children H f 'ou are going somewhere and 'ou do not &nowhow to get there what can help 'ouGI You ma' give them a clue.$aFa has been invited to Arif*s birthda' part'. $aFa *s father is drivinghim to the part' but the' don*t &now where Arif lives. $aFi borrows hisfather*s mobile phone to call Arif to get directions-hone con*ersation:$aFa ello Arif. "an 'ou give me directions to 'our apartmentG

    e are at the $imba fl'over.Arif %&, drive towards the airport and carr' on straight over the

    Malan #erun)ing /ama fl'over towards Malan -anggis. /eave

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    group writing

    tomorrow. #oda', we*re going to visit the >arito $iver.

    ?a'la ood choice usnaa. ell, >arito $iver is about 0 &ilometres from where 'ou are sta'ing. t is the largest and the longest river in ndonesia.#he Nloto& boats are good fun.

    usnaa ?a'la, we driving to the river. e are on $aden 6treetand in front of us is a huge roundabout but there are no signs to help us.

    ?a'la >arito river is on the opposite side of $aden 6treet so go round theroundabout, and then ta&e the second exit.

    usnaa %&a', we have exited the roundabout and are now drivingstraight ahead. ow, we )ust saw two beautiful mos ues.

    ?a'la #he route to >arito river is actuall' in between the two mos ues.#a&e the next !8turn. hen 'ou see a set of traffic lights ma&e a turn to theright.

    usnaa #han& You. e almost missed the H! #urnI, but weare here now.

    can*t wait to explore the >arito river. #han&s for 'our help?a'la.

    :rovide the students with the dialogue cut into strips and )umbled up.As& them to put in bac& into the correct order. #his activit' could becompleted as a class or in groups. ave a discussion on thestrategies the students used to put the dialogue bac& into order. (orexample, alternating spea&ers, re8reading etcarito $iver from :ermai nnG Did usnaa manageto find the >arito $iverG ow did she find itG'roup .ritin :As& the students for ideas about what usnaa might tell her teacherabout her trip to Nalimantan when she returns to >runei. ave thestudents role pla' in partners being usnna and her teacher. ngroups the students write a dialogue between usnaa and herteacher.(teaching points could include punctuation, contractions and&or shortsimple sentence in the present tense)

    3 6ustained6ilent$eading


    /isteningandspea&ing;intro toshared

    $emind the children about the routines for 66$ and expect allchildren to be silentl' reading during this time. -onitor boo&@ textchoices and advise where needed. $emember to model goodreading behaviour.!se a variet' of games or activities to uic&l' rehearse thevocabular' which will be used throughout the lesson which thechildren ma' not be familiar with.Discuss the idea of being lost. As& the children if the' have everbeen lost before. hat did the' doG ow did the' feelG Did an'onehelp themG#al& about school camps. As& the students if the' have ever been on

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    read< 6hared

    reading 6pea&ing

    Assessment riting tas&

    Da' 3 =independent


    a school camp. f not explain to them what usuall' happens on schoolcamps.6afinah, Aniisa, and (arhanah are camping with their school. #heir teacherhas made a hatsapp group for all the children so the' can reach eachother uic&l'. #he girls have been doing an activit' awa' from the campingarea and now don*t &now how to get bac&.

    (arhanah elp, we cannot find our wa' bac& to the "amp site. At themoment, we are standing in front of an empt' old building. t is about 4store's high. Are we reall' far from the camp siteG

    #eacher Don*t worr', will come to find 'ou.

    Anilisa irls, am afraid.

    6afinah (riends, don*t be afraid. reall' don*t thin& we are far awa'from the camp site.

    #eacher Don*t worr' girls. You are not far from our camp site.:lease sta' in a group. o around the old building and 'ou will see a mainroad. !se the pedestrian crossing to cross the road. #hen turn left and

    wal& towards the pin& building. %ur camp site is behind the pin& building."an 'ou do thisG

    (arhanah e thin& we can do this. e*ll text again if we need an' morehelp.

    (arhanah and her friends reached their camp site safel'.:rovide the students with the dialogue cut into strips and )umbled up.As& them to put in bac& into the correct order. #his activit' could becompleted as a class or in groups. ave a discussion on thestrategies the students used to put the dialogue bac& into order. (orexample, alternating spea&ers, re8reading, etc' one tour operatorTs account, an awesomeschool of hammerhead shar&s numbering a hundred regularl' visit /a'ang8/a'ang.-anta ra's with fin spans of over +7 feet are also found here. %ther residents includethe ?apoleon rasse, aw&sbill turtles, Dog tooth tuna, iant hammerhead wrasseand the hite tip reef shar&s.

    #he island has a +,71 8metre airstrip and a comfortable 57 rooms three8star resort.Ever' room is air conditioned with private amenities and comes e uipped with #9,fridge, extra siFe beds and a private oceanfront balcon'. #here is a 2778seat restaurant,full service :AD dive centre, a free form water pool and souvenir shop. #his is a SmustvisitS island for ever' serious diver and angler.
  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    "ee/ Air TransportReadin enre E(positor 8 "ritin enre In)ormation

    1ocus .ords 5and meanin s6 this .ee/:#hese can be practised for homewor&, be used to ma&e a picture dictionar', be displa'ed in

    the classroom with picture prompts and could be the focus of the first 0 minutes of eachlesson along with games and activities which help consolidate understanding of thevocabular' . 1or those needin to continue consolidatin sounds and simpler *ersionso) the .ords, please ena+le them to do so 3"ord:

    +. usuall'2. patterns3. travel4. pilot0. dangerous1. sunrise. sunset. steer5. burner+7. envelope++. bas&et

    Meanin :+. most of the time2. decorations or designs3. move from place to place4. person who controls the balloon0. can hurt someone1. the beginning of the da'. the end of the da'. guide in a certain direction

    5. machine to ma&e heat+7. fabric bag of the balloon++. woven container at the bottom of the

    balloon$a Elements Content

    + 6ustained6ilent$eading


    :ractice /istening

    andspea&ing;intro tosharedreadall game or similar circle game

    with individual children creating their own simple sentences beginning with H ot air balloons UI to describe hot air balloons. #his activit' willbe developed throughout the wee& to build independence.Modelled8class dictated .ritin :#eacher models construction of simple factual statements about hotair balloons based on children*s responses above.Neep this written wor& for reference throughout the wee&."eaching "ip1 /ll sentences begin with $Hot air balloons initially but

    teachers can model for the children the use of alternative sentencestarters eg $Hot air balloons , $"hey , $@alloons etc2 6ustained



    /isteningandspea&ing;intro tosharedreadase in +505.

    #here were originall' 47 chimpanFee flightcandidates at olloman. After evaluation thenumber of candidates was reduced to + , then to1, including am. %fficiall', am was &nown as?o. 10 before his flight, and onl' renamed S amSupon his successful return to earth. Among his

    careta&ers, ?o.10 had been &nown as ChopChop Chan .
  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    Mul' +505, the three8'ear8old chimpanFee was trained at olloman Air (orce >ase Aero-edical (ield /aborator' to do simple tas&s in response to electric lights and sounds. nhis pre8flight training, am was taught to push a lever within five seconds of seeing aflashing blue light.

    After his flight on a -ercur'8$edstone roc&et, chimpanFee am is greeted b' thecommander. e then lived for + 'ears in the ?ational Xoo in ashington, D.". , then atthe ?orth "arolina Xoo before his death at the age of 21 on Manuar' +5, +5 3.

    hat differentiates amTs mission from all theother chimpanFee flights to this point is that he

    was not merel' a passenger . %n Manuar' 3+,+51+, am was secured in a :ro)ect -ercur' mission labeled -$82 and launched from "ape "anaveral, (lorida . am had his importantsigns and tas&s monitored using computers onEarth . amTs capsule splashed down in theAtlantic %cean and was recovered b' a rescueship later that da'. e onl' suffered a bruisednose. is flight was +1 minutes and35 seconds long.
  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    "ee/ 7 972 Unit Re*isionReadin and "ritin 'enre 9 Mi(ed

    1ocus .ords 5and meanin s6 this .ee/:#hese can be practised for homewor&, be used to ma&e a picture dictionar', be displa'ed in

    the classroom with picture prompts and could be the focus of the first 0 minutes of eachlesson along with games and activities which help consolidate understanding of the

    vocabular'. 1or those needin to continue consolidatin sounds and simpler *ersionso) the .ords, please ena+le them to do so3

    "ord:#eachers are to create their own selection ofvocabular' from !nit 2."ry to focus on words that have been usedrepeatedly e.g. transportation, . "heselection of vocabulary will depend on theability of the students, the level ofdifferentiation used by the teacher and thetext teachers select for use during the week.

    Meanin :

    $a Elements Content+ 8

    4 6ustained


    $emind the children about the routines for 66$ and expect allchildren to be silentl' reading during this time. -onitor boo&@ textchoices and advise where needed. $emember to model goodreading behaviour.


    !se a variet' of games or activities to rehearse the vocabular' thathas been learned throughout !nit 2.

    ere are some suggested ideas for activities to use during the revision wee&s. #hese aresuggestions onl'. #eachers should feel free to use their own ideas also. 7t is suggestedthat each week teachers choose one or two activities from each section and focus onrepetitive practice of these skills with different content from previous weeks in unit 0,rather than trying to cover all activities in one week . /istening and

    spea&ing ;intro toshared readring appliance boxes into the classroom to be used as boats,buses, planes, and cars. ave the pupils decorate them and thenuse them on a trip@vacation. #hen the' tal& about their Btransport*

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


    -' -ap = materials :aper, cra'ons, paint, various art supplies ofteachers* choice

    8 6how 'our pupils several maps. ave them design their ownmaps and write a description of them, eg -' map is a map of>orneo. #here are 4 states. #he names of the states are U

    "ut up sentences, from the shared text, could be used forindividual or group wor&.

    ave the entire class list their most favourite and least favouritemodes of transport = with their reasons. "reate mind maps and

    write simple sentences from these

    "loFe passages based on shared reading texts or similar

    :icture composition based on previous wee&s of wor&

    #ransport museum Explain to children that the' are going tocreate their own transportation museum in the classroom.>rainstorm a list of different vehicles. Encourage children to thin&of all modes of transportation, including vehicles for land, air, sea,and space. $ecord their suggestions on a piece of chart paper.6ome children ma' have to' cars, trains, planes, boats, orspaceships at home. As& them to bring in one or two of thesevehicles to displa' ;temporaril'< in the museum. You ma' want to&eep trac& of who brought in which vehicle. f some children donTthave an' vehicles that the' can bring in for the museum, havethem choose a vehicle to draw. Explain that their pictures can alsobe displa'ed in the museum. (or a special displa' in the museum,have children draw pictures of vehicles that the' imagine couldexist in the future. "hildren then write a simple description of theirvehicle. $emind children of correct sentence structure.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 4 Unit 2 SOW Programme 2013 - Communication, transport and relationships


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