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Page 1: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

The Future of X-ray Astronomy

Keith Arnaud


Page 2: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

• High sensitivity, high resolution spectroscopy.

• Polarimetry

• Interferometry


In the first 40 years of X-ray astronomy we increased sensitivity by a factor of 109, image resolution by 2.5x105, spectral resolution by 104. How do we keep this progress up for the next 40 years ?

Page 3: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

About 150 years ago, James Joule and Julius von Mayer independently determined that HEAT = ENERGY, and calorimetry was born.

But, only about 20 years ago, the power of performing calorimetric measurements at very low temperatures (< 0.1 K) was realized, independently, by Harvey Moseley and by Etorre Fiorini and Tapio Niinikoski. This is called MICROCALORIMETRY, or occasionally QUANTUM CALORIMETRY, because of its ability to measure the energy of individual photons or particles with high sensitivity.



Page 4: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

X-ray calorimetry


Page 5: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Microcalorimeters vs. Gratings• Resolutions comparable with gratings. Microcalorimeters win at high energies, gratings at low energies.

• Non-dispersive so :

o high efficiency

o low background

o no problems for extended sources

o wide bandpass

• However, microcalorimeters are cryogenic experiments requiring cooling to ~60 mK.

Page 6: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

A Multiwavelength Note

• Microcalorimeters were first developed for IR and are being used on IR astronomy space missions.

• They are also being used on optical telescopes - where they provide filter type spectral resolution without using filters.

• They are also used in laboratory dark matter searches.

Page 7: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

X-rays on Ice

The XRS X-ray microcalorimeter built for Astro-E (the fifth Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite)

Resolution :

9 - 12 eV FWHM

(0.5 - 10 keV)

Page 8: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Inserting the He dewar in the Ne


A solid Ne dewar outside a liquid He dewar outside an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator.

Page 9: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

Ready for Launch from Kagoshima

Space Center (KSC)

February 2000

Page 10: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

You need all the help you can


Page 11: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Astro-E Launch

Page 12: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

20 seconds and going


Page 13: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Uh - oh

Page 14: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

You really don’t want to see this

Astro-E is being rebuilt as Astro-E2 and will be launched in Jan/Feb 2005.

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002


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X-ray Astronomy School 2002















Li Be

He Li

Be B







+ Li6Be8 Li5





















Photon Energy (keV)



Radiative Recombination

Direct Excitation

Photon energy (keV)

Photon Energy (keV)

E = 3.0 keVbeam

Broad-band Calorimeterspectrum

Laboratory Astrophysics with a Microcalorimeter

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002


Page 18: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Page 19: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Page 20: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Page 21: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

oUse X-ray spectroscopy to observeBlack holes: strong gravity & evolutionLarge scale structure in the Universe & trace

the underlying dark matterProduction and recycling of the elements

oMission parametersTelescope area: 3 m2 at 1 keV 100 times XMM/Chandra for high res. spectraSpectral resolving power: 300-3,000 5 times improvement at 6 keVBand pass: 0.25 to 40 keV 100 times more sensitive at 40 keV

Constellation-X Overview

Page 22: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

1480 1485 1490 1495 1500 15050







Energy (eV)







Instrument Resolution:

2.0 0.1 eV FWHMAl K1,2

Al K3,4

Bismuth absorber

TES Al/Ag bilayer

450 counts/sec

K. Irwin

Calorimeter developement

Page 23: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Goddard Mo/Au TES:2.4 +/- 0.2 eV at 1.5 keV and 3.7 +/- 0.2 eV at 3.3 keV.

Al Kinto 300 x 300 micron TES

K Kinto 500 x 500 micron TES

Page 24: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

McKee-Taylor Decadal Survey

“Constellation-x observatory is the premier instrument to probe the formation and evolution of black holes... The first clusters of galaxies... Quasars at high redshift... And the formation of the chemical elements…”

“Constellation-x will complement Chandra, much as Keck and Gemini complement HST…”

Page 25: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

• ESA proposed mission for low Earth orbit.

• 6 m2 of collecting area at 1 keV.

• Imaging resolution goal of 2" HEW (Half Energy Width) at 1 keV.

• Limiting sensitivity 100 times deeper than XMM-NEWTON.


• Spectral resolution of 1 to 10 eV between 0.05 and 30 keV.

Page 26: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

• After completion of the initial 4-6 year mission phase, XEUS will rendezvous with the ISS for refurbishment and adding extra mirror area.

• New detector spacecraft with next generation of focal plane technologies.

• Grown mirror will have 30 m2 collecting area at 1 keV; 3 m2 at 8 keV.

• Sensitivity 250 times better than XMM-NEWTON.


Page 27: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002


Page 28: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Generation Xo Scientific goal: to probe the X-ray emission from the universe at z = 5-10.

o An effective area of 150 m2 at 1 keV with an angular resolution of ~ 0.1 arc second.

o Detect sources 1000 times fainter than Chandra (flux limit of 2 x 10-20 ergs/cm2/s).

o Obtain high resolution spectra from sources 100-1000 x fainter than observable by Constellation-X.

o Six identical satellites with 40 to 150 m focal length to L2.

Page 29: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

Telescope Evolution

No. of mods

Angular HPD

Eff. Area @ 1 keV (cm2 ) per mod.

Mass (kg) per



Chandra 1 0.5" 1,000 1,000 Ground and polished glass shells

XMM-Newton 3 15" 1,500 420 Replicated Ni shells

Astro-E 5 90" 400 12 Replicated Al segments


4 15" 7,500 420 Material and technology under study/development

Generation-X 6 0.1" 250,000 3,000 Materials and fabrication technology to be determined

Page 30: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Why X-ray Polarimetry ?• Because it’s there ! Whenever we look at the Universe in a new way we make unexpected discoveries.

• We expect polarization from X-ray synchrotron sources such as SNR and jets. Also from X-ray reflection in binaries and AGN.

• There is one detection of X-ray polarization - that of the Crab Nebula SNR.

• No X-ray polarimeter has flown on a satellite since the 1970s.

• There is a new idea for a more efficient polarimeter…

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⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞

724 2

2sin θ( )2cosϕ( )

1−βcosθ( )( )4

Page 32: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Electron Tracks

Bellazzini et al.

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Microwell detector

Bellazzini et al.

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Bellazzini et al.

Page 35: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Accumulation of many events5.9 KeV unpolarized 5.4 KeV polarized

Bellazzini et al.

Page 36: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

X-ray Interferometry

• While astronomical sensitivity has increased by a vast factor imaging resolution has not. HST is only 100 times better than Galileo’s telescope.

• To do better requires interferometry.

• Radio interferometry is well developed but baselines are very long and few sources have high enough surface brightness in the radio band.

• Optical interferometry is in the experimental stage and milliarcsec resolutions should be achievable.

Page 37: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

X-ray Astronomy School 2002

X-ray Interferometry II

The X-ray band is the natural place for interferometry !

• Microarcsecond resolutions are possible with a baseline of ~10 meters.

• X-ray sources have very high surface brightness on microarcsecond scales.

X-ray interferometry allows virtual interstellar travel…

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100 milliarcseconds

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10 milliarcseconds

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1 milliarcsecond

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100 microarcseconds

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10 microarcseconds

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1 microarcsecond

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002

Page 47: X-ray Astronomy School 2002 The Future of X-ray Astronomy Keith Arnaud NASA/GSFC and UMCP.

MAXIM Pathfinder

Milliarcsecond resolution

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X-ray Astronomy School 2002


2002 (Integral)

2004 Swift

2005 Astro-E2

2006 (GLAST)

2009? NeXT

2012? Constellation-X

2015?? XEUS, Maxim Pathfinder

2025??? Generation X, Maxim

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