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Page 1: Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - and 8 our new suggested 2 ... · Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to

Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to be spread out across

our new suggested 2-WEEK TIMETABLE)

10 minute Daily Tasks – Choose 3 tasks to do each day across the 2 week timetable (If you really love certain activities- feel free to spend longer than 10 minutes on them or repeat them!)

1. Reading

Cosy up with your favourite book, a teddy and a snack. Find a quiet place where you can sit and feel happy with your book and just

enjoy reading!

2. Meditation Put on your favourite calm music, or use YouTube to search for ‘meditation music.’

Whilst listening to the music, draw a picture of your happiest place. It could be anywhere- a holiday, family home or outdoor place such as a beach or park. Draw who is with you too. Afterwards, talk about your picture to the people you live with.

3. Mindfulness Use this website for some ideas about mindfulness activities: Amazon have some great, cheap Mindfulness colouring books you could order. I love mine!

4. Problem-solving 3- Block Towers

Take 3 differently coloured blocks- maybe red, yellow and green.

Make a tower using one of each colour. How many different towers

can you make? *Challenge- Now try with 4 colours

5. Spelling

Use this website to practice any Year 1 spellings you like:

6. Music

Try this musical lesson on BBC Bitesize:


7. Drawing

Try this quiz about drawing skills:


Then look up the local Artist Aaron Blecha at He draws amazing monsters and

creatures- try to draw one of your own!

8. Handwriting Practise writing your full name (including middle name and surname) in beautiful cursive handwriting. Can you repeat it many times in different pens and pencils? If you can, have a go at doing this using paint and a very thin paintbrush. Is it tricky??

9. Exercise

Try ‘The Pyramid’ workout below. Repeat it if you like!

10. Riddle

Can you work these out?

1. If you drop me I will crack, But I will always give you a smile back. What am I?

2. What goes up and down stairs without moving?

3. You can’t keep this until you have given this?

Answers on next page!

Page 2: Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - and 8 our new suggested 2 ... · Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to

11. Creative Writing

What’s going on?

Make up and write a short story to explain what is going on in this

strange picture!

12. Letter Writing

Write a letter to an alien on another planet. Explain to them what you have been doing over

the last few weeks and why life is a little different right now. Include

things that you are looking forward to doing!

13. Logic Skills

14. Number games

How many number sentences can you make using just the numbers:

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Use addition and subtraction. For example, you could have:

5 - 1 = 4 or

3 + 2 = 5

15. Poetry Read and discuss this poem about

the senses. Can you write your own?

10. Riddle answers:

1. A mirror

2. Carpet

3. A promise

Page 3: Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - and 8 our new suggested 2 ... · Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to

Year 1 Summer Term Topic: ‘Stories From The Sea’

Remember these activities are now to be spread across 2 weeks – see our new suggested timetable. All photos of work, learning, play and any other news

you’d like to share with me is very welcome- Please email it to: [email protected]

LITERACY: ‘Clem and Crab’ by Fiona Lumbers Resources that you may need

Week 1 Session 1- Watch the YouTube clip of the story. Now listen again to just the first page (up to 35 seconds) without looking at the pictures this time. Draw the scene in as much detail as you can to show where the story starts. Remember this is called the setting. You could label and colour anything you draw too. Session 2- Using the next page, where Clem finds a crab, make a map of where the crab has travelled on the beach. You could draw all the rocks, pebbles, pools and sea and use arrows to show the directions that the crab has travelled in. You can label your arrows using words like up, down, under, over, around etc. Session 3- Using the next page, write your own list of ‘treasures’ that could be found on the beach. If you can, go to the beach on a treasure hunt and collect as much ‘treasure’ as you can so that you can write your list based on real things you have found.

Session 4 and 5- Write a diary entry from Clem about her day (the next day starts with the aquarium- don’t include that.) Include her beach treasure hunt and finding the crab. Write in first person using ‘I’ and ‘me.’ For example, you could start with ‘Today was a really cool day. I had loads of fun on the beach.

Paper/ Home Learning Book Pens Colours The story from YouTube:

Clem and Crab

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Week 2 Session 1- Use ‘Google’ with an adult to research ‘ocean conservation’ and ‘plastic in oceans.’ Write down any facts that you find about what this means. Session 2 and 3- Make your own ‘plastic collage’ picture using any pieces of plastic you found on the beach, or that you are getting rid of at home or recycling (think plastic bags, food labels, straws, bottle lids etc.) You could also write a list if all the things you have used. Your picture could be sea- themed, or anything your imagination tells you!

Session 4- Write a short message from Crab to Clem. Think about what he might say to her. Perhaps things like, it was nice to meet you,’ ‘Thank you for helping me,’ or ‘My home is so clean now thanks to you.’ Session 5- Write a short ‘blurb’ for the back of the book to say roughly what the story is about, including the key parts, characters and settings.

As above Plastic waste items

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Phonics Resources that you may need

Every day if you can, spend 20 minutes or so using to practise all the sounds and letters you know. Teach your grown ups how we do a phonics session at school! We always re-cap all the sounds we know, then spend time looking at a particular sound, reading it in words and writing it out ourselves. A suggested session will look like this: 5 mins- ‘Flashcard speed challenge’ (re-cap all sounds) 5 mins- Obb and Bob game (‘picnic on Pluto’) and/or ‘Tricky Word Trucks’ 5 mins- Reading words and sentences which use the focus sound/ word 5 mins- Writing words and sentences which use the focus sound/ word Week 1: Suggested focus sounds and words

ea (in eat) aw (in saw) ue (in glue) ew (in blew)

water where who again thought Week 2: Suggested focus sounds and words

oe (in toe) ear (in hear) air (in chair) igh (in bright) through work mouse many because Remember - All children are at slightly different levels with phonics, so please feel free to work on what is best for you. The website is very comprehensive and easy to use- children are familiar with it! We aim to be working on Phase 5 at this time of year.

Phonics Play website (laptop/ tablet/ipad) Paper/ home learning book Pencils

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MATHS: Measure: Capacity, Mass, Volume/ Counting in different ways Resources that you may need

Week 1 (5 lessons per week) The White Rose website we were using is no longer free to gain access for worksheets, so we suggest the following websites and programmes of study this week: Follow this link to BBC Bitesize Maths:

Complete the daily lessons for the week starting 1st June which are all to do with measure. Week 2: Use the same link again to find this week’s learning (8th June) which is all about different ways of counting.

Paper/ home learning book Computer/ laptop/ iPad Other helpful websites to keep you busy:

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SCIENCE: Animals including Humans: The Human Body Resources that you may need

Week 1 Your job this week is to identify, name, draw and label a human body. How many body parts can you name? Can you name any organs inside a human body? You can draw your own basic body template, or use one like this from the internet:

You could even try to make a life-size one! If you have a large roll of paper (or even chalk outside on the ground?!) you can lie down and get an adult from your house to draw around you so that you have your template ready.

Ipad/ tablet/ laptop Home Learning Book/ paper/ Notepad or clipboard Pens and pencils Large paper and/or chalk possibly

Page 8: Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - and 8 our new suggested 2 ... · Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to

Week 2 This week, think about all of the senses humans have. Can you name all 5 of them? Label them on a poster, or add them to your drawing from last week.

Extra activities: *List as many things for each sense that you can (for example: Hearing: clock ticking/ waves crashing/ siren/ music/ baby crying/ laughing/ talking/ footsteps etc) *Make up your own picture symbols to represent each sense *Practise using all of your own senses in different ways

As above

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PSHE: Living in the wider world: School Rules / Responsibility and care for others Resources that you may need

Week 1 Make a list of all the school rules we have at St. Mary’s. Talk about why you think we have these rules. Remember to include ‘do’ as well as ‘do not.’ For example you might say, ‘Do take turns with friends’ and ‘Do not talk when teachers are talking.’

If you like, you could turn this into a list or letter to give to new children in Reception who will be starting with us in September. Thoughtful questions to have a discussion/ chat about:

What if we had no rules at all? What rule/s do you think is most important and why? What new rule/s would you make up if you could, and why? What happens when rules are broken?

Paper/ pencils/ pens

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Week 2 What responsibilities do we have to help other people? What needs do they have? Use a chart like this to focus on 3 different types of people. I have chosen 3 different aged people as an example. Draw or write a selection of ideas of things which they need. Some may be the same (for example, all humans need food and water) and some may be different.

Challenge: Can you perform any really helpful acts this week? Could you help someone who you don’t know very well? For example, you could offer to shop for an elderly neighbour, or send art work to a local care home, or even leave kind notes in a local park for people to find and read. Cheering people up with kind, thoughtful acts, especially at the moment, is one of the best ways we can help others!

Paper/ home-learning book Pens/ pencils/ Art materials Computer/ laptop/ ipad

Page 11: Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - and 8 our new suggested 2 ... · Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to

RE: Holidays and Holy Days: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost Resources that you may need

Week 1: Watch this video clip to help you learn more about The Holy Spirit. Then have a look at the questions and activities.

Challenge Question Why do you think people were speaking different languages? What does this tell you about God and our world today?

Paper/ home learning book/ pencils Laptop/ ipad Internet perhaps for more research about ‘The Holy Spirit’

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Week 2: Take a look at the picture below and the key questions and activities.

Paper/ home learning book Pens/pencils Internet perhaps for research about ‘Pentecost’

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Art: Re-creating Art with household items Resources that you may need

Week 1 and 2: Art Challenge Follow this link to find a really different and challenging Art challenge! The website has all of the information and instructions. The idea is to find a piece of Art you love and think of a way of recreating it yourself using anything you already have in your home. It could be tricky and you will need to think really creatively! It’s up to you, but you could plan and collect items in week 1 and then create your masterpiece in week 2.

Paper/ home learning book/ card Computer/ tablet Any home-based items! Any art materials you need for your masterpiece- it may not be any depending on what you do! Phone/camera to take picture Here are some other websites for Art activity ideas:

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Geography – The United Kingdom and Capital Cities

Week 1 The United Kingdom. Your job this week is to name all 4 countries within the United Kingdom. Can you find them on a map? Can you draw their flags? If you want a challenge, use the internet to do some fact-finding about each of these countries.

Paper/ home learning book Pencils/pens/colours Internet for research (ipad/ tablet/ laptop etc)

Page 15: Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - and 8 our new suggested 2 ... · Year 1 Home Learning Tasks - Weeks Beginning 1st and 8th June 2020 (Please note- these activities are now designed to

Week 2 This week your task is to learn some capital cities of countries around the world. What does ‘capital city’ mean? See if you can fill in this chart. If you want a challenge, find out come more capital cities!

Country Capital City Picture or extra information

England London








Paper/ home learning book Pencils/pens/colours Internet for research (ipad/ tablet/ laptop etc)

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Be creative when it comes to DT- you can make so many different things using just a few key items, especially from your household recycling! Packets made of plastic, card, paper, tin etc can be transformed in so many creative ways. Use the ideas below to inspire you for some of your own DT. You can do as much or as little as you choose!

Art resources Household items- particularly recycled materials See individual challenges for resources needed

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