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Page 1: Yael/Blessings Story

Hi, my name is Yael and things are starting to look up for me! It has been a tough cou-ple first family gave me away over the internet and didn't properly inter-view my new family that was taking me to make sure they know about how delicate doxie backs are. They

seemed like nice enough people but they let me jump on and off the furniture. A couple weeks ago, I took a big jump down off the couch and sometthing terrible happened as my legs stopped working. It hurt so new family didn't know what to do so I sat there, paral-ized for almost a week, in pain while they tried to figure something out. They finally found DRSF who said that they had wonderful doc-tors who could maybe help me. Their doctrs are so wonderful, they even waited for me late on a Friday to rush me into surgery. I thought

once I had my operation my family would want me back, but for a 2nd time in such a short while, I had my family turn my back on me. I was very scared and feeling very alone, but then things got a bit better! I heard the doctors talking on the phone with DRSF about a wonderful Foster Mom who had experience in working with doxies like me who had filled out a form and answered all kinds of questions just to be able to take care of me! She knows about things like hydro therapy and accupuncture and I heard them say that she spent 5 years helping her little doxie who was just like me and that she was even willing to drive all the way to Miami to come get me! I had some other very nice visi-tors from DRSF come to see me in the hospital and make sure I was tucked in nice and warm and they held me and told me that everything would be ok. Soon it was time to leave and Liz came to get me and help me start my new life. It is going to be a lot of work, but with so many people caring for me, I know I will walk again. I know we have just met, but I am so grateful to

DRSF for helping me that I would like to ask you if you might consider making a donation to them so that when the next doxie who comes along who needs help like me, that they will have the resources to help them too. Even small donations like $5 help as they all add up and helps DRSF to do the work that they love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Love, Yael

Yael’s Story

Page 2: Yael/Blessings Story

Yael's Medical Team • Dr. Larin - Miami Vetrinary Specialists, Surgeon

• Dr. Sullivan - Coral Springs AH, Accupuncture

• Janet - DRSF President/Medical Coordinator

Yael's Recovery Team DRSF would like to give an extra big THANK YOU to Liz, Yael's foster Mom who is a seasoned professional

at rehabbing doxies with IVDD. Please read the amazing story of Zoey and the love and commitment Liz

made to her to help her recovery.

• Mayra - DRSF Hospital Visitation Committee

• Liz A. - DRSF Hospital Visitation Committee

• Nancy - Foster Aunt

• Shatzi - Foster Sister

Thank You Those Who Are

Making Yael's Care Possible

• Susan, Fl

• Emily, Fl

• Christina, Fl

• Silvia, Fl

• Taylor, Fl

• Katie, Fl

• Daniel, Fl

• Lourdes, FL

• Kristina, FL

• Susan, FL

• Sandra, FL

• Mary, OH

• Jeb, Shelby, Lily, FL

• Mila, FL

• Mark, FL

• Jane, Fl

• Kiki, FL

• Susan, FL

• Leslie, FL

• Lori, FL

• Andrea, FL

• Laurie, FL

• April, FL

• Ellen, FL

• Vicki, FL

• Sue, FL

• Carol, FL

• Gail, FL

• Pat and Jim, FL

• Heather, FL

• Marlene, FL

• Lloyd, FL

• April, FL

• Ellen, FL

• Vicki, FL

• Sue, FL

• Carol, FL

• Gail, FL

• Pat and Jim, FL

• Heather, FL

• Marlene, FL

• Lloyd, FL

• Pat and Jim, FL

• Heather, FL

• Marlene, FL

• Lloyd, FL

• Laura, Fl

• Bryan, Fl

• Arianda, Fl

• Patti, Fl

• Carolyn, Fl

• Jean, GA

• The Wagners

• Diane, NJ

• Teresa, FL

• Dulce, FL

• Marynell, FL

• Rika, FL

• Sarah, WI

• Daryl, FL

• Corina, FL

• Michelle, FL

• Rose, FL

• Christine, FL

• Laurie, FL

• Bonnie, FL

• Sharon, FL

• Robin R., FL

• Robin S., FL

• Linda, FL

• Elisabeth, FL

• Diane, FL

• Sharon, FL

• Rona, FL

• Lourdes, FL

• Linda, OK

• Suzette, FL

• Ryan & Katie, FL

• Becki, FL

• Pat and Jim, FL

• Lourdes, FL

• Mary Beth, FL

• Kali, FL

• Rebecca, FL

• Jamie, FL

• Ana, FL

• Steve, FL

• Heather, FL

Page 3: Yael/Blessings Story

Special Thanks DRSF and Yael are especially grateful to Susan in Boca, who chose to forgo gifts for her "milestone birthday" and ask friends to donate to Yael's fund! Thanks to her kindness and generosity, we will be able to make our goal that much faster!!! 02.09.2010 Boy has it been a busy couple of days! I was so scared when I first left the hospital as so many things have changed for me but I had a good feel-ing about Foster Mom Liz. She was so kind and gentle with me and just held me and held me and I realized I needed to give her a chance. You can see how shy I am that I don't even like to look at the camera, but you know how it is when you don't feel too well. I thought I was going to get some rest, but right after I got here, I soon lean-red that I had some work to do! Lots of exercises, taking lots of vitamins, and even some water therapy. I've had visitors and think it is so cool that my Aunt Nancy looks just like Foster Mom Liz as

they are twins! (That doesn't mean I didn't cry when Aunt Nancy tried to hold me becuase I am smarter than that!!) I also have other dogs to keep my company. My sister's name is Shitzi and Aunt Nancy has a beutiful Golden Retriever named Canyon who is very dignifed and above all the ruckus that Shitzi and I make with her running and my barking. She tries to sit in my rest crate, but there is only room for me! Foster Mom Liz has spent lots of time on the internet doing research and making sure she is doing the best for me and I love her so much already and feel like such a lucky girl that someone so special wants to take care of me. And guess what, her love and exer-cises are working becuase......

Page 4: Yael/Blessings Story

I Can Stand!!! I didn't think I would ever be so happy to have someone taking a pic-

ture of my butt, but there it is, off the ground, held up by MY LEGS for

7 whole seconds. I don't want to over do it so I only do it sometimes

but I know I will get stronger. I am going to my first accupuncture ap-

pointment tomorrow, so hopefully I will have even more good news to

report. Thank you for all your love, support and notes as they make

me feel so loved....with love, Yael


I started accupuncture today! Foster Mom Liz called around and found a wonderful Dr. at Coral Springs Animal Hospital. I was kinda scared as I have never had a bunch of needles stuck in me before, but Liz told me that it was a good thing and accupuncture helped her Zoey walk better so I was a brave girl and went along with it. The Doctor was very gentle and I am scheduled to go back next week. He did not use stimulation on me since it was my first vist, but boy am I now loaded up with vitamins, Multi-vite plus, glucosamine & Chondroitin, Ester-C and Hyaluronan Joint Supplement (hydrates tissues, controls inflammation, pro-tects cartilage, reduces joint pain). I am going to be a bi-onic doxie in no time! 02.11.2010

Let me tell you, Foster Mom Liz is keeping me moving! I thought the accpuncture was an experi-ence, but had no idea I would be swimming by the end of the week. The treadmill that Mom bought for me got held up in the storm with all the snow and since she is a one to sit around and wait for things, she got back on the phone to find a place for me to walk on a treadmill, and not only did she find one, but it was under water!!!

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Mom is still keeping me moving and is helping me heal from the inside out :) She visited the Fiesta Pet Deli and

talked with Dr. Diane and got some very healthy raw food for me to eat which will help give my body what it

needs to heal! Dr. D said that organ meats will help build up the muscles in my legs so Foster Mom Liz came

home with chicken necks, plain 'ole chicken, beef medly, liver, hearts, and some yummy bones with meat on

them to keep me occupied and sitting still! They even suggested some chicken feet which are loaded with car-

tlidge that Mom had to draw the line at as she said she doesn't want me turning into a worlf, haha.

I have a big week planned in that I am headed to

the volleyball court where there is wonderful soft,

but firm sand where I can move my legs. I have

accupuncture on Tuesday and swim class again on

Friday. I am tired just thinking about it but I know

how much work and love Mom has given me so I

am up for anything she throws at me!

Mom says she can see some slight movement in

my rear legs when we are working and we just

need to be patient as the Dr. said that the nerves

grow a millimeter a day so we have to keep work-

ing until we get there and keep thinking positive!

In the mean time, I am working out at home in the

little pool with my swim gear on and having a

great time and am so very stylish as my suuit

matches the pool! Mom is super smart that knows when you are well accessorized and know you look good,

you can work harder!

Thank you all so much for your notes, love, and donations. I never thought I could be this lucky and will con-

tinue to work hard to make you all proud of me! Love, Yael


Hello from Yael! I am so happy to let you know that every day I am getting better and stronger. Mom is feeding

me small meals 3x daily and I have lost two pounds and can roll over now on my own!

Page 6: Yael/Blessings Story


I am so sorry it has been almost three weeks since my last update!! It is so hard to find good help around here

and Jennifer sends her apologies for taking so long to get my latest video up but I promise you it is worth the

wait as you won't believe how well I am walking! If I keep this up, the US Olympic team is going to be calling as I

am getting so fast :)


I am going to be adopted!!!!! I am so happy that my secret wish has been granted and that Foster Mom Liz will

soon be Forever Mom Liz and Shatzi will be my forever sister too :) I never thought I would be so lucky and I

can't wait to share my new forever family photo with everyone who has been so kind to me. Thank you all so

much from the bottom of my doxie heart, Love, Yael


I'ts official! Foster Mom Liz is now my Forever Mom Liz :) I am so happy and Shatzi and I are playing and run-

ning like nothing ever happened. Not only did I find my forever home, but look at the styling' convertible I get

to ride in! I am on my way to NY to my other home for a while, but will catch up with everyone when I get back!

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