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Wuzufu the kamatian science of sound healing

Wuzufu sometimes called wadhiyfah or wazifa, wazufa the kamatian science of sound healing is an age old practice that existed before sufi orders and even as far back to ancient tameri one such ritual called in Nubia Sudan called Pa dam Sasul the blood link or often times referred to in Arabic as a sisilah. There are many different types of wazifa, that can be perfomed from walking wazifa, sitting in a chair, sitting in the lotus position, sufi zikir circles, to whirling, or lying in the bed. Wuzufu will help one to re-align with the spiritual plane of maalakuwt, Atun-re to prepare one for what is to come after the physical life on earth known in heretic as tah, in Arabic arduwt Also Called By the waab priest of tameri Abode of Atum-Re. Wazifa or wazufa links one back to the Kosmos, Kuwnaat of the etheric abode where your etheric parents are waiting to receive you as a child of the nazdiru, elohyim, allahumma. As you attune your inner being to the kosmos and get to know your etheric parents the ancient ones you will take your mind to a place it has never gone before. Leave the entrapment of the physical realm Naasuwt, Atum-re ,Tah ( earth ) and enter the spiritual realm where you can devote your mind, body, and soul to the ancient ceremony of wuzufu, wazufa you will under go a spiritual cleansing that will open you mind to the deeper secrets of the universes. The word wazifa, wazufa is used for a daily portion from any sacred text which is read by a Neb, Shuyuwk, or Mula’um meaning learnt one or a scholar. This reading can be recited for protection, for your own spiritual health, healing, for guidance or remembrance ( Al quran 33:44 ) of The Most High and the elder beings, The information in this papayrus is divinely inspired and sent by way of the all ( Paa Faut) we hope that you will use it wisely.

We Nubians,kamatians, Tamareans, practiced chanting before it was known as sufi’ism in old egipt, tama-re, during those days we knew we were deities as it states in pslams 82:6, johns 10:34 Yashua, Issa, said is it not written in your law yea are gods, Elohiym and all of your are children of the mosthigh. From this quote you can see it’s telling us we are all deities in aramic Hebrew the name for God in

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Gensis 1: 1 is Elohiym, In Greek, It’s Theos, In Arabic it’s Allahumma, in Tama-re we were the Nazdiru. It’s true we were once deities adopted children of the Mosthigh in Arabic called Ibn, walad in Arabic means blood son for the Mosthigh Cannot Become less than the source by having a paternal child. For who would have been controlling creation? While this was taking place.

Sound waves

Words are nothing more than sounds or sound waves and vibrations which can enter the ear. Human ears are sensitive to sound frequencies from about 30 cycles pre second which are barely audile whistles and squeaks. The ear it is directed down a horn shaped duct that ends in a thin membrane called the ear drum. The ear drum reacts to vibrations coming in by moving back and forth. Much like how a cone of a speaker moves back and forth in making a sound wave. The middle ear contains 3 small bones: 1. The malleus, 2. Incus, 3. Stapes. It’s also called the the hammer, anvil, and stirrup so arranged that vibrations from the ear drum are transmitted through them in sucession. The stapes transmit the vibration to the inner ear at the oval of the window of the cochlea, A spiral snail shaped structure which is divided into 3 chambers. The middle chamber contains the organ of corti, A delicate Arrangement of hair cells and nerve fibers that conerts the vibration of the cochlea fluid into electrical impulses which travels along the auditory nerve to the brain. The brain then interprets those electrical impulses and translates them into words, sentences, etc that we may hear.

During ones everyday life you are more than aware of the impact of spoken words, Their power, and effect are undeniable. Words of Love for example may bring you joy, words of anger may incite anger or cause unwanted pain, and sof spoken words in a time of confusion can bring someone ease. We are well aware of the fact that repition of certain sounds has an effect on ones being and for that reason is why we recommend that one participate, or perform Dhikr, Dhakur, Zikir. Wazifa, Wuzufu. I ask you to thik of creation and then you will know the importance of sound and vibration. For in an take was the spark Kun fiya kun, or Kawun Be which cause life to be an element brought together… It brought forth the action that we call Hayy or Hayyuh Life in that began as a constant rhythmic form of building, forming, arranging. Thus giving each plane or subplane that had been created by the forces of will Huwa, Huhi, cause and effect.

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The inner ear diagram 1

You will notice from chanting or repeating a sacred name over and over it will arouse invisible sound currents in you own individual aura, Halut, Halaat that can over come the effects of negative karma that may be flowing through you: thus clearing the body of illness, etc. At first you may not see any effects Dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir but know that definite changes are taking place in you that you will see and feel in due time. Dhakur ceremonies, fellow spiritual aspirant will allow you to become one with the All Pa temta, Kuluwm, Paut, pronounced Fa-ut. This practice is nothing new there are some sufi orders who think this practice begin 2,000 years ago, or that it was fabricated by certain mystics but in essence The practice which became known as wazifa, wazufa, has been practice since time immemorial long before sufi orders ever existed. The attire worn at most of these rituals are amongst the sufi orders a taj kufi, long white jalabiyya, with a wool sufi vest, amongst the ancient mystic order of melchizedek in the west they wear a Tarboosh Fez, Sash, Jacket, Cuffs, Collar, and apron. The jacket called ephod pronounced efod is a vestment worn by ancient Hebrew Priest, Kohan, or Rabbi, Master David or Dauwd danced before the Creator Yahuwa, Huwa, Huhi, in the attire prescribe for him in the same manner that The Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek Hebrews 5:6 and Many Sufi Orders have worn the world over. In the Holy bible in Revelations 4:4 The dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir circle is describe as the 24 Elders or Angels singing round about the throne singing praise to the All.

When arriving at a Dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir circle there is a certain way in which Kosmosans come together and certain ways in which we do things. All being described and explain to you at a latter time, You will be taught the command that a learnt one will use to inform you that a Dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir, circle is about to be performed so you can derive the most from this sacred dance refer to the Holy bible Ecclesiastes by esther 3:1-4 verses

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven, A time to be born, and a time to die: a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is

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planted. A time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up, and a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance.

Dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir Circle in Nubia Sudan, Old egipt, Tama-Re

Quest: What is the command to form a circle? EJTAME’U OR JAMU is the command that will be given to form a circle. EJTAME’U ia an Arabic word JAMU is a Nuwaupik word when a Murid says jamu you know it’s time to gather and form a circle.


Before you can participate in a Dhakur circle, there are certain rules that you must follow.

1. First and foremost you should listen attentively to The Murid who is directing the circle, and your fellow Sufi so that your voices can ultimately blend creating a mutal feeling of supreme ecstasy always perfectly controlled. Soon everyone one will feel elated by the mysteries energies of the Dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir, and every heart beat should beat as one.

2. Scondly you must learn to concentrate on the sacred phrase or name of Huwa, Hu, Huhi that is being recite. Feel it though your entire beingand remember, to always move together in harmony.

3. Remember to breathe, for the air that you take into your body not only contains oxygen, Hydrogen and nitrogen which helps to oxygenate your blood, There by replenishing cells, tissues, etc. It also contains a vital force which not only revitalizes the mind and awakens latent powers in you. With

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controlled and rhythmic breathing, You can do away with the likes of fears, worry, and even negative emotions.

4. Last but not least, You should exercise total application of being. This means that you must learn to apply yourself totally, Mind, Body, Spirit, to what you are doing. On the following page is an exercise that will help accomplish sincere application.

Now find a spot in a room where you are comfortable and where you will not be disturbed. Designate a certain spot where you can perfom wuzufu, as well as meditate or make ashutaat, prayer this may call for you to create a shrine or altar. The shrine consist of a small table with a white cloth on top and two white candles in brass candle holders placed 7 inchs apart, a meditation mat, and mirror to go on top of the table( Importance to be discussed in later pamphlet) , or zafu cushion as well as some sweet smelling incense to draw the attention of those agreeable spiritual beings . Now light your incense and candles, if you have Dhikr beads, place them at the top of your mat now shake you greenlight glow stick and bend it until it pops and emits a green glow! The greenlight will illuminate your entire room. Do not place the glow stick on your altar instead it shoud be where your eyes can see it. Now turn off all the lights in the room and relax for a few minutes standing and looking at the greenlight, Now visualize The spiritual guide AL Qubt standing behind you, his hands are on your shoulders. Once totally relaxed breathe in thru you nose swinging your head back Hayyuh, and down to your chest Hu hold the breathe on the seventh breathe, now blow out the glow stick and envision the light without lighting the glow stick and beam the light into your being starting with your head in your minds eye concentrate on the 2 corners of your head. Now split the beam of greenlight so that there are 2 lights, one at each coner of the head. Concentrate for a moment now breathe in Yaa and Exhale by saying HU. You should breathe in this manner every time that you move to a different point in this exercise.

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Diagram 2

This is what you look like

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Now bring the beam of greenlight down to the location of the spot between your eyebrows and allow it to spin around and around until it forms a spiral circle that wil cover your entire face. Allow it to split into two beams of greenlight that descend downward the sides of your face to your chin.

Concentrate for a moment and Breathe in YAA exhale HUHI

Now allow the beam of greenlight energy to combine again and descend to your neck, then allow it tp split again and spread to your shoulders and down the arms into the fingers of your hands.

Concentrate for a moment breathe in YAA exhale HUHI

Now imagine in your minds eye the beam of greenlight beconng as one again and that’s it’s centered iny our index fingers. When this is accomplished take both of your index fingers and touch your nipples of your chest, touch the right nipple then the left nipple with your index fingers.

Concentrate for a monment breathe in YAA exhale HUHI

Now sending the energy back up both of your arms to the area of your diaphragm the point just below your chest where your ribs meet put your arms by your down by your side, fists closed and breathe , there should be only one mass of energy there.

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Diagram 3

Now direct the greenlight from your diaphram area to your navel.

Concentrate for a moment breathe in YAA exhale HUHI

Now allow the greenlight energy to descend 2 inchs from your navel area to your latifa, concentrate on that spot for a moment breathe in YAA exhale HUHI

Now allow the greenlight energy to split again into two and direct it down to both thighs to your knees, down to your legs into both feet feel it in your toes.

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Diagram 4

Concentrate for a moment breathe in YAA exhale HUHINow let your whole aura glow brightly like a sparkler emitting the greenlight of HUHI lettingIt glow brighter and brighter commune with the creative force of will Know to Pure Sufi’s as Huwa, and to Tamareans Egyptians as HUHI The creative force of will relax and let go freeing yourself of all the entrapments of the physical realm for this short span of time you can become on with The ALL ( Paa Faut)

If you performed this ritual correctly you will know what it is like to exercise total application of ones being. Study this wazifa pamphlet in great detail until you have committed the exercise to your memory . In the next pamphlet we will teach you how to form a dhikr, zikir, dhakur, circle how to position yourself in the circle dance steps and much more.

Since times of old the need to seek The Most High Alyun, Alyun, AL or HUHI by way of sound Has been passed on to later generations therefore, The recitation of scriptures, scrolls, and tablets which is one of the sacred texts which was revealed to Muhammad is likened unto a tree. The root of this great tree is the the method is invoke by chanters of all kinds which is correct Pronounciation and Intonation Gaurded By The faithful Of Many Sufi Orders, Tamarean Orders, as well as The Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek Hebrews 5:6

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Various forms of Wuzufu

The nuwaupik word wuzufu means assignment, duty, or daily ration and is commonly used to describe the sufi practice of focusing ones attention, by the means of recitation or chanting. Wuzufu or Dhakur, Dhikr, Zikir can be performed with prayer beads Kharuzaat while walking, in meditation or standing in one place chanting the sacred tones of Huwa, Hu, HUHI, walking while reciting was common practice attributed to The Prophet Muhammad P.b.u.h. He would walk while Dhikring the 100 Names of Allah, Huwa. This practice was passed down to many Sufi Orders of Ancient times and of today.

This is one of many Sacred Chants which were used by the Elders

YAA HUHI KALUN PAA RAZUG PAA RAHUM-MULOh Creative force of will the provider the merciful

Sufi Orders worldwide chant vigorously until there is complete unison heard amongst them elevating there fellow muttasawaff to greater heights communing with the spiritual realm called maalakuwt, known to Ancient Tamareans as the Adode of ATUN-RE.

Do not misuse the teachings of Wuzufu the kamatian science of sound healing for if misused it could be very detrimental to your very soul for if performed correctly it can open the doors to the realm of the unseen AL Gaby, Also endow one with the ability to heal by touch.

Ques: Is it unlawful to sing, chant, Dhikr, or Dhakur The Name of El Eloh, Huwa Allah? You may have heard it is unlawful or Haraam by many muslims to sing and chant the name of Allah however this isn’t the truth. Ans: No it’s lawful to chant or sing the names of The Most high Allah, Huwa, Huhi for the very word Dhikr remembrance steems from the root Arabic word Dhakara both have been translated to mean remember.

Al Quran 114 Books Of Ahmad Muhammad 39:22

Woe to those whose hearts are hard against the Remembrance of Allah. Those of you are in clear error.

Ques: How many forms of Dhakur are there? Ans: You have two forms of Dhikr or Dhakur one is called Dhakur Jaluy which is performed aloud and the other is called Dhakur Khafuy which is performed to ones self said silently, Then you have the Dhakur circle where a neb or murud assigns a tone for all

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fellow Mutasawwifa to chant over long periods of time which may take on several different forms , thru proper breathing while chanting and performing dhkir can transform ones being, replenish your cells, tissues, revitalize organs in the body, the mind and awaken latent powers within ones being.

Dhikr Jaliy perfomed in the dhikr circle

1. In this book you were given an exercise to help you to learn how to totally concentrate on what you are doing in order to better particapte in a dhikr, dhakur, zikir circle.

2. You were given a command etame’u or jamu that the neb or shuyuwk uses when directing the kamatians to form a circle.

3. You were given certain rules to follow once in a circle so as to ensure complete order because coorperation is essential in helping to create a harmonious invigorating and blissful union between your fellow kamatians in the circle. You were taught you must listen, concentrate, and breathe as to apply yourself fully to what you are doing.

4. Lastly you were taught that you must be properly dressed when attending a dhikr, Dhakur, or zikir circle. (tradition African attire, prayer beads.

How to postion yourself for a dhikir circle?

In this pamphlet you will learn the correct positioning for a dhikr circle . The etiquette that should be followed while in a circle, and the chant , dance steps to study and learn.

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1. Never attend a dhikir circle drunk or high under the influence of any types of drugs, alcohol, or otherwise. There are two words you should come to know which are in relation to being intoxicated or drunk. 1. Sakira to become drunk . 2. Khamr to cover or block, intoxicate. Torah ( 5 Books of Moses ) Leviticus

Do not drink wine nor strong frink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, Lest you die; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generation: And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean.


Sūra 4: Nisāa, or The WomenSection 7 (43-50)

43. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la taqraboo alssalata waantum sukara hatta taAAlamoo ma taqooloona wala junuban illa AAabiree sabeelin hatta taghtasiloo wa-in kuntum marda aw AAala safarin aw jaa ahadun minkum mina algha-iti aw lamastumu alnnisaa falam tajidoo maan fatayammamoo saAAeedan tayyiban faimsahoo biwujoohikum waaydeekum inna Allaha kana AAafuwwan ghafooran

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43. O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say,- nor in a state of ceremonial impurity (Except when travelling on the road), until after washing your whole body. If ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For God doth blot out sins and forgive again and again.

In order for a person or persons to worship ( salaat) Ashutaat or participate in spiritual rituals he or she must be fully aware of what they are doing, whats being said, for you don’t know if your calling upon agreeable or disagreeable forces when your chanting the tones in Arabic or nuwaupik.

The word khamr means to cover over, or to become intoxicated. This is what happens when you become drunk, you loose your ability to use sound right reasoning correctly because your senses have been covered over.


90. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo innama alkhamru waalmaysiru waal-ansabu waal-azlamu rijsun min AAamali alshshaytani faijtaniboohu laAAallakum tuflihoona

90. O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.

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91. Innama yureedu alshshaytanu an yooqiAAa baynakumu alAAadawata waalbaghdaa fee alkhamri waalmaysiri wayasuddakum AAan thikri Allahi waAAani alssalati fahal antum muntahoona

91. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?

HUWA most glorified and exalted shows you in al quran 2:219 can be a benefit manfa’a meaning useful, beneficial a good provision. Note that the plural form of it is used in al quran 2: 219 manaafe.

AL QURAN 2:219 translated by: Abdullah yusef ali

219. Yas-aloonaka AAani alkhamri waalmaysiri qul feehima ithmun kabeerun wamanafiAAu lilnnasi wa-ithmuhuma akbaru min nafAAihima wayas-aloonaka matha yunfiqoona quli alAAafwa kathalika yubayyinu Allahu lakumu al-ayati laAAallakum tatafakkaroona

219. They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth God Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider-

Keep in mind that being intoxicated is considered MUDIRR meaning a form of harmful amusement, for you are distracted from your remembrance dhikr of the mosthigh and the heavenly ones, it must be stressed that you should at all if you can stay away from any forms of intoxicants such as white sugar, theobromine-found in chocolates, drugs, coffee, and candy if you are striving to be a kamatian and evelate above the earthly realm and become one again with the spiritual realm and the entire kuwn’aat kosmos.

2. The dances you will take part in are not folk dances. They are meaningful dances that have been performed since ancient times in old nubia Egypt in which divine names of HUWA, HU, HUHI, most glorified and exalted are recited over and over again in an effort to impress the sacred names and attributes

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of the source upon each person dancing in the Dhikir, dhakur, circle.

The 100 attributes of Allah, Huwa, Hu, Huhi

Name/TransliterationTranslation Some selected relevant

verses from the Qur'an

ALLÂH Allâh (1:1)(3:18)(5:109)(6:124)(7:180)(8:40)(16:91)(20:8)(57:5)(65:3)(74:56)(85:20)


The Most Compassionate, The BeneficentThe Gracious

(1:3)(17:110)(19:58)(21:112)(27:30)(36:52)(50:33)(55:1)(59:22) (78:38)

AL-RAHÎM The Merciful(2:163)(3:31)(4:100)(5:3)(5:98)(11:41)(12:53)(12:64)(26:9)(30:5)(36:58)

AL-MALIK The King (20:114)(23:116)(59:23)(62:1)(114:2)

AL-QUDDÛS The Most Holy (59:23) (62:1)

As-SALÂMThe All-Peaceful, The Bestower of


AL-MU'MIN The Granter of security


AL-MUHAYMIN The Protector (59:23)

AL-'AZÎZ The Mighty(3:6) (4:158) (9:40) (9:71) (48:7) (59:23) (61:1)

AL-JABBÂR The Compeller (59:23)

AL-MUTAKABBIRSupreme in Greatness, The Majestic


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AL-KHÂLIQ The Creator (6:102) (13:16) (39:62)(40:62)(59:24)

AL-BÂRI' The Maker (59:24)

AL-MUSAWWIRThe Bestower of

form, The Shaper


AL-GAFFÂR The Forgiver (20:82)(38:66)(39:5)(40:42)(71:10)

AL-QAHHÂR The Subduer (13:16)(14:48)(38:65)(39:4)(40:16)

AL-WAHHÂB The Bestower (3:8)(38:9)(38:35)

AR-RAZZÂQ The Provider (51:58)

AL-FATTÂH The Opener, The Judge


AL-'ALÎM The All-Knowing(2:158)(3:92)(4:35)(24:41)(33:40) (35:38)(57:6)

AL-QÂBID The Withholder (2:245)

AL-BÂSIT The Expander (2:245)

AL-KHÂFID The Abaser  

AL-RÂFI' The Exalter   

AL-MU'IZZ The Bestower of honour


AL-MUDHILL The Humiliator (3:26)

AL-SAMÎ' The All-Hearing (2:127) (2:137) (2:256) (8:17) (49:1)

AL-BASÎR The All-Seeing (4:58) (17:1) (42:11) (42:27) (57:4) (67:19)

AL-HAKAM The Judge (22:69)

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AL-'ADL The Just, The Equitable


AL-LATÎF The Gentle, The

Knower of subtleties

(6:103) (22:63) (31:16) (33:34) (67:14)

AL-KHABÎR The All-Aware  (6:18) (17:30) (49:13) (59:18) (63:11)

AL-HALÎM The Forbearing (2:225) (2:235) (17:44) (22:59) (35:41)


Incomparably Great

(2:255) (42:4) (56:96)

AL-GAFÛR The Forgiving (2:173) (8:69) (16:110) (41:32) (60:7)

ASH-SHAKÛR The Appreciative (35:30) (35:34) (42:23) (64:17)

AL-'ALIYY The Most High (2:255) (4:34) (31:30) (42:4) (42:51)

AL-KABÎR The Most Great (13:9) (22:62) (31:30) (34:23) (40:12)

AL-HAFÎZ The Preserver (11:57) (34:21) (42:6)

AL-MUGHÎTH The Sustainer  

AL-HASÎB The Reckoner (4:6) (4:86) (33:39)

AL-JALÎL The Majestic, The

Revered, The Sublime


AL-KARÎM The Generous (27:40) (82:6)

AL-RAQÎB The Watchful (4:1) (5:117)

AL-MUJÎB The Responsive (11:61)

AL-WÂSI' The All-Encompassing,

The All-

(2:115) (2:261) (2:268) (3:73) (5:54)

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AL-HAKÎM The Wise(2:129) (2:260) (31:27) (46:2) (57:1) (66:2)

AL-WADÛD The Loving One  (11:90) (85:14)

AL-MAJÎDThe Most Glorious


AL-BÂ'ITH The Resurrector (22:7)page 35

ASH-SHAHÎD The Witness (4:79)(4:166)(22:17)(41:53)(48:28)

AL-HAQQ The Truth (6:62)(22:6)(23:116)(31:30)


The Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of


(3:173) (4:171) (28:28) (33:3) (73:9)

AL-QAWIYY The Most Strong (22:40)(22:74)(42:19)(57:25)(58:21)

AL-MATÎNThe Firm One,

The Authoritative(51:58)

AL-WALIYY The Protector (3:68) (4:45) (7:196) (42:28) (45:19)

AL-HAMÎD The All-Praised, The Praiseworthy

(14:1) (14:8) (31:12) (31:26) (41:42)

AL-MUHSÎ The Reckoner  

AL-MUBDI' The Originator (10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)

AL-MU'ÎDThe Restorer to


AL-MUHYÎ The Giver of life (3:156) (7:158) (15:23)(30:50)(57:2)

AL-MUMÎT The Causer of (3:156) (7:158) (15:23) (57:2)

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AL-HAYY The Ever-Living (2:255)(3:2)(20:111)(25:58)(40:65)

AL-QAYYÛMThe Self-Existing

by Whom all subsist

(2:255) (3:2) (20:111)

AL-WÂJID The Self-

Sufficient, The All-Perceiving


AL-MÂJID The Glorified  

AL-WÂHID The One (2:163) (5:73) (9:31) (18:110) (37:4)

AL-SAMAD The Eternally Besought


AL-QÂDIRThe Omnipotent,

The Able(6:65) (36:81) (46:33) (75:40) (86:8)

AL-MUQTADIR The Powerful (18:45) (54:42) (54:55)

AL-MUQADDIM The Expediter  

AL- MU'AKHKHIR The Delayer (71:4)

AL-AWWAL The First (57:3)

AL-ÂKHIR The Last (57:3)

AZ-ZÂHIR The Manifest (57:3)

AL-BÂTIN The Hidden  (57:3)

AL-WÂLÎ The Governor, The Protector


AL-MUTA'ÂLÎ The Most Exalted (13:9)

AL-BARR The Benign, The (52:28)

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Source of All-Goodness

AL-TAWWÂB The Granter and

Accepter of repentence

(2:37) (2:128) (4:64) (49:12) (110:3)

AL- MUNTAQIM The Lord of

Retribution, The Avenger

(32:22) (43:41) (44:16)

AL-'AFUWW The Pardoner (4:99) (4:149) (22:60)

AL-RA'ÛFThe Most Kind, The Clement

(3:30) (9:117) (57:9) (59:10)

MÂLIK-UL-MULKOwner of the



Possessor of Majesty and

Honour (55:27) (55:78)

AL-MUQSIT The Just, The Equitable


AL-JÂME' The Gatherer (3:9)

AL-GHANIYY The All-Sufficient (2:263) (3:97) (39:7) (47:38) (57:24)

AL-MUGHNÎ The Enricher (9:28)

AL-MÂNI' The Preventer of harm


AD-DÂRR The Afflicter  

AL-NÂFI' The Benefiter  

AL-NÛR The Light (24:35)

AL-HÂDÎ The Guide  (25:31)

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AL-BADÎ' The Originator (2:117) (6:101)

AL-BÂQÎ The Everlasting (55:27)

AL-WÂRITHThe Ultimate


AL-RASHÎD The Guide  

AL-SABÛR The Patient One

The 100th attribute of allah is Huwa He who is who he is! Huwa is the source of all things in the universe great and small, seen, unseen, he is none of them, they are all of him; the omnipresent, everywhere present, the omnipotent, all powerful, omniscient, all knowing!

Sūra 112: Ikhlāṣ, or Purity (of Faith)

Section 1 (1-4)

1. Qul huwa Allahu ahadun

1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

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2. Allahu alssamadu

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. Lam yalid walam yooladu

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. Walam yakun lahu kufuwan ahadun  

4. And there is none like unto Him.

In the 100th name Huwa is all the power; if recited everyday it will open your 1. Heart 2. Mind 3. Way to paradise, THE FOLLOWING DHIKIR IS USED IN SUFI CIRCLES AROUND THE WORLD.

The Music of dhakur, dhikr is symbolic to that of the sound of creation, for each of the 99 names of Huwa, Huhi most glorified and exalted are presented in one of the 118 plus elements creation on the elemental chart which ties into the 100 names of Pa neteru, Pa Nazdiru, Refer to parchment # 1 the power of the ancients and their attributes and elements by: Haru hotep tar of the journey home group.

Group → 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

↓ Period



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Li Be B C N O F Ne















































* 72Hf

















** 104Rf















Q. what is dhakur or dhikr? A. it is a system of remembrance where you call upon and chant the names of the source huwa, huhi, and the 100 pa neteru, nazdiru in a sequence of tones there by invoking the presence of these heavenly host whom are known as the guardians your ancient ancestors called by many names such as pa khemenu, pa khaibetu, pa nazdiru of ancient tamare whom have been known by other titles through religious texts in the torah as the elohiym, in the quran as the allahumma, to dogons of mali as the nommos, to Sumerians as the annunaqi, to native Americans as kachina to name a few.

Q. Are you saying through dhakur, dhikr a link can be made to higher worlds or planes beyond the physical realm? A. yes a link can be made to the realm of malakuwt, the abode known to kamatian as atun-re the domain you will go to after the physical life on tah ( earth ).

Q. what are the other realms that you speak of neb? A. 1. Is what was and is before the creation. Holy tablets 1:1: 14 original or primary creation primaries from primus, first. Before the lightest atom ( atum ) hydrogen energies existed as a form of gases nine levels of them from quarks, to biaps to zedes, zeles, referred to as sub-atomic energy, before weight sum of any weight registering as nothingness, yet existing. Being lighter than the first form of existence hydrogen. 2. Secondary or evolutionary creation, the

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evolving of existence from density to matter to cells, to organism, to bodies. 3. Tertiary teriarius, from tertius, 3rd or ghostational creation, the breath of life, the living soul, the existing conscious being.

The omnipotent force of the kosmos then created three dimensions. The first pa awwal, which is before creation. The second: pa dunya, which is the physical world, the body, and the third: pa Aakhir the hereafter the last. You are locked within these three dimensions and until you learn how to go to the other side, which is the 4th dimension or the plane of force, you will be trapped here in the physical world. Only when you succeed in reaching the other side will you be able to scale the heavens. In scaling the heavens, you will be able to reach the plane from which you were created in the beginning. The sufi tries to reach this side by way of dhikr in nuwaupik known as dhakur ( pronounced thakur) which is remembrance of the omnipotent. The music of dhikr or dhakur is symbolic of the sound of creation, for the 99 names of the omnipotent are represented in each on of the 99 elements. All things are created in tones and octaves of energy, and of vibrations, just ass there are octaves of musical notes and tones. Between 4th and 15th octaves, the normal ear can hear sound. The one whose heart and mind is open can sometimes hear up to the 19th octave. Between the 25th and 35th octaves of heat are generated. The 49th octave produceslight. kosmic rays manifest when energy increases between 72nd and 84th octave level. And beyond the kosmic rays octave which produce emotional and mental waves up to the sound of huwa which is the pure greenlight of energy, the source of true life. This continues up to the 99th octave which represents the omnipotents names and coincides with the 99 elements in nature. ( Neteru ) the heart beats up to the rhythm of the kosmos, therefore, the perfect man or woman is the one whose heart is in tune with the omnipotent. Dhkir is the spiritual technique of the sufi, but always under the guidance of the spiritual guide, murshid, neb master who alone ca grant the right to invoke the names of the ominipotent in a systematic fashion for the ceremonies are based upon sacred formulas which illuminate in a collective ecstasy, always perfectly controlled. Regular invocation of a name of the omnipotent without the murshids permission, whoever only serves to show that the desire of the ego and the sin and pride, and no positive results can be achieved on such a basis.

In closing unless one mentions the names of the omnipotent with an honest tongue, a sincere hear, he or she will not be given an pa nuwr in nuwaupik called nawur, which enters the heart and then is absorbed and dispersed to the rest of the body. pa nuwr or pa nawur is but a manifestation of the essence of the almighty and the essence of the almighty called el dhaat. This essence signifies that by which he is what he is, whatever it may be. pa dhaat is possessed by dhew which is masculine. Dhew is huwa which is he. Huwa is the presentation and what is being presented is the spirit from which comes the soul which is the spirit from which comes the soul which is the

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spirit without personality or I anaa. Huwa is hu which is he and wa which is and together they mean he and whatever else or whatever he has brought into existence in ancient tamari huwa was referred to as huhi the creative force of will.

HUWA is the breath; the very breath which man breathes, air, boundless. This root can be found in the arabic word Hawaa, meaning air, atmosphere, wind, weather, climate, and also from the arabic word Hawan meaning loved.Sacred Records of ATUM-RE Chapter 1 Pa Haadur The Coming

296. In Egypt Huhi, Which is Hu, Or Huwa was considered the personification of the utterance, with which the creator Ptah, Tah who was regarded as creator of the physical world and deity of technology, did it’s work.

297. Hu, Huhi, Huwa, was the utterance or tone, the vibration and pulsation of existence and that which comes to existence within the sacred breathe.

298. Those things made. That manifest within creation true growth. Huhi is that tone from which the Creator calls things into being, with Hika and Sia.

299. The original triad of Ptah, Hika, and Sia. Huhi is one of the creative forces of will that constantly accompanies Re, Ra the Sun deity, the source of life the provider of sustenance in this world, the eternal.

In essence wuzufu the kamatian science of sound healing represents a profound course of spiritual development , transformation, and growth of ones inner being as well the ability to heal ones physical body by raising your vibratory rate. A point for you to re-member a kamatian in the world but not of it, meaning that he or she lives in the world but seeks not the gloryof the things in it.

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NEB ASAR nyansapo

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