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World History I

World History IUnit Two Block Seven LectureAncient Hebrew civilizationMake sure that you are viewing this in Slide Show format. Click on Slide Show and push from beginning. Move through the presentation by pushing on the up and down arrows on your keyboardClick me

The Hebrews lived within the Fertile Crescent between Mesopotamia and Egypt in Canaan (modern day Israel). Located between the Mediterranean and Dead Sea/Jordan RiverDue to location, control of the area switches multiple timesThe most important city for the Hebrews is Jerusalem

Do the Hebrews have a location?Click me

Judaism is the worlds first monotheistic faithJudaism is based on the following principles The Ten Commandments The first code of moral and religious conduct The Torah The story and beliefs of the HebrewsEquality of all before the law of godThe belief of being judged on your deeds and not on your creed

Judaism, the religion of the HebrewsClick Here

Prophets are messengers of godThere are two major Hebrew prophets

Abraham - founder of Judaism who forms the covenant (contract) between Hebrews and god

Moses - leads of the Hebrews out of the Egyptian New Kingdom (the Exodus) and receives the Ten CommandmentsThe Hebrew Prophets Click Here

Two major events define the ancient HebrewsThe exile or Babylonian captivity (609 to 515 BCE/BC) The diaspora or scattering after a failed revolt against the Romans (73 AD)

The plight of the HebrewsClick Here

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