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Page 1: World War II

World War II

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The Road to War

I. GermanyA. Hitler rises to power because

of the harsh treatment of the Treaty of Versailles

What types of things did Hitler say to appeal to the German people?

2:11, 7:23

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Hitler began to break parts of the Treaty of Versailles and takes over Poland in 1939

Russia (USSR), who has made a treaty w/ Germany, takes over another section of Poland and the Baltic countries

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B. The US stays neutral & isolationist for the first two years as Germany defeats France and most of Europe.

Hitler is poised to invade Britain with bombing and U-Boats (subs) before the US enters the war

Why wouldn’t the US want to enter the war?

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C. Hitler's Folly - Hitler breaks the Russian treaty in 1941 and attacks the USSR in the East to gain the oil fields.

This opens up a two front war for Germany.

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D. The US helps Great Britain more and more. Even though we are officially isolationist Roosevelt wants us to enter the war.

When Britain can't pay for materials any more Roosevelt pushes through the Lend-Lease Act . We “loan” Britain war ships and supplies for military bases in the Caribbean (Bermuda).

Roosevelt says it is like "lending a garden hose to a next-door neighbor whose house was on fire."

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II. Japan

 A. Japan is controlled by generals and becomes militaristic. They want to control Asia economically and politically.

In search for natural resources they invade Manchuria (China) - The US won't recognize Japanese gains and imposes an embargo on exports of oil and steel to Japan. Tensions rise because Japan needs oil and steel.

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B. The US and Japan are negotiating when Japan attacks Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7th 1941. The attack destroys almost all of the Pacific fleet and kills many Americans. Roosevelt calls it "a day that will live in infamy."

 C. Japan declares war on the

US. Germany honors its treaty w/ Japan and declares war on the US.

The US can no longer be isolationist - The US declares war on Germany and Japan - It becomes a World War.

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Sides and Strategies

The Allies: Britain, Soviet Union, & the US (France)

The Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, & Japan - All Totalitarian regimes

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Strategies: Europe

The Allies’ Strategy in Europe - Defeat Hitler First - Most of the resources were put into Europe.

Germany’s Strategy in Europe: Defeat the USSR quickly and defeat Britain using bombs and U-boats before the US can enter the war. (Germany easily beat France in 1939.)

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Strategies: Pacific

The US Strategy in the Pacific - Island hopping - Attacking islands close to Japan and jumping over fortified islands and cutting off their supply lines.

Japan’s Strategy: After Pearl Harbor, Japan hopes to conquer Southeast Asia and the Pacific quickly

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Turning Points: Battles

A. El Alamein (Egypt) Germany was poised to take Egypt and the Suez Canal which would have given them access to the oil fields in the Middle East and even attack the USSR from the South, but the British defeat them in a desert battle (Operation Torch).

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B. Stalingrad (1942) - The Germans were bogged down in a house to house fight. The USSR eventually wins and prevents the Germans from taking the oil fields to the East. It is the turning point in the Eastern Front.

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C. Miracle of Midway (June 1942) - Outnumbered American forces defeated a Japanese force that was trying to take the Midway Islands, a jumping off place (airfields) to get to Hawaii. Japan lost its aircraft carriers and would be forced to fight a defensive war.

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D. Normandy, France (D-Day June 6th 1944) - The Allies land in German occupied France. There are heavy causalities for the US and its Allies, but the liberation of Western Europe begins.

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E. Iwo Jima & Okinawa (1945) - Though the Island Hopping victories are costly, American troops get closer to Japan – The Japanese soldiers fight heroically and many commit suicide rather than surrender

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F. The atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki (1945) - Facing the prospect of horrible casualties if the US invades Japan, Pres. Truman has the atomic bomb dropped on 2 Japanese cities. Many civilians are killed and Japanese leaders surrender to the US.

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US Minorities Serve in the War

Minority units in general suffered high casualty rates and won many medals for bravery

African Americans begin to push for desegregated society and fair hiring practices

During WWII Blacks served in segregated units and were assigned to non-combat roles.

They demanded and got combat roles.

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The Tuskegee Airmen served bravely in Europe.

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Asian Americans were treated with distrust but Japanese units served w/ distinction (Nisei regiments).

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Mexican Americans were not segregated and served well.

Native Americans – “Codetalkers” Navajo is an oral language, not a written language, so it was impossible for the Japanese to decode.

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A. Government and industry form a close relationship to retool and allocate resources. Rationing - People could only have so many

resources (gas, food etc.) so the rest could be directed to the war effort

War bonds and income tax financed the war Industry retooled for wartime production - Car

factories became tank and plane factories

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B. Human resources – People Power

Women move into previously all male jobs - This will continue after the war. Rosie the Riveter works in non-combat military roles and factories

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Minorities move into traditional white labor jobs. African-Americans move to northern industrial cities and push for equality, and many men enter the military.

Citizens volunteer in war effort

The draft is begun for military personnel – Selective Service Act.

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Entertainment industry pitched in by promoting nationalism through the USO & War Bond Drives.

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Government censorship reporting the war

Public morale and ad campaigns kept Americans focused on the war

Entertainment industry produced movies plays and shows that boosted morale and patriotic support - often portrayed the enemy in stereotypical ways

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Treatment of Japanese Americans

On the west coast there is a false belief that the Japanese Americans were helping the enemy. They were relocated to internment camps.

They lose all their possessions and the Supreme Court upholds the decision.

Many decades later the US apologizes and financial payments and an apology are given to the survivors.

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The conduct of countries during the war

A. Rules: The Geneva Convention - Tried to ensure the humane treatment of prisoners of war (POW) by establishing rules for nations to follow.

Japan did not follow these rules and was brutal to US prisoners of war.

Bataan Death March - US prisoners in the Philippines – thousands died.

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B. How a nation treats POW's often reflects the values and moral codes of a country (Japanese soldiers often committed suicide rather than be captured). Democracies tend to value people more so they usually treat prisoners of war better.

C. Treatment may also depend on how savage the war is - In Europe the rules of the Geneva Convention were usually followed but in the Pacific where the battles were more savage they usually were not

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D. The Holocaust

Often wars lead to genocide – The systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, political, religious, or cultural group. Germany developed the FINAL SOLUTION

Hitler and the Nazis believed in a superior master Aryan race (Blue eyed & blond hair) and sought to purify Germany and the world by getting rid of anyone they hated

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Who did they hate and why?

The Jews (Hitler said they caused the Great Depression w/greedy fiscal policies - Many Jews were involved w/ banking)

Poles, Slavs and Gypsies - Genetically inferior

Undesirables - Homosexuals, mentally ill & political dissidents (trouble makers). Not meant to live because they were physically or mentally inferior to the Aryan race

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Results of the Holocaust

Nuremberg trials after the war - Nazi's were convicted of war crimes (Some were put to death). Those convicted were not allowed to use “I was just following orders” as an excuse.

6 million Jews were killed. Due the holocaust there was increased pressure for a Jewish homeland in the Middle East (Israel)

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The World After the War

What is the United States’ position in the world after WWII?

With all the other world powers in ruins the US becomes a world power

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The World After the War

Japan was occupied by the US.Became a democracy and a strong ally of the


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The World After the War

The Soviet Union (Russia) occupied most of Eastern Europe, Central Europe & the Eastern part of Germany

Germany was partitioned into East and West

West Germany• American,

British & French sectors

• Independent Democracy

East Germany• Run by Soviets• Communist

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The World After the War

Europe was in ruins so the US launched the Marshall Plan - provided financial support to rebuild countries so they do not turn to Communism

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The World After the War

The United Nations was formed to prevent future wars…

…much like the League of Nations

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The World After the War

The split between the US and the Soviet Union brought on the Cold War which influenced world foreign affairs until the 1980's.

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