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Page 1: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

World World GeographyGeographyChapter 10Chapter 10

Section 2Section 2

Page 2: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Central America and the Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean


- Central America Central America was the home of was the home of the Maya – one the Maya – one of the great of the great Indian Indian civilizationscivilizations

Page 3: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Area later controlled by Spain, Mexico after - Area later controlled by Spain, Mexico after 1821, declare independence in 1823, become 1821, declare independence in 1823, become independent countries starting in 1830s.independent countries starting in 1830s.

Page 4: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Caribbean settled by Caribbean settled by Columbus beginning Columbus beginning in 1492, used Indians in 1492, used Indians as slaves, most die, as slaves, most die, Africans brought in to Africans brought in to replace themreplace them

Page 5: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Later Britain, Holland, France, and Denmark - Later Britain, Holland, France, and Denmark claim islands – all interested in the sugar tradeclaim islands – all interested in the sugar trade

Page 6: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Haiti first to win independence in 1804 – slaves - Haiti first to win independence in 1804 – slaves revolt against French, US pushed Spain out in revolt against French, US pushed Spain out in 1898, some islands still not independent1898, some islands still not independent

Page 7: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

CultureCulture- Central America Central America

mixes Spanish mixes Spanish and Indian and Indian elementselements

- Spanish language - Spanish language and religion have and religion have been attached to been attached to older Indian older Indian traditionstraditions

Page 8: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Caribbean is more diverse, includes many - Caribbean is more diverse, includes many different European, Indian, and African different European, Indian, and African influencesinfluences

Page 9: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- African part is most African part is most important – most important – most people are people are descendants of descendants of African slavesAfrican slaves

- Religions include Religions include Catholic, Protestant, Catholic, Protestant, Santeria, Voodoo, Santeria, Voodoo, and Rastafarianismand Rastafarianism

Page 10: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Most - Most common common languages languages are are Spanish, Spanish, French, French, and and English – a English – a little Dutch little Dutch and Danishand Danish

Page 11: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Economics and JobsEconomics and Jobs- Economy still based on agriculture - sugar Economy still based on agriculture - sugar

cane, bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, and cane, bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, and spicesspices

Page 12: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Panama important to - Panama important to trade because of the trade because of the Panama Canal – Panama Canal – cuts 15,000 miles off cuts 15,000 miles off a coast-to-coast tripa coast-to-coast trip

Page 13: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Most Central Americans live in rural areas – work Most Central Americans live in rural areas – work agricultural jobsagricultural jobs

- Plantation jobs do not pay well – most people are poorPlantation jobs do not pay well – most people are poor

- Many Caribbean people have moved to cities hoping to get - Many Caribbean people have moved to cities hoping to get a job working with tourists, most are unsuccessful and end a job working with tourists, most are unsuccessful and end up in crowded slumsup in crowded slums

Page 14: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Best Caribbean jobs - Best Caribbean jobs are working with are working with tourists in hotels, tourists in hotels, resorts, and resorts, and restaurantsrestaurants

Page 15: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the Chapter 10 Section 2 – Central America and the CaribbeanCaribbean

- Caribbean famous for - Caribbean famous for music – Reggae in music – Reggae in Jamaica, Calypso in Jamaica, Calypso in TrinidadTrinidad

Page 16: World Geography Chapter 10 Section 2. Central America and the Caribbean History -Central America was the home of the Maya – one of the great Indian civilizations.

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