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WSO2 Stratos2:All-in-One Cloud Platform

Lakmal Warusawithana(Software Architect)

Damitha Kumarage(Senior technical lead)

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We start the session with a use case scenario where benefits of moving your applications to Cloud with Stratos2 highlighted

Then we investigate how Stratos2 architectured to provide cloud-native properties like auto-scaling, distributed-dynamically wired, multi-tenant, support self-service, granularly billed and metered and incrementally deployed

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Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

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Elastic Load Balancer










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Don’t worry, Let’s learn by example

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We are a large scale car manufacturing company

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We have a problem !!!

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Our dealers have their own websites to promote and sell - cars - spare parts But these sites don’t capture all our requirements - don’t contain comprehensive part lists - no uptodate price lists - do not effectively launch our promotions - often contain wrong information related to - No proper handling of seasonal

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Host own multi-tenanted web site for dealers. Our tenants are our dealers

Deploy the application in a private PaaS

Use Stratos2

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What we need?

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IaaS to run Stratos2 A devops team to maintain deploy and maintain Stratos2(outsource?) Development team to develop application

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DevOps Tasks Setup IaaS(Openstack, vCloud, EC2)

Install Puppet Master

Customize Stratos2 puppet manifests

Let there be Stratos2

Let there be an WSO2 application server(AS)


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Cartridge Developer Tasks Develop any custom cartridges required

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Application Developer Tasks Develop application for app server

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Tenant(dealer) Tasks

Subscribe to Stratos2 application server cartridge

Deploy the application

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UI for tenant

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UI for tenant

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CLI for tenant

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Wait …

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Does each dealer has separate web application or are they sharing the same


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AS is a multi-tenant cartridge

Each tenant get a completely isolated AS environment

Each user has his own zcar application

running in a AS cluster

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OK who handle security?

Who handle load?

Who take backups?

Who handle whole lot of other issues that a enterprise application developer(

developers) need to worry about?

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That’s why you choose Stratos2 is car business

They just know about cars

So let them concentrate on their car app

Rest is Stratos2

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Got the picture?

Ok let’s see what happen underneath

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Stratos2 Core Components

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Stratos 2.0

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Understanding the Stratos2 Controller

Cloud Controller(CC): using jclouds creates/removes VM or LXC instances, based on input from ELB Elastic Load Balancer(ELB): distributes requests to the correct instances, based on tenant and load balance, including rewriting URLs Artifact Distribution Coordinator(ADC): takes complete applications and breaks into per-instance components, which are then loaded into instances by Deployment Synchronizer

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Understanding the Stratos2 Controller

Deployment Synchronizer: checks out the right code for an Instance Management Console: allows control of all this by either Web UI or interactive command-line tooling Load Monitor: takes information on load from multiple sources

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Tenant-aware ELB

• Fail-over, auto-scaling and multi-tenancy • Single load balancer route incoming requests to clusters of different services in a tenant-aware manner • IaaS independent elasticity Simple textual configuration language

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Tenant-aware ELB

Private Jet Mode for tenants Some tenants load to deploy in a single tenant mode Allocate entire service clusters for tenants • Cloud Bursting to hybrid clouds

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Cloud Controller

Heart of Stratos 2.0 Foundation Is acting as a bridge between application level and IaaS level via Jclouds API. Enables your system to scale across multiple IaaS providers Is the central location where the service topology resides

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Cloud Controller

Responsible for sharing the service topology among Stratos 2.0 core services Supports hot update and deployment of its configuration files Currently support AWS EC2 IaaS provider, Openstack Nova IaaS provider and vCloud IaaS provider Enables cloud burst your system across multiple IaaS providers.

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Stratos2 Core Services

• The Stratos Core Services provide essential capabilities to applications running in Stratos2 Cartridges

– Logging-as-a-Service – Data-as-a-Service (MySQL and Cassandra) – Identity-as-a-Service – Registry/Repository (for metadata and config) – Billing and Metering – Storage as a Service(Relational, NoSQL)

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Identity Server / Service

• Each tenant is identified by the @tenant-domain • Each tenant admin can choose to manage their tenants user

store either within the Stratos-internal LDAP store or using an external LDAP

• Bulk import • Each tenant user has a OpenId/Infocard as well as SAML2

tokens – Single-signon – Single-Signoff is also supported

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Identity Server / Service

• SAML2 is used across the Stratos deployment to ensure a smooth transition (single sign-on) between Stratos services

– SAML2 is also available as sign-on for webapps, gadgets

and other user-deployed content

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Stratos2 Cartridges

• A component which can be plugged into Stratos, so that it can use Stratos core services of the Foundation Layer

• Cloud-aware platform environment extending legacy

technologies into the cloud and delivering cloud benefits • Stratos operations teams may create custom cartridges and

host any application, container, or framework in a Stratos Cloud. (Eg: A custom cartridge to bring cloud characteristics to IBM Websphere Application Server, IBM WebSphere ESB, Oracle WebLogic, or JBoss SOA Platform)

• Single tenant or multi-tenanted • Process level isolation and instance-level dedicated tenancy

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Stratos2 Cartridges

• A cartridge is a package of code/configuration that plugs into Stratos 2 to offer a new PaaS Service

– e.g. Carbon ESB cartridge plugs in to provide a Stratos ESB-

as-a-Service – PHP Cartridge plugs in to provide PHP-as-a-Service

• A cartridge is a VM image plus config – In Stratos 2 you need a VM Image per IaaS – e.g. need to create both EC2 and LXC image to use on both


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Stratos2 Cartridges

– A runtime that may (or may not) be optimized to use

Stratos Core Services – e.g. Logging, Authn/Authz, Billing and Metering, Registry-

based Config – Plus a simple script to deploy code or artifacts

• Stratos takes care of: – Spawning instances – Load-balancing and URL Mapping – Autoscaling

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User Roles involved in Cartridge Architecture

• Cartridge Creator – Understands the cartridge domain (e.g. PHP) plus Cartridge

SPI – Creates image and configs (including for different IaaS)

• Cartridge Deployer (Stratos Admin/DevOps) – Registers cartridge with Stratos

• Cartridge Subscriber(Tenant Admin) – Subscribes to the cartridge with Scaling parameters Other resources such as persistent file system / DB

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User Roles involved in Cartridge Architecture

• Cartridge Users – Per-tenant users or developers – Access deployed applications – Upload applications to the cartridge (optional)

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Custom Domain Mapping

• A tenant can have two types of domains for his applications Sub Domain Own Domain

• Suppose that a tenant is going to subscribe to an application

called xmotors • Then his sub domain url would be • If the own domain he provide is then his own domain url would be

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OK now let’s go step further with our example

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New Problem

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Some of the dealers are reluctant to go with the new system because they need some added functionality specific to their region, which is already provided by their existing application Their old system is written in PHP and use database mysql They want part of their old system still accessible to their clients

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Introduce tenant specific php and mysql cartridges

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PHP cartridge that ship with Stratos2 is a single-tenanted cartridge MySQL cartridge is also a single tenanted data cartridge that ship with Stratos2

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Customize php cartridge and mysql cartridge puppet manifests Let there be PHP and MySQL cartridges Subscribe the tenant for these cartridges Upload the dealer apps

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What if dealer specific app is written in Python. Stratos2 does not ship a Python cartridge yet !!!

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Simple. Create your own python cartridge. You just need add a new puppet manifest for Python. Rest is for Stratos2. Your cartridge will be dynamically added to Stratos2.

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Stratos 2.0 Beta1 Released Stratos 2.0 Beta Soon Stratos 2.0 available Q1 2013 –Including PHP, MySQL, WSO2 service Cartridges

–Other cartridges will follow

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